Poslao: 12 Maj 2022 08:16
- A.R.Chafee.Jr.
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Avg 2018
- Poruke: 11362
Citat:Naravno da se ne radi dan prije operacije ali ako ti je skoro cijela vojska u području budućih vojnih operacija raspodjeljena u BTG i to minimum 6 mjeseci prije operacije, nije isto nego kada se to radi par tjedana ili koji mjesec prije operacija i to na određenom dijelu očekivane fronte.
Američki MEU se trenira šest meseci.
Citat:Koliko to utiče na zapovijedanje, pravodobnu koncentraciju artiljerije, pješadije i oklopa ostaje da se vidi.
Ideja je je da se utreniraju što više zajedno.
Citat:Ne znam da li je koncept dobar ili loš, premalo imam info da bi to mogao prosuditi.
Koncept je dobar (koristi se dugo, mnogo dugo), problem je izvođenje istog. Male jedinice, veze, mala logistika, malo izviđača.
Citat: Da li mi možeš dati primjer brojanja u BTG?
Operacija Serval, GTIA i SGTIA. Razni američki MEU, task force i slično.
Citat:Ne slažem se sa većinom
Narvno da se ne slažeš, al dobro, ti si ovde par stranice ranije samom sebi uskočio u usta.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 12 Maj 2022 08:29
- sremac983
- Legendarni građanin
- Neimar i savremeni farmer.
- Pridružio: 24 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 11740
- Gde živiš: U sremu voljenome...
- 16Ovo se svidja korisnicima: Bubili, VladaNS1978, Panter, raskoljnikov, proleter373, the zivotinja, upitnik, vukovi, Vatrogasaccc, brundo65, Kristian_KG, ssekir75, pericanet, Alibaba1981, zlaya011, Griffon vulture
Registruj se da bi pohvalio/la poruku!
Све што објаве САД, као нећемо одавати информације о генералима на терену, значи да су обавестили украјинце о томе...то су белосветска говна, којима је у интересу да се ово никад ане заврши, да они угуше ЕУ и да коначно иста купује од њих све...ево код нас су узели наше све изворе воде...најебали смо господо европејска, само изгледа да тога нисте ни свесни и још подржавате ту страну у рату...
Деца ће нам бити робље...изгледа да је она парола: Боље рат, него пакт, боље гроб него роб...истинита...
Свету треба један озбиљан ресет, по цену уништења људског рода...овако више не иде...
Poslao: 12 Maj 2022 08:34
- babaroga
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
- Poruke: 9235
- Gde živiš: pecina stroga
riva ::@Chafee
Ko govori o sekundama? I o brzinama formiranja jedinica.
Ja pričam o mjesecima, minimum 6, prije otpočinjanja operacija i o 170 btg
Po dostupnim podacima, BTG se formiraju u brigadama u miru, sa ciljem da se uvjezbava koncept.
BTG se formiraju od ugovoraca, i tako ucestvuju na vjezbama. Zato Sojgu govori o BTG u miru.
BTG nije zasebna formacija vec je i dalje formacijski u sastavu brigade, radi se samo o prepakivanju nizih jedinica brigade u namjenska pakovanja u skladu sa zadatkom.
Osnovu BTG cini borbeni bataljon, ili motorizovani ili oklopni, i onda mu se dodaju razne manje jedinice za podrsku, iskljucivo u skladu za zadatkom. Jedinice za podrsku mogu biti i borbene, npr moze mu se dodati oklopna ceta.
Kopnene brigade ruske armije imaju dva bataljona popunjena ugovorcima, i jedan regrutima, od borbenih bataljona. VDV, mornaricka pjesadija, i druge specijalizovane jedinice su svi ugovorci.
BTG je koncept upotrebe jedinice, nije formacija. I BTG bez podrske nije BTG. Koncept je na samostalnosti u dejstvu, i manevru, a to bataljon sam ne moze da ostvari, treba mu dodati artiljriju, PVO, inzinjeriju, logistiku, sve iz brigade.
Poslao: 12 Maj 2022 09:04
- Srle993
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 24 Nov 2021
- Poruke: 3364
Finska ce zvanicno zatraziti clanstvo u NATO i sta ce sada obzirom da je jos jerna 99% nato drzava na granici?
Ovaj rat i jeste zbog ukrajinskog clanstva u nato, a usput se cisti nacizam itd. Ovo je jako ozbiljan momenat, Rusija mora ozbiljan potez da napravi, a to bi bio priblizavanje Rusije ka SAD, sirenje ODKB ka drzavama juzne amerike. I da odkb preraste u mnogo ozbiljniju pricu nalik Varsavskom paktu, gde bi uclanili Iran, Siriju, Venecuelu, Kubu, Kinu itd.
Poslao: 12 Maj 2022 09:22
- Sim.a
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 29 Avg 2009
- Poruke: 3036
- Gde živiš: Zemlja čuda
Evo tekst u originalu da nam ne prepričavaju
+ Intelligence-sharing with Ukraine designed to prevent wider warIntelligence-sharing with Ukraine designed to prevent wider war
By Shane Harris and Dan Lamothe
The United States is sending billions of dollars in military equipment to Ukraine, including heavy artillery, drones and antitank missiles. Administration officials have publicly enumerated those contributions, practically down to the number of bullets. But they are far more cautious when describing another decisive contribution to Ukraine’s battlefield success: intelligence about the Russian military.
Information about the location and movements of Russian forces is flowing to Ukraine in real-time, and it includes satellite imagery and reporting gleaned from sensitive U.S. sources, according to U.S. and Ukrainian officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe the cooperation.
“The intelligence is very good. It tells us where the Russians are so that we can hit them,” one Ukrainian official said, using his finger to pantomime a bomb falling on its target.
The United States is not at war with Russia, and the assistance it provides is intended for Ukraine’s defense against an illegal invasion, Biden officials have stressed. But practically speaking, U.S. officials have limited control on how their Ukrainian beneficiaries use the military equipment and intelligence.
That risks provoking the Kremlin to retaliate against the United States and its allies, and heightens the threat of a direct conflict between the two nuclear powers.
The administration has drawn up guidance around intelligence-sharing that is calibrated to avoid heightening tensions between Washington and Moscow. Given to intelligence personnel at the working level, the guidance has placed two broad prohibitions on the kinds of information that the United States can share with Ukraine, officials said.
First, the United States cannot provide detailed information that would help Ukraine kill Russian leadership figures, such as the most senior military officers or ministers, officials said. Valery Gerasimov, the chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, and Sergei Shoigu, the defense minister, for example, would fall into that category.
This prohibition does not extend to Russian military officers, including generals, several of whom have died on the battlefield. But a senior defense official said that while the U.S. government is “self-limiting to strategic leadership on paper,” it also has chosen not to provide Ukraine location information for generals.
The United States is not “actively helping them kill generals of any kind,” the defense official said.
The second category of prohibited intelligence-sharing is any information that would help Ukraine attack Russian targets outside Ukraine’s borders, officials said. That rule is meant in part to keep the United States from becoming a party to attacks that Ukraine might launch inside Russia. Those concerns led the administration to halt earlier plans to provide fighter jets, supplied by Poland, which Ukraine could have used to launch attacks on Russian soil.
U.S. officials have not discouraged Ukraine from undertaking those operations on its own.
Ukraine should “do whatever is necessary to defend against Russian aggression,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a congressional panel last month. He added that “the tactics of this are their decisions.”
Blinken made his remarks after Ukrainian officials said unexplained fires and explosions against sensitive targets in Russia were justified, without claiming responsibility for them.
In addition to the restricted categories of intelligence-sharing, the United States has a rule against providing what officials call “targeting information” to Ukraine. The United States will not, officials said, tell Ukrainian forces that a particular Russian general has been spotted at a specific location, and then tell or help Ukraine to strike him.
But the United States would share information about the location of, say, command and control facilities — places where Russian senior officers often tend to be found — since it could aid Ukraine in its own defense, officials said. If Ukrainian commanders decided to strike the facility, that would be their call, and if a Russian general were killed in the attack, the United States wouldn’t have targeted him, officials said.
Not targeting Russian troops and locations but providing intelligence that Ukraine uses to help kill Russians may seem like a distinction without a difference. But legal experts said the definition of targeting provides meaningful legal and policy guidance that can help the United States demonstrate it is not a party to the conflict, even as it pours military equipment into Ukraine and turns on a fire hose of intelligence.
“If the U.S. were providing targeting information to a foreign party, and we’re closely involved in targeting decisions, we’re directing those forces and they’re acting as a proxy for us,” said Scott R. Anderson, a former State Department official who was the legal adviser for the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. “That might be seen as getting close to the line of actually attacking Russia, at which point Russia could arguably respond reciprocally.”
“Targeting intelligence is different from other kinds of intelligence-sharing for this reason,” added Anderson, who is now a fellow at the Brookings Institution.
Ukraine’s sinking of the Moskva, the flagship of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, illustrates how the United States can provide helpful intelligence that, however indirect, risks pulling the country deeper into the war.
In April, Ukraine spotted the vessel off its shores. Information provided by the United States helped to confirm its identity, according to officials familiar with the matter.
The United States routinely shares intelligence with Ukraine about Russian ships in the Black Sea, which have fired missiles at Ukraine and could be used to support an assault on cities such as Odessa, a senior defense official explained. But, the official stressed, that intelligence is not “specific targeting information on ships.” The information is intended to help Ukraine mount a defense. Ukrainian officials could have decided that, rather than strike the Moskva, they should make steps to fortify protections around Odessa or evacuate civilians.
“We did not provide Ukraine with specific targeting information for the Moskva,” Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said in a written statement. “We were not involved in the Ukrainians’ decision to strike the ship or in the operation they carried out. We had no prior knowledge of Ukraine’s intent to target the ship. The Ukrainians have their own intelligence capabilities to track and target Russian naval vessels, as they did in this case.”
But absent the intelligence from the United States, Ukraine would have struggled to target the warship with the confidence necessary to expend two valuable Neptune missiles, which were in short supply, according to people familiar with the strike.
The sinking of such an important vessel, and one that had the capability to defend itself against anti-ship missiles, was a humiliation for Russian President Vladimir Putin and one of Ukraine’s most dramatic successes in the war so far, analysts said. In keeping with the intelligence-sharing rules, which are designed to avoid escalating the conflict in Putin’s eyes, Biden administration officials repeatedly stressed they had not directly aided Ukraine in the attack.
On Friday, the day after The Washington Post and other news organizations revealed the U.S. role in the Moskva strike, Biden made separate calls to CIA Director William J. Burns, Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, a senior administration official said. The president made clear he was upset about the leaks and warned that they undermined the U.S. goal of helping Ukraine, the administration official said.
Paul Sonne, Ashley Parker and Tyler Pager contributed to this report.
Poslao: 12 Maj 2022 09:22
- Jovan Nenad
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Okt 2012
- Poruke: 2296
Srle993 ::Finska ce zvanicno zatraziti clanstvo u NATO i sta ce sada obzirom da je jos jerna 99% nato drzava na granici?
Ovaj rat i jeste zbog ukrajinskog clanstva u nato, a usput se cisti nacizam itd. Ovo je jako ozbiljan momenat, Rusija mora ozbiljan potez da napravi, a to bi bio priblizavanje Rusije ka SAD, sirenje ODKB ka drzavama juzne amerike. I da odkb preraste u mnogo ozbiljniju pricu nalik Varsavskom paktu, gde bi uclanili Iran, Siriju, Venecuelu, Kubu, Kinu itd.
Kada bi ODKB pristupili Iran, Sirija, Venecuela, Kina to bi u vojnom i političkom pogledu bila daleko ozbiljnija priča od Varšavskog pakta.
Poslao: 12 Maj 2022 09:31
- lord sir giga
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 01 Dec 2009
- Poruke: 2000
- Gde živiš: Borca Sebes gde obicno .......
Uf ala bi imali ameri o čemu da pričaju sila osovine sila zla se formirala daj te jos para za naoruzanja nemamo dovoljno da se branimo vidite koliko ih ima tek sad protiv SAD. Mislim da bi im realno to bila najveća noćna mora jos ako bi primili Brazil venecuela sudijsku arabiju od nafte za amere ne bi ostalo nista libija se podrazumeva a joj majko mila kakve crne slutnje za ameriku and Co.
Poslao: 12 Maj 2022 09:38
- Pridružio: 15 Mar 2022
- Poruke: 1471
Plus Irak, a Turska okrene kaput Vlažni snovi ali bilo bi definitivno zanimljivo
Poslao: 12 Maj 2022 09:42
- Jovan Nenad
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Okt 2012
- Poruke: 2296
lord sir giga ::^
Uf ala bi imali ameri o čemu da pričaju sila osovine sila zla se formirala daj te jos para za naoruzanja nemamo dovoljno da se branimo vidite koliko ih ima tek sad protiv SAD. Mislim da bi im realno to bila najveća noćna mora jos ako bi primili Brazil venecuela sudijsku arabiju od nafte za amere ne bi ostalo nista libija se podrazumeva a joj majko mila kakve crne slutnje za ameriku and Co.
U ovom momentu ne bih rekao da je tako nešto realno. Postoji niz prepreka za tako nešto, čak i međusobnih sporova da bi se forirao takav jedan vojnopolitički savez, koji pre svgea podrazumeva usaglašavanje politike i geostrateških ciljeva.
Možda u nekoj budućnosti (ne tako dalekoj) ko zna. Svakako, nakon rata u Ukrajini slede velika prestrojavanja na geopolitičkom planu. Verujem da ni koncept EU neće odloeti ovim prestrojavanjima.
Poslao: 12 Maj 2022 09:44
- S2M
- Legendarni građanin
- No pasarán – Sie kommen nicht durch
- Pridružio: 21 Nov 2009
- Poruke: 6556
Kako su mi fini ameri, sve oni nebi.Priča za malu djecu.