Specijalna operacija RF, LNR i DNR u Ukrajini


Specijalna operacija RF, LNR i DNR u Ukrajini

  • Pridružio: 17 Feb 2015
  • Poruke: 30
  • Gde živiš: Beograd


Alexander Mercouris - Najobjektivniji komentator sa engleskog govornog podrucija kojeg sam nasao do sada. Odlicna analiza ruskog nacina ratovanja!

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2019
  • Poruke: 1912

Brate Rambo tih "20.000" poginulih su samo Rusi. "Garant" ima još 5-6.000 Čečena, 2-3000 Abhaza, par stotina Jermena, Čerkesa, Baškira, Tatara....Ruska vojska će nestati, po tvom računu....

Jasno mi je ne voliš Ruse, ali ne mora taj sentiment baš iz svakog posta da izbija, nije zdravo.

  • Pridružio: 25 Dec 2016
  • Poruke: 2179

jazbar ::Hebote kako su navukli amerikanci i britanci Putina. Čovek poverovao propagandi zapadnih generala u penziji da mogu Rusi do Berlina za 2 dana. Da su u NATO sve pederi i žene... možda i jesu ali su svi zajedno ko jedan naoružali Ukrajice. Eto ode nam prvoborac kontra globalista i zato sam loše volje. Bojim se da Putin ne upotrebi nuklearno naoružanje, jer posle ovoga ko će više ozbiljno da shvata Ruse.

Vidim ja da su mediji uticali i na tebe. A kako i ne bi s' obzirom sta vam sve serviraju.

Ocekivao sam vise od tebe.

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 9315
  • Gde živiš: pecina stroga

Evoo procjena situacije oko Kijeva od strane americkog Institute for the Study of the War, sinoc u 10 navecer.

Da ne prevodim, desni klik na tekst, i dace gugle opciju da se prevede

Uglavnom, pojavili se Rusi kod Brovarija, sto je samo 20 km istocno od Kijeva. Nemaju pojma otkud su tu dosli, lamentiraju kako je na istoku manja naseljenost i ravan teren tezak za odbranu. Po procjenama ukrajinske komande radi se o 15 BTG plus 14 armijski korpus. Na zapadu Kijeva ukrajinci tvrde da su u borbama za Gostomelj 3. marta Rusi imali 50 mrtvih iz 31. desantne brigade iz Uljanovska. I tako dalje, i t d

Citat:Main effort—Kyiv axis: Russian operations on the Kyiv axis consist of a main effort aimed at enveloping and ultimately encircling the city from the west and supporting efforts along the Chernihiv and Sumy axes to encircle it from the northeast and east.

Russian forces are continuing their grinding effort to envelop Kyiv from the west, making limited gains but continuing to suffer notable setbacks. The Russians have been more successful in their advance on Kyiv from the east, especially on the axis from Sumy via Konotop and Nyzhin. The large concentration of Russian forces between the Dnipro and the Desna northeast of Kyiv has remained unable to take the town of Chernihiv or its crossings and has been less successful in efforts to advance directly on Kyiv itself.

Subordinate main effort along the west bank of the Dnipro

Russian forces have continued operations attempting to envelop and encircle Kyiv from the west using as many as 15 battalion tactical groups (BTGs) according to the Ukrainian General Staff.[1] Intense fighting for the town of Hostomel continued on March 3 after Russian forces apparently secured Antonov (Hostomel) airfield.[2] The Ukrainian General Staff confirmed on March 4 that Ukrainian Special Forces killed 50 soldiers belonging to the Russian 31st Airborne Brigade based at Ulyanovsk in fighting in Hostomel on March 3.[3] It is unclear whether those airborne troops attempted an airdrop or air assault or drove down, possibly with the long convoy previously reported. Russian attacks elsewhere in the vicinity appear to have culminated on March 4 with few Russian gains, and the Ukrainian General Staff claims that the Russian effort has “partially lost its offensive potential” after making limited gains.[4] Russian forces attempting the envelopment of Kyiv that had been driven west by Ukrainian counter-attacks on March 3 appear to have stalled and partially withdrawn.[5] Russian forces are unlikely to complete the encirclement of Kyiv on the west side without significant reinforcements as long as Ukrainian defenses continue to hold as they have done over the past few days.

Subordinate supporting effort—Chernihiv axis

Russian activity northeast of Kyiv was very limited over the past 24 hours as Russian forces are apparently focused on the Sumy axis rather than the Chernihiv axis.

Subordinate supporting effort—Sumy axis

The Sumy axis is currently the most successful and dangerous Russian avenue of advance on Kyiv. The Ukrainian General Staff reports that 14 BTGs of the Central Military District and the 14th Army Corps (of the Northern Fleet) are driving on the eastern Kyiv suburbs.[6] Social media reports indicate that Russian armored spearheads reached as far as Brovary, roughly 20 kilometers from the center of Kyiv as of March 4.[7]

Russian forces on this axis have likely come along two arterial highways running from Sumy via Romny and Priluky in the south and from Krolevets via Baturyn and Bobryk to the north. The terrain in that area is flat and sparsely populated, offering few good defensive positions. Ukrainian forces may not have contested the advance as determinedly on ground that favors a mechanized attacker as they have in the more built-up and congested areas west, northwest, and northeast of Kyiv. Russian forces at Brovary may also have come from the north, having bypassed Chernihiv in some way, as the most recent UK Ministry of Defense map suggests.[8] ISW has observed no definitive indicators of the route the forces in Brovary might have taken.

Russian forces arriving in the more densely populated eastern outskirts of the capital may begin to encounter the sorts of challenges that have slowed their comrades’ advances on the west bank of the Dnipro, depending on the strength and capability of Ukrainian forces attempting to defend on the east.

Russian forces on this axis can choose any of four main options once they have consolidated in or near their current frontline trace.

From Brovary, they could attempt to cross the Desna and reach the east bank of the Dnipro, possibly aiming to link up with Russian forces on the west bank via the bridge across Kyiv’s hydroelectric dam. They might attempt to seize the dam and/or damage or destroy its electrical generation or transmission facilities. They might also hope that such a maneuver will trap Ukrainian forces defending near Chernihiv;
They could bring up tube and rocket artillery in the eastern suburbs and begin to bombard Kyiv itself more heavily;
They could continue to drive southwest via Boryspil International Airport to reach the Dnipro south of Kyiv; and/or
They could attempt frontal assaults into and through Kyiv’s eastern outskirts to seize its bridges and then secure or destroy the government center on the west bank.
The Russians might attempt any or all of these operations in any combination depending on the amount of force they can concentrate at or near their current front-line trace. The rapid advance of Russian forces on this axis will likely slow, however, as Russian troops enter the more built-up and congested areas of eastern Kyiv and its suburbs.

  • VJ 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 16 Apr 2014
  • Poruke: 18787

  • Stručljak-Penal
  • Pridružio: 27 Avg 2018
  • Poruke: 11375

Cecenski_Rambo ::

Rusi imaju velike gubitke. Koliko samo napuštene i uništene tehnike a da ne pričam o 15-20.000 izbačenih iz stroja. Ne gine se bas momcima od 18-19 godina za neka sela ili gradove po Ukrajini.

Mene zanima kako si došao do ovakve brojek? Da li si te svestan koliko je logistik potrebno da se reši tolika količina izbačenih iz stroja?

  • Pridružio: 30 Apr 2017
  • Poruke: 62

+ citat

General Glanzkopf*, se slično kao i Zelenski sada, svo vreme sukoba niske intenzitete u Sloveniji skrivao u skloništu. Pre no što za nepuna dva meseca izgubi na izborima, kokodače i pravi se važan. Tek posebna smijurija je i Slovenački ministar odbrane, Kekec u pravom smislu reči.

*Janez Janša

  • Pridružio: 11 Dec 2016
  • Poruke: 2753
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Данас делује да је некакво затишје на већини фронтова осим неколико тачака где је жестоко клање.

По свему судећи жестоке борбе се и даље воде за Вознесењск северно од Николаева, значи већ други-трећи дан. Ако ту прсне отпор Украјинаца, мислим да ће Руси остварити одличан напредак даље ка западу до Придњестровља. Николаев је стабилно опкољен, Руси држе сва она села северно од њега укључујући и Баштанку где је руска колона настрадала првог дана напредовања у тој регији. Николаев је величине Мариупоља тако да не знам колико је реално очекивати да га Руси у скорије време заузму, али град је свакако неутрализован у војном смислу, Руси држе заобилазницу око њега и остале путне правце.

Не знам како је то магично Харков постао опкољен кад нисмо имали ниједну вест о заузимању места јужно од Харкова осим Балаклеје која је доста далеко. А изгледа да и Украјинци признају да је град опкољен. Велике борбе воде се за Изјум и околину, а снаге ЛНР су фактички пришли Славјанску и Краматорску са северо-истока. Ово је један од најбитнијих праваца напредовања јер може потпуно пореметити стабилне положаје ВСУ дуж старе линије фронта.

А код Запорожја изгледа да се и даље води битка за оно месташце Васиљевку, док Руси источно од ње напредују стабилно ка северу. Ако она падне могуће да ће Запорожје бити блокирано убрзо потом.

Значи у целој Украјини тренутно, кључне тачке отпора - Вознесењск, Изјум, Васиљевка. Пад сваке од њих отвара простор за велико напредовање у тој регији.

А нама ето десети дан рата. Много се ово одужило. Сада је јасно да неће бити готово чак ни месец дана од почетка рата.

  • Pridružio: 07 Maj 2020
  • Poruke: 836

A.R.Chafee.Jr. ::Cecenski_Rambo ::

Rusi imaju velike gubitke. Koliko samo napuštene i uništene tehnike a da ne pričam o 15-20.000 izbačenih iz stroja. Ne gine se bas momcima od 18-19 godina za neka sela ili gradove po Ukrajini.

Mene zanima kako si došao do ovakve brojek? Da li si te svestan koliko je logistik potrebno da se reši tolika količina izbačenih iz stroja?

@čečenski rambo
Kad si "naterao" Čafija da "brani" Ruse, onda znaj da si preterao "do balčaka".... Laughing Laughing

  • Pridružio: 25 Feb 2022
  • Poruke: 11

Mene zanima ako je planiran konvoj od 200k ljudi za evakuaciju kojiko će tu da bude vojnosposobnih muškaraca?

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