Vidim ali kazu da je azov a ne specijane jedinice UA. Moguce da je azov imao "bombasko" odeljenje a ova se "isticala" no svejedno kako clan azova moze uci u rusiju? Kako se unese ili nabavi mina (mrud je cesto prvi izbor za ovakve akcije)...nije ova sama sljakala ili je opasnija od dzems bonda.
"Statement of the "Azov" regiment regarding the terrorist attack against the daughter of the Russian propagandist Dugin.
The woman whose name and military ID that was published by the FSB in its report on the investigation of the terrorist attack against the daughter of the Russian propagandist Dugin has nothing to do with the "Azov" regiment and never belonged to our unit.
This so-called document, with which the Russian special services are trying to prove the involvement of "Azov" in blowing up Darya Dugina's car, is actually nothing more than another "business card of Yarosh". And the terrorist attack itself is a preparation for the "tribunal" over the people of Azov. In this way, Russia warms up the public opinion of its citizens regarding the "necessity" of such a court.
We categorically condemn this illegal trial of the Ukrainian military and call on everyone who has the power to stop it, to do everything possible so that this so-called "tribunal" does not take place."
„За храброст и самопожртвовање исказане приликом обављања професионалне дужности, наградити Орденом за храброст Дарју Александровну Дугину – дописника акционарског друштва 'Царград медија', град Москва (постхумно)“, наводи се у указу који је потписао председник Русије.
Sim.a ::E svašta će se ovde pročitati.
Koliko eksploziva ali bojevog ste vi postavili bilo gde a kamoli ispod sedišta u autu u gradu gde ima ljudi i policije.
Otkuda informacija da je bomba bila pod sjedistem?
Bile su priče na Tviteru da su Ukrajinci gađali antonovski most dok su radnici popravljali i da je bilo poginulih u ranjenih, kao i na skeli koja je prevozila ljude?
S obzirom da se ne vrte slike, pretpostavljam da je propaganda. Jel ispratio neko?