Evo jednog teksta koji je preneo jedan izuzetno kredibilni ruski telegram kanal, a tiče se upravljanjem KiS, o kojem smo danas vodili polemiku. Prvo ću postaviti originalan tekst, jer se na pojedinim delovima prevod zbunio:
Citat:Interesting piece by voenkorkotenok
It is no secret that the enemy is using AI and neural networks. The computer processes information and "highlights" troop concentrations via mobile signals, messengers, and phones - where vulnerable positions are. The AI identifies weak and strong positions, where to attack, and where it is better not to move. When all the moves have been calculated, all that remains is to make a decision.
An example - the Ukrainian generals did not accept the plan for a counter-offensive at Kharkov, they were against it. The handlers insisted on the plan, the Americans pushed it through. Contrary to the opinion of the AFU command, an order was given to attack Balakleya-Yuzum, etc. The Ukrainian army was unsure of this operation, it went on strike, it was a forced order. But the result worked, marched like a tank through the mud.
Ukraine uses western interactive maps where everything is completely marked - tank columns, the concentration of equipment, etc. Any chief of staff - brigade, regiment etc. - to exclude "friendly fire" makes online corrections and they do not have difficulties with passing as we do (but it does not always work)...
On AI, we are only under development for the military department. On interactive maps (not monitors for conference calls), there might be something somewhere, but we don't see it, we don't hear it at the operational level
+ prevodZanimljivo delo voenkorkotenok
Nije tajna da neprijatelj koristi AI i neuronske mreže. Kompjuter obrađuje informacije i „ističe“ koncentraciju trupa preko mobilnih signala, glasnika i telefona – tamo gde su ranjivi položaji. AI identifikuje slabe i jake pozicije, gde da napadne, a gde je bolje ne pomerati se. Kada su svi potezi sračunati, ostaje samo da se donese odluka.
Primer – ukrajinski generali nisu prihvatili plan za kontraofanzivu na Harkov, bili su protiv. Rukovaoci su insistirali na planu, Amerikanci su ga progurali. Suprotno mišljenju komande AFU, dato je naređenje da se napadne Balakleja-Juzum itd. Ukrajinska vojska nije bila sigurna u ovu operaciju, udarila je, bilo je to iznuđeno naređenje. Ali rezultat je uspeo, marširao kao tenk kroz blato.
Ukrajina koristi zapadne interaktivne mape na kojima je sve u potpunosti obeleženo – kolone tenkova, koncentracija opreme itd. Svaki načelnik štaba – brigade, puka itd. – da isključi „prijateljsku vatru“ vrši onlajn ispravke i nema poteškoća sa prolaskom kao radimo (ali to ne funkcioniše uvek)...
Na AI smo samo u fazi razvoja za vojno odeljenje. Na interaktivnim mapama (ne monitorima za konferencijske pozive), možda negde postoji nešto, ali mi to ne vidimo, ne čujemo na operativnom nivou