Moje mišljenje je da je povlačenje sa severa racionalan potez Rusa. U tom delu je savršen teren za partizane i za skrivanje artiljerijskih položaja, Malo, malo pa bi videli kako po neku jedinicu poklopi artiljerija, pa po koji logistički konvoj koji presretnu teritorijalci. Pravo pitanje za Ruski GŠ je zašto nemaju dovoljno kvalitetne i brojne BPL da pronađu Ukrajinsku artiljeriju na severu, ali tako je kako je, lekcija za dalje.
Da li zaista mislite da su Rusi trebali zarad nekog ponosa da pošto poto ne odstupe i trpe gubitke?
Meni deluje da je prva faza bila pokušaj da se Kijevska vlast obezglavi u najkraćem roku, a da se pritom maksimalno očuva Ukrajinska infrastruktura i vojska izuzev Naci bataljona. Toj fazi je očigledno dat neki rok, ili im naprosto stanje na terenu nije išlo na ruku, pa se sada ide na drugu fazu a to je RAT i potpuno uništenje Ukrajinske Donbaske vojne grupacije. Zato su Rusi tek od pre par dana počeli sa potpunim uništenjem Ukrajinskih depoa nafte i rafinerija. Samo u Mariupolju će Ukrajinci imate verovatno blizu 10000 žrtava ako je za verovati informaciji sa početka opsade da je tamo ostalo u okruženju 14000 Nacista i pripadnika armije.
Ukrajinska vojska je ostala uz one klovnove u Kijevu i sada će očigledno deliti njihovu sudbinu.
Nije tacno. Los prevod. Rusija je postavila sistem po kome kupci placaju Gazprom banci (koja je izuzeta od sankcija bas zbog gasa) u eurima, za koje onda banka kupuje rublje od Ruske centralne baanke, i onda tim rubljama placa gas dobavljacu u Rusiji.
Nije sija nego vrat.
Citat:"That is why everything will be quick, clear, understandable," he said when asked about opening ruble accounts to pay for Russian gas. "It should be done. These are the new rules and they need to be obeyed. Although, let me repeat once again, nothing will change de facto for European countries. De jure, however, it will be a different system," he noted.
Gaspromu nije niko "branio" ni ranije da posluje na taj način. Što se tiče EU zemalja Gasprom može za Eure kasnije kupovati i rižu i sa Kinezima je trampiti za klikere. Suština je da će ovi i dalje, po svemu sudeći, gas kupovati za Eure kako su i do sada.
Dopuna: 03 Apr 2022 20:40
S2M ::Zakon je potpisan prije par dana, ne vjerujem da bi sad nakon par dana kršio sopstveni zakon.Niđe veze.
Они морају да купе рубље да би платили гас. Мењаш евро за рубље по курсу руске народне банке.
У осталом ако је све исто као пре зашто онда вриште на западу?
Velika je promjena ovo placanje. Poenta je da ti i dalje uplacujes Euro banci komitenta, koja onda tvoje evre razmjenjuje za rublje na berzi (moskovoj naravno) pa prema trenutnom kursu i koliko dobiješ rublji za svoje evre toliko dobiješ gasa. Promjena je revolucionarna jer je cijena gasa izražena u rubljima. Samo su Rusi rekli Evropljanima, plaćajte u evrima a mi ćemo to pretvoriti u rublje pa prema tome isporučiti vam gas.
Evo markoni objasnio u medjuvremenu!
Brži je na obaraču.
Gonzalo Lira o videosnimci iz Buče:
Citat:Looking at the video more carefully, it seems that the “hand“ is a droplet of water that moves in parallax, giving the illusion that it’s a hand. At the same time, the body “getting up“ seems to be the distortion of the wide angle part of the mirror (many side mirrors in today’s cars have a wide angle part at the outside edge, so that drivers can see their blindspot, which makes objects distort and seem to move).
So those two clues that led me to believe that it’s a fake video seem to not be true.
However, I still do not believe that this video is true — I still believe it is staged and a hoax.
(This is literally the Gettier Problem in philosophy. Philosophy nerds will know what I’m talking about.)
Apart from the motivation of the Russians — meaning that they would have none to harm the Ukrainian civilians — the issue of why the bodies were strewn around the streets like that makes no sense, nor does the fact that you can’t see any of the faces or any wounds or blood. The bodies do not look crumpled up, the way they do in all the other videos of dead people that I have ever seen. The white bits of cloth used to tie up their hands are pristine and without any dirt or grime. Also, how some of the videos were so carefully shot — like a well-funded documentary — makes my Spidey sense tingle. They took the time to shoot incredibly well crafted videos — and didn’t bother to tend to the bodies, or even see if they were truly dead. (See next post.)
Finally, and the obvious: The Ukraine side consistently lies, and there is a clear public relations benefit to ascribing this “massacre” to Russia.
For all these reasons, I just don’t buy it. I still think that the “Bucha Massacre“ is a staged hoax.
Citat:Look at this other video of the “Bucha massacre”:
It is incredibly well-crafted, with very expensive lenses, high production value, extremely expensive — and delicate — cameras.
The weird thing is, if they just discovered these bodies, why the high production value cameras?
Why did they take the time to shoot such a well crafted video — instead of tending to the bodies, and making sure that they were all dead?
Why are all the bodies undisturbed? In such a situation, people usually drag the bodies out of the street, and usually put them side-by-side. Certainly the military would do that, if only to allow for military vehicles to pass through the street. But they remain in the middle of the street. That just doesn’t make sense.
You do not see any blood, any gore, and the bodies are lying very “tidy”. Again, doesn’t make sense.
I have enough experience with film production, video production, videos of dead bodies, and the lies of the Ukraine side,to be fully convinced that this is a staged hoax.
Čini se da su ipak bile optičke iluzije u spornim situacijama.
Ipak, to ne znači da sav događaj nije montiran.