Specijalna vojna operacija u Ukrajini, 2024. komentari


Specijalna vojna operacija u Ukrajini, 2024. komentari

  • Pridružio: 17 Avg 2012
  • Poruke: 1432
  • Gde živiš: Šid, Srbija

Piše u opisu na TG da su 3x UMPK

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  • Pridružio: 20 Dec 2018
  • Poruke: 2260

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] Citat:Ukraine defense minister confident can replenish troops but in need of weapons, equipment from allies
"Since the adoption of the law on mobilization this spring, we have increased mobilization indicators by 2.5 times. Twelve percent of military personnel now voluntarily join the ranks of the army thanks to a new recruitment system," Umerov told Fox News Digital in an email sent through the Ministry of Defense’s press office due to operational security concerns.
What Ukraine needs, according to the defense minister, is help from their international partners.

"We have enough troops. However, we need support from international partners in weapons and equipment, and we require it fast."

Umerov said Ukraine desperately needs modern Western-made air defense systems and a sufficient supply of ammunition for these systems. Ukraine needs a multi-layered air defense system to protect critical infrastructure and long-range capability to strike airfields and other military facilities deep inside Russia.

Ukraine also introduced an online app called Reserve+ that helps streamline the conscription process and makes it easier for those liable to serve to update their personal data. More than 3.4 million Ukrainians updated their conscription data through the app in just a little over two months, according to the defense minister.

  • Pridružio: 24 Nov 2021
  • Poruke: 3388

Napisano: 16 Okt 2024 14:43

Курск регион. Ослобођена су села Викторовка и Стара Сорочина, као и село Лижаки (југоисточно од Леонидова).

Dopuna: 16 Okt 2024 14:56

Nesto se povija repic na zapadu?

❗️🇩🇪🇷🇺 Немачки канцелар Олаф Шолц је најавио спремност да са Путином разговара о решењу у Украјини

"Имали смо конференцију у Биргенштоку у Швајцарској, која је завршена закључком да је потребна још једна... Русија такође мора да учествује. Зато је исправно што, када нас питају да ли ћемо разговарати са председником Русије, одговарамо: Да, тако је." изјавио је Шолц.
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🇸🇰Фицо: Велика вероватноћа брзог окончања сукоба у Украјини

▪️Он је нагласио да очекује могући напредак у том питању током следећег самита у Бриселу, јер ће се тамо разговарати о теми позивања Украјине у НАТО, а тај позив не може бити "бесплатан".
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  • Pridružio: 13 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 2912

plan zelenog za pobedu. mogu reci da je teska bajka za decu. mada ne cudi, posto je lik obican komicar.

niko na zapadu niju lud da uradi sta trazi (nadam se).

Source: Volodymyr Zelensky official Facebook page, Presentation of the Victory Plan to MPs and the Ukrainian community

Zelensky's plan (with his comments):

The first is an invitation to NATO.

Putin must see that his geopolitical calculations are losing. This is a sign of determination, a clear vision of the partners' vision of Ukraine's future.

The second point is defense.

Successful continuation of operations of the Defense and Security Forces of Ukraine in certain areas of enemy territory to prevent buffer zones on our land;

irreversible strengthening of the positions of the Defense and Security Forces of Ukraine and destruction of Russia's offensive potential in the occupied territory of Ukraine;

Assistance from partners in manning reserve brigades for the Armed Forces of Ukraine;

Bringing Ukraine's air defense system to a level sufficient to protect our cities and villages from Russian missiles and drones, and joint defense operations with our neighbors in Europe to shoot down Russian missiles and drones within the range of our partners' air shield;

expanding operations using our own and Ukrainian missiles and drones, as well as investing in expanding their production in Ukraine;

lifting restrictions on the use of long-range weapons by our partners on the entire territory of Ukraine occupied by Russia and on the territory of Russia - on military infrastructure, and providing Ukraine with appropriate long-range missiles, drones and other means of destruction;

providing Ukraine with real-time satellite data and data obtained by other intelligence means.

The third point of the Plan is Deterrence.

Ukraine proposes to deploy a comprehensive non-nuclear strategic deterrence package on its soil that will be sufficient to protect Ukraine from any military threat from Russia and that will narrow Russia's options to such prospects:

Either join an honest diplomatic process to bring the war to a just end. Or, it is guaranteed to lose the opportunity to continue the aggressive war as a result of Ukraine's use of the deterrence package in accordance with the defined military objectives.

That is, the Deterrence Package is a fact that Russia either goes to diplomacy or goes... to the loss of its war machine. Peace through strength.

The fourth is the strategic economic potential.

Ukraine is home to natural resources, including critical metals worth trillions of dollars. These include uranium, titanium, lithium, graphite and other strategically valuable resources that will strengthen either Russia and its allies or Ukraine and the democratic world in global competition. And this is our opportunity for growth.

Ukraine proposes that the United States, together with certain partners, including the European Union, of which Ukraine will be a part, and other partners around the world, conclude a special agreement on joint protection of Ukraine's critical resources, joint investment, and use of the relevant economic potential.

This is also peace through strength. Economic power.

This is an agreement that will organically complement and strengthen the existing system of economic pressure on Russia, namely all existing sanctions against Russia, oil price restrictions, export restrictions to Russia, and other pressure measures.

Russia's allies in the world must see that this regime has no economic future.

And the fifth point is designed for the postwar period.

After this war, Ukraine will have one of the most experienced and largest military contingents. These people are our soldiers, who will have real experience in modern warfare, successful experience in the use of Western weapons, and diverse experience in interacting with NATO forces.

This Ukrainian experience should be used to strengthen the Alliance's defense and ensure security in Europe.

This is a worthy mission for our heroes.

We envisage, if the partners agree, the replacement of certain military contingents of the U.S. Armed Forces stationed in Europe with Ukrainian units. After the war. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

  • Pridružio: 31 Mar 2017
  • Poruke: 1892

Drugim recima Zelenski izjavljuje da gube rat sada i da ce ga skroz izgubiti ako ih ovi ne prime u NATO savez i to prečicom, i ceo NATO direktno udje da spasi Ukrajnu. Tu je i u pravu. Despretna izjava, ali iskrena.

Ako nastave samo da podebljaju dostavu dalekometnih raketa Ukrajni to nece biti dobro ni za jenu ni za drugu stranu, i to predvidjam da ce Ameri probati da urade. Na kraju ce biti kompromis, i neki zapadni deo Ukrajne ipak biti NATO, ali ce 30-50% istocne i juzne Ukrajne biti rusko.

  • Pridružio: 18 Nov 2022
  • Poruke: 197

Reportaza o ruskim zarobljenicima u ukrajini

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  • Pridružio: 11 Dec 2016
  • Poruke: 2765
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Ovaj ''plan pobede'' je veoma zanimljiva stvar u ovom momentu u ratu.

Nerealan, prenaduvan, potpuna bajka - ali ne mislim uopšte da je Zelenski klovn koji očekuje nemoguće, kako možda površno deluje.

Smatram da je ovo pokušaj Zelenskog da skloni apsolutno svu odgovornost za poraz sa sebe, i uvali je NATO-u i SAD, uz neku teoretsku malu šansicu da plan zaista bude prihvaćen. Ali u osnovi ovaj plan je ''alibi'' i očekuje se njegovo odbijanje, u fazonu ''mi smo pokušali sve, dali smo sve što smo mogli, za pobedu nam treba to to i to - a to nismo dobili zato što ste odbili naš plan, i nemamo izbora nego da zaključimo nepovoljni mir''.

Nemojte se čuditi ako nakon odbijanja ovakvog plana pobede, negde tokom 2025. Ukrajina preduzme ozbilje korake da zaključi mir sa Rusijom (što znači prihvatanje većine ruskih zahteva, uključujući onaj ključni o neutralnosti).

  • beowl  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Sep 2009
  • Poruke: 1240

Naravno da je alibi i da je skrojen više kao ultimatum sponzorima nego kao plan, samo što čak i propali komičar ima dovoljno mozga da zna da se takvi ultimatumi ne isporučuju na svoju ruku. Sigurno nije lud da misli da kada ga ovi odbiju, ima opciju da samostalno otpočne neke pregovore i izađe iz rata mimo njihovih želja. Ukrajina će ratovati dokle oni budu hteli, a ne on.

Kako god bilo, svašta je na pomolu da se desi do kraja godine.

  • Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
  • Poruke: 9395
  • Gde živiš: pecina stroga

CNN ekskluzivno snima nocnu rabotu ukro drondzija koji tuku strateske ciljeve po dubini Rusije.

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  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2883
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

G7’s Ukraine loan is at risk
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Citat:In June 2024, the G7 pledged a $50 billion loan to Ukraine — a promise they hoped would signal Western unity and display strength. But just a few months later, this commitment risks falling apart.
Kredit za Ukrajinu u iznosu 50 miljardi nema pomaka.

01 Jan 2025 10:49 Georgius Zaključavanje topica Razlog: Kraj godine.  
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