Poslao: 06 Jan 2024 14:32
- kokodakalo
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 13 Mar 2022
- Poruke: 321
ZalosnaSova ::[
A zašto Amerikanci moraju da znaju sve? Zar oni ne mogu da pogreše? Jesu li oni nepobedivi? Da li sve znaju, uvek? I sve planiraju i vide 500 godina unapred? Njih ne možeš iznenaditi niti pobediti? Oni su nadljudi?
Rusi ne znaju da ratuju? To što ratuju hiljadu godina nama znane istorije nije ništa.
Mnogo ali mnogo precenjujete zapadnog čoveka. Amerikance, Engleze, Nemce.
Očekivali su ih u Donbasu. Rusi su ih iznenadili sa severa i juga. Skočili su im u Kijev. Došli iza leđa Marijupolju i očistili Azovsko more. Stigli čak do Nikolajeva. Ali je intervencijom sa strane sprečna kapitulacija Ukrajine. To je realno stanje. To se dogodilo ma terenu.
Bold 1 Zato sto imaju najvise komercijalnih i vojnih satelita, mnogo sredstava kojima mogu da kupe ljude. Vec sutra, nakon sto Ukri napadnu neki ruski aerodrom mi imamo priliku da vidimo razmere napada i eventualnu stetu koju isti izazove i to samo uz pomoc komercijalnih satelita cije slike neko objavi. Ne smem ni da pomislim kakvim snimcima raspolazu obavestajne agencije.
Sakriti 50000 trupa, sa svom opremom, tehnikom, logistikom, pa to je bilo tesko cak i u Napoleonovo vreme, a kamoli danas. Na kraju krajeva javno su upozoravali da se sprema napad, sto znaci da su imali i informacije o istom
bold 2 Samo bih te pitao gde si ovo procitao u mom upisu pa da si izvukao ovakav zakljucak.
Vrlo agresivan pristup imas i pritom u agresivnosti ubacujes reci u usta kako bi koliko toliko opravdao istu.
To sto su Amerikanci mogli da znaju sta se sprema ne znaci da i Rusi ili Kinezi ne bi to isto mogli znati. Sta vise Rusi su znali da se sprema napad na Donbas, ali ja tebe necu pitati da li su oni nadljudi i bla bla bla
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 06 Jan 2024 15:25
- procesor
- Počasni građanin
- Pridružio: 06 Feb 2010
- Poruke: 917
- Gde živiš: RS/BiH
Sta pise na raketama odakle su ? Ja ne mogu da uvecam slike
Poslao: 06 Jan 2024 15:50
- Yellow Pinky
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 21 Mar 2005
- Poruke: 1180
- Gde živiš: Niš
Samo da ne ispadnu na kraju G-2000 ...
40km domet, 19kg bojeva glava , hm ...
Poslao: 06 Jan 2024 16:03
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 19946
- 12Ovo se svidja korisnicima: kybonacci, procesor, babaroga, Metanoja, tomigun, Atomski čoban, Bobrock1, ILGromovnik, dac, amaterSRB, darcaud, upitnik
Registruj se da bi pohvalio/la poruku!
Kruger ::Изгледа чешке
Postale su ceske kada ih je Excalibur Army kupio.
Poslao: 06 Jan 2024 17:34
- Pridružio: 30 Apr 2017
- Poruke: 58
Još nisu na zapadu nestali kritički umovi sa kičmom.
Problem je da su im u majnstrim medijima zatvorena vrata.
"Ima posla ko hoče da radi - ima dobrih članaka ko hoče da čita."
Tu dole je i link na X-u, ko ga ima, neka zaprati intelektualca koji nema roza naočale.
Za one sa jeftinijim ulaznicama kopiram jedan njegov Twit u kojem spominje erudita i pisca Emanuela Toda i njegov intervjuju za Le Point.
+ Citat prevedite sami Interesting interview in French magazine Le Point of Emmanuel Todd, one of the last great French intellectual, over his latest book "The Defeat of the West" (and actually what he says will be the last book he'll ever write).
Todd is particularly renowned for having been one of the first Western intellectuals to predict the fall of the Soviet Union in his 1976 book "The Final Fall".
Here in "The Defeat of the West" he argues, as the title suggests, that the West - led by the U.S. - has essentially collapsed. In the interview he goes over 2 "levels" of this defeat:
1) The economic level: "globalization has put not the West in general, but specifically the United States in a state of incapacity to produce the necessary armaments for Ukraine. The Americans sent the Ukrainians to disaster during the summer offensive with insufficient equipment. I devote an entire chapter to the deflation of the American economy where I demonstrate the largely fictitious nature of its gross domestic product with the continual worsening of its trade deficit. I also show that the United States produces fewer engineers than Russia. I think it's the ability to produce dollars at zero cost that prevents the restarting of American industry."
2) The second level is more ideological: "the collapse of what made the rise of the West and particularly the Anglo-American world, that is, Protestantism with its values of work and social discipline. I observe that the vaporization of Protestantism in the United States, England, and the entire Protestant world has made disappear what constituted the strength and specificity of the West. The central variable is the religious dynamic. After the active state and then 'zombie' state, we can talk about a zero state of religion in the West."
To him this has led the U.S. as it stands today to "tip into nihilism and the deification of nothing. I speak of nihilism in the sense of a will to destruction but also a denial of reality." He says that it is this nihilism that essentially pushes the Americans to "always worsen conflicts", taking Gaza as a current example.
He says this process of collapse started long ago and was actually masked by the fall of the Soviet Union: "The Soviet collapse masked the fact that the United States, since 1965, was engaged in an industrial and intellectual decline. It's this paradox of a Western expansion triggered by the collapse of the Soviet pillar that sought to isolate Russia, even as the core of the system collapses. We discover this today with Americans trapped in Ukraine. Their industry no longer follows, and they are forced to scavenge for 155 caliber shells."
Obviously he goes into a lot more details in his book, which I'll try to get my hands on. But at first glance the notion that the U.S. are led by a destructive form of nihilism stemming from a loss of deeper meaning in American society seems quite accurate.
Last interesting note. He says one way to salvage the West would have been to integrate Russia within it, which "Schroeder and Chirac attempted to [do] by anchoring it to Europe in the 2000s". However he says "this was broken by the Americans" because "avoiding the rapprochement between Germany and Russia was an American objective" as "this rapprochement would have signed the ejection of the United States from the European power system". He says this means that "the Americans preferred to destroy Europe rather than save the West."
Još malo štiva za one koji vole da čitaju.
Članak je iz 2022.