Poslao: 16 Mar 2024 17:28
- grenadir
- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 28 Mar 2022
- Poruke: 544
https://twitter.com/GeromanAT/status/1769017995433583102 --- Po dosadašnjim podacima 21 stranih plačenika je poginulo u napadu u Odesi.. Isto toliko je ranjeno i prevezeno na intezivna odeljenja .. Od toga 11 heličima u Rumunjsku...Još oko 60 ljudi je bilo povređeno...Polako se demilitarizuje i NAFO...
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 16 Mar 2024 18:00
- Pridružio: 21 Feb 2024
- Poruke: 99
Krvava Devetka ::.
Inace, meni interesantan podatak- tokom par proteklih nedelja vrednost deonica na zapadu je dosta porasla, sto meni nije bilo bas jasno- ispostavilo se da je razlog tome sto su ankete pokazale da Donald Trump ima dobre sanse da pobedi na izborima i da ce on zavrsiti rat u Ukrajini (izmedju ostaloga).
Uglavnom cini se da mnogim deonicarima ne odgovara rat niti eskalacija sukoba.
Pogledaj cenu deonica Nvidie. Pogledaj koliko vredi danas kompanija. Koliki je godišnji prihod a kolika je zarada i kolika je dividenda. Jasno je da je sve špekulacija. I da će se ponoviti 1929 godina.
Poslao: 16 Mar 2024 18:09
- slonic_tonic
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 20 Jun 2014
- Poruke: 8009
- Gde živiš: Zagreb
@Drug Pukovnik
to je to, sigurno.
laserski daljinomjer na 10 metara detonira, tako sam nešto i pretpostavio. To ima veliki nedostatak da može detonirati prerano zbog magle ili jake kiše.
s druge strane korištenje barometarskog visinomjera radi uvijek, ali zahtijevalo bi unos zadane vrijednosti atm. tlaka u svaku pojedinačnu bombicu, što bi se moglo napraviti beskontaktno, ali bi bilo dosta zahtjevno i tražilo održavanje.
Poslao: 16 Mar 2024 18:12
- Koridor
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 02 Feb 2015
- Poruke: 3000
Ova drla od rata opasno eskalira, pocev od upada preko granice,preko udara na rafinerije do neselektivnog raketiranja centra Belgoroda. Znaci ocigledno je da zapad trazi odgovor Rusije bilo kakav samo da bi uprli prstom i rekli "to je to" i ameri a i eu bi odobrili novac, tauruse, f16, thaad-ove...
Rusi medjutim cute a bolje bi im bilo da smisljaju neko vrlo bolan (ne vojni) udarac ali ne po ukrajini...
Poslao: 16 Mar 2024 18:15
- panzerwaffe
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 29 Jun 2011
- Poruke: 1264
In light of a series of attacks by the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Russian refineries, we asked an expert on the domestic oil and gas complex to comment on this strategy of Kyiv.
“Ukraine has intensified targeted attacks on Russian oil facilities since the beginning of 2024. We are seeing an increasing number of attacks on fuel depots and oil refineries.
There are quite a lot of the first ones in Russia, and they are technologically quite simple. Therefore, if it gets into fuel tanks, it causes rather tactical short-term problems: the fuel itself burns out. But petroleum products can be replenished, and a storage tank is built quickly and inexpensively. In the case of attacks on oil refineries , the situation is more serious .
A processing plant is a technologically complex facility. Its repair is currently complicated by sanctions. Those. Since 2022, our companies have been adjusting to work without supplies of equipment for oil refining from Western countries, and now there is also the threat of an attack on refineries.
It is significant that Ukraine is trying to hit refineries specializing in the production of gasoline. In particular, attacks were carried out on the Nizhny Novgorod Oil Refinery . This plant produces about 10% of all gasoline in Russia. The fact is that we produce twice as much diesel fuel per year as we consume, i.e. 50% goes for export. But in gasoline, 90% of the produced volume goes to the domestic market and only 10% is exported. At the same time, the same Nizhny Novgorod refinery has been under repair since December 2023 due to equipment failure. It turns out that we are already producing approximately as much gasoline as we consume. That is why the Russian Government introduced a ban on the export of gasoline, but not diesel. So that the export of gasoline does not lead to a shortage.
Ukraine wants to knock out refining capacity in order to create a deficit in the gasoline market. This makes no sense from a military point of view, since army equipment uses diesel. But Kiev’s goal is rather socio-political . A shortage of gasoline should cause an increase in prices, which means it will increase people’s dissatisfaction, the growth of protest sentiments and general destabilization. Since gasoline is the fuel of civilian private cars. But in practice, the Russian government has all the tools to block price increases at gas stations.
Firstly , fuel reserves have been created, thanks to the previously introduced export ban. Secondly , by changing the tax regime, the government can influence the selling prices of fuel (about 80% of the price per liter of gasoline is taxes and government fees). Thirdly , in the event of a physical shortage of gasoline, Russia can organize supplies from Belarusian refineries that are currently underutilized: we will supply more oil there, take back the resulting petroleum products, and pay for the processing service). But at present, Ukraine has not managed to inflict any critical damage to reduce the supply of gasoline from refineries to our domestic market."
Igor Yushkov,
Leading analyst of the National Energy Security Fund, expert of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Rusi im ove zime poštede elektroenergetski sistem, naravno Ukri takvih dilema nemaju.
Poslao: 16 Mar 2024 18:15
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7193
Sto se tice odbrane bitnih objekata infrastrukture bjeloruska Spectehnika razvila je projekat stacionarnih, zemaljskih daljinski upravljanih vatrenih stanica. Lepeza naoruzanja od 7,62 do 23mm + PoRV i LRPS + blokovi osmatranja. Sa jednim centrom upravljanja. Tada su u prospektu navodili bas ovo sto se desava sa rafinerijama, aerodromima, pominjali su i nuklearne elektrane. Osim vazdusnih dronova tada su pominjali i ultra lake letjelice + zemaljske dronove poput kamiona sa eksplozivom. Sredstvo je tada izgledalo pretjerano paranoidno ali evo sve se nekako obistinilo. Moguce je da projekat sada pripada Rostehnici ali valjda pripada klubu sredstava koji se pretpostavljao nekom arapskom naruciocu, a ne Belgorodsko - obojanskoj oblasti.
Poslao: 16 Mar 2024 18:19
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7193
U vezi ovog 'rata rafinerija' gospodin sa obrnutom kartom bi rekao da se to namjerno radi i sa ruske strane. Sto vise pogodjenih rafinerija to skuplje gorivo.
Poslao: 16 Mar 2024 18:28
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7193
On kaze da bi renovirao kafanu moras prvo da je zapalis. Zajedno sa gostima.