Poslao: 05 Jan 2025 22:10
- šumar bk2
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 24 Maj 2005
- Poruke: 3072
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Posle ukro informacione tišine iz kurske oblasti, stigla je objava i ukro kanala Deep State:
Citat:Na području Kurske oblasti neprijatelj sprovodi ofanzivu na Malu Loknju, Sverdljikovo i Leonidovku.
👤 Paralelno s tim, traju ofanzivne operacije Snaga odbrane (Сили оборони України), ali za sada ćemo se uzdržati od komentara. Potrebno je sačekati rezultate, jer borbe još uvek traju.
💃 Jedino pitanje je — kako je bloger-begunac iz Španije uspeo da za 48 sati najavi kontraofanzivne akcije OSU, navodeći tačno mesto napada i skoro precizno vreme?
🤷🏻♂️ S druge strane, neprijatelj nastavlja da popunjava informativni vakuum snimcima uništavanja naše tehnike severno od Martinovke.
🧔♂️ Gotovo jedini komentar našeg zvaničnika ( https://t.me/channel5UA/115568 ), da "neprijatelju teku suze", izaziva podsmeh u stručnim krugovima i među vojnicima. Medijska propaganda protivnika stvara osećaj pobede i pripisuje sebi višestruko veće zasluge. Iako ruske snage već šesti mesec ne mogu da povrate svoju teritoriju u Kurskoj oblasti.
Preporučujemo da ne podležete emotivnim oscilacijama sa naše strane, a posebno da ne tražite informacije na neprijateljskim resursima.
Objašnjenje sa ruskog kanala RVvoenkor:
Citat:Ruska vojska u Kurskoj oblasti napreduje ka Maloj Loknji, Sverdlikovu i Leonidovki, – Deep State
▪Ukrajinski vojno-analitički resurs Deep State piše o tome u kontekstu vesti o ukrajinskoj ofanzivi u ovom regionu.
▪„Uporedo sa ovim nastavljaju se jurišne akcije Oružanih snaga Ukrajine, za sada ćemo se uzdržati od komentara. Moramo sačekati rezultat, jer se borbe nastavljaju.
▪Jedino je pitanje zašto, do đavola, odbegli bloger iz Španije u roku od 48 sati najavljuje kontraofanzivne akcije ukrajinskih oružanih snaga, navodeći tačnu lokaciju napada i skoro tačno vreme.
▪Resurs takođe kritikuje „informacioni vakuum“ na strani Ukrajine i piše da Rusi objavljuju snimke izgorele ukrajinske opreme severno od Martinovke (na putu za Boljšoj Soldatskoje, gde ukrajinske trupe napadaju).
▪„Skoro jedini komentar našeg zvaničnika da „neprijatelja suze paraju“ izaziva smeh u stručnoj javnosti i kod same vojske“, piše DS.
-Reč je o komentaru šefa Centra za borbu protiv dezinformacija pri Savetu za nacionalnu bezbednost i odbranu, Kovalenka, koji je rekao da su Rusi „razderani od suza“: „neprijatelj je na nekim mestima primoran da se povuče“ i „ Severnokorejci sada trče kroz polja“.
"Odbegli bloger" je komentarisao deo iz ove objave DS, u fazonu, sve je tačno, znam ja mnogo toga ali uglavnom ćutim:
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 05 Jan 2025 23:28
- novator
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 08 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 2164
- Gde živiš: Novi Travnik - ex Pucarevo
Po snimkama od današnjeg dana može se zaključiti par stvari.
1. Iako aktuelan već neko vrijeme, sada u potpunosti do izražaja dolazi vandal koji ulazi u odabrani krug oružja koje Rusima donosi određenu prevagu (od ranije lancet, su-34, ka-52, mi-28, iskander, krasnopolj...). Danas, do momenta dok Rusi nisu nadvladali elektronsko ometanje, jedan od glavnih ruskih aduta u zaustavljanju napada je bio upravo vandal koji je mogao nesmetan raditi. Rusi, sebi svojstveni, sve veći problem ometanja su riješili prosto - žicom.
2. Kamov-52 sa vikhr-om, po tko zna koji put u svo dokazuje da je strašno oružje.
3. Lancet, opet je tukao protivničko topništvo u pozadini danas u kurskoj oblasti.
Vidjet ćemo sutra, najavljuju nove snimke sa terena.
Poslao: 06 Jan 2025 00:04
- Pridružio: 24 Mar 2022
- Poruke: 76
На основу резултата данашњег, 05.01.25., чини се да су укронаци команданти потценили наше војнике и преценили своје.
Већ сам писао да су одред Аиде и петербуршке специјалне јединице „Ахмат“ зауставиле укронацисте, који су се пробијали до Курчатова у селу. Мартиновка. У августу су се држали таласа за налетом, уништавајући чету ВСУшњикова и десетине комада опреме дневно.
Управо су они и батаљон 9. пука 18. дивизије под командом Хероја Русије са позивним знаком Отмел зауставили блицкриг и омогућили прегруписавање и пребацивање резерви.
Сада је непријатељ поново отишао у правцу који је држао „Ахмат“, али овог пута не само у саставу неколико одреда који су упали у борбу са точкова, већ и других одреда: Пресс и Схцхербак.
С једне стране, ово изгледа нелогично. И не само за мене, већ и за Хад, али с друге стране, није све тако чудно како изгледа.
Прво, војно-политичко руководство Оружаних снага Украјине долази из наше школе, што значи да и они могу да сматрају себе у свему у праву, такође да не уче на грешкама и верују да су сви њихови тактички прорачуни, засновани на пракси, виши од теорија рата. А теорија каже да у рату не раде само прорачуни, већ је главна ствар снага воље војске. Али овде нема смисла поредити расположење међународног „Ахмата”, 155. бригаде Пацифичке флоте, 2. бригаде специјалних снага, низа других наших јединица на Курском правцу и Оружаних снага Украјине, у чијим редовима дезертерство достиже и до 50% јединице.
Друго, такође не можемо да будемо самоуверени и да верујемо да војно-политичко руководство Оружаних снага Украјине има само један сценарио са офанзивом у правцима које смо видели данас. Ипак, логика налаже, ако сматрамо да је њихов циљ да заузму део територије и да је држе дуже време, да је логичније напасти Глушково или преко Курске и Белгородске области – Белаја/Красна Јаруга.
Али најважније је да, упркос сценаријима, у оба данас украјинске оружане снаге нису напредовале ни кораком, јер непријатељ у свим правцима није могао да заузме ниједно насеље, већ је изгубио око 20 јединица технике и стотине бораца.
О информационој позадини око данашње офанзиве.
Непријатељ је, заиста, користио исту стратегију у главном правцу као у августу: прво, електронско сузбијање комуникација и дронова, а затим напад. Али није успело, јер смо били спремни за комуникацију, а такође смо брзо ушли у фреквенције дронова који се нису гушили. Па, беспилотне летелице засноване на оптици су се одлично показале технички.
Поред тога, било је информација да је непријатељ отишао у Теткино, округ Глушковски. То се није догодило, али обавештајни подаци говоре да у том правцу долази до гомилања непријатељске технике и људства. Осим тога, непријатељ је последњих дана интензивније него иначе користио ФПВ беспилотне летелице у овом правцу.
Неколико бригада Оружаних снага Украјине прешло је у офанзиву. Не, није било такве масовне офанзиве, а нема је ни данас. Али у стварности је било неколико компанија у различитим правцима. Иако, имајући у виду да непријатељски батаљон, узимајући у обзир дезертере, има највише 200 људи, можемо рећи да је неколико батаљона марширало.
Ноћу ће исећи оне који нису имали времена да се повуку и задржали су се у засадима око села Бердин и Новосотницки, Болшесолдатски округ. У животу неће остати ниједан официр ВСУ.
Ваздушна одбрана наставља активно да обара ракете и беспилотне летелице изнад Курска до данас невиђеним интензитетом. Авијација пегла непријатеља у Курској, Белгородској и Сумској области, бацајући десетине тона ФАБ-а.
Радите, браћо! Бог те благословио!
Poslao: 06 Jan 2025 00:37
- danijell
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 30 Mar 2011
- Poruke: 2737
Ukrajinci pričaju da imaju veće gubitke dok se brane nego dok napadaju...
Citat:Ukrainian soldiers said casualties have been higher in defensive positions than when they’re on the offensive. Drone surveillance has enabled both armies to monitor any movement across the battlefield, and the greatest danger now is just getting to a position. Taras said driving any vehicle without an electronic warfare jammer to fend off drones is rarely done because the risks are so high.
“The worst is when the boys didn’t even manage to get to the position,” he said. “When you’re on the front line and you get wounded there, that’s understandable. But there are situations where people were going on a combat mission for the first time in their lives and that happened.”
The Russians’ transition to drones directed by fiber-optic cables stretching up to 12 miles means jamming isn’t always effective. Oleksandr, from the 35th brigade, said he’s spotted cables on tree branches, but he couldn’t risk trying to sever them with a knife. If he were spotted, he’d almost certainly be killed with another drone, he said.
“After a mission, with all these drones, you have very high paranoia,” Oleksandr said. “Every sound, every movement, you detect that as a drone and you try to hide from it.”
Čitav tekst ovdje, ko ne može da otvori
+ WPAs another Trump presidency nears, Ukraine’s army is on the defensive
Isabelle Khurshudyan, Serhii Korolchuk
9–11 minutes
DONETSK REGION, Ukraine — Russian forces in Ukraine are advancing at their fastest pace since the early days of the invasion by using the biggest advantage Moscow has in this war: manpower.
Ukrainian military personnel in the field said weapons shortages persist, but it’s the relentless human assaults that have been most effective for Russian forces exploiting vulnerabilities in Ukraine’s increasingly thin defenses.
Russian losses are very high, the Ukrainian soldiers said, but the repeated attacks supported by heavy bombardment from artillery and drones just keep coming, pushing the Ukrainians back one small piece of territory at a time. Russian forces have advanced within two miles of the eastern town of Pokrovsk, putting in peril key logistical and resupply routes that run through the area to other parts of the front line.
“You kill one Russian and it’s like two pop up in his place,” said Valentyn, an infantryman in Ukraine’s 35th Marine Brigade. Like with others interviewed for this story, The Washington Post agreed to identify him by just his first name or call sign, according to rules set by Ukraine’s military. “You get this feeling there is an unlimited number of them,” he added.
At the same time, the ranks of Ukrainian soldiers have grown more and more depleted and unequipped to fend off the Russian onslaught. Those in the field describe exhaustion and slumping morale. And soldiers who said they believed in fighting until the last of the Russian occupiers were pushed off all of Ukraine’s territory are increasingly supporting President-elect Donald Trump’s call to begin negotiations to end the war.
The shift in attitude has come as Ukrainian soldiers said they have grown frustrated with their own government in Kyiv, criticizing what has been a slow and disjointed mobilization campaign. Many also said they had to invest their own money or were dependent on civilian volunteers for equipment such as drones and the vehicles they drive near front-line positions because they couldn’t rely on the government for essential equipment.
Ukraine’s parliament last year adopted new mobilization measures that lowered the country’s minimum conscription age to 25. But military personnel said the draft drive came too late — when units were already severely shorthanded after months without replacements. There have been more deserters, too, they said, because people are no longer volunteering to fight but are being forced to.
“When I just got into the army, the situation was bad,” said Oleksandr, a 27-year-old infantry soldier in the 35th brigade. “But now, for a new person, the situation is so bad that I don’t judge anyone who’s deserting.”
Though Ukraine’s former military chief, Gen. Valery Zaluzhny, called for mobilizing 500,000 people in 2024, President Volodymyr Zelensky rejected that number as too high. Ukrainian and Western officials estimate that Kyiv ultimately drafted about 200,000 recruits. Zelensky has also turned back suggestions from the White House to further lower the conscription age to 18.
“I’m not telling you numbers, but it’s horrible,” said Taras, a deputy battalion commander fighting near Pokrovsk. “People are being called up to fight, but sadly we have losses, and these losses have to be replenished. And it’s truly not enough.”
Some soldiers said they’ve also come to terms with the reality that Western arms support has been declining and will probably continue to do so. Without the flow of that aid, Ukraine lacks the military resources to push the Russians back, the soldiers said. Russia maintains an artillery advantage and is now using new self-destructing drones that fly with the use of fiber-optic cables, making them especially deadly; they are largely invulnerable to electronic jamming, as they are controlled through long thin coils, not radio waves.
Moscow is occupying more than 20 percent of Ukraine — a large swath of territory stretching from the northeast to the Crimean Peninsula on the Black Sea in the south. Several Ukrainian military personnel said they feared the Russians would continue pushing the front line west, toward the major city of Dnipro, which has a population of approximately 1 million people.
The Post interviewed Ukrainian soldiers from six different brigades fighting in eastern Ukraine for this story. Many were skeptical that Russian President Vladimir Putin would agree to a ceasefire while his troops appear to have the initiative and fear Zelensky will have to make painful concessions. Others expressed concern that even if fighting stopped this year, Russia could just attack again in the future.
“Let’s be honest, the situation now is worse than at the start of the full-scale invasion,” said 33-year-old Taras, a captain and company commander in the 35th brigade. “What can we negotiate now? We can only nod our heads and agree to their demands, and what they will demand is obviously going to be something that we don’t like.”
Ukrainian forces can typically fend off the first assault waves, soldiers said. But the Russian strategy is based on overwhelming its enemy with greater numbers to eventually break through once their probes have identified where Ukraine has gaps in its defenses.
A tank commander in the 68th brigade who spoke on the condition he would be identified by his call sign, Physic, called the strategy “sheer madness,” as the attacking Russians probably understand their chances of survival are slim and push ahead anyway.
“Maybe one man from the third group reaches their goal,” Physic said. “He digs in there, sets up communication and coordinates the others. They gradually accumulate a critical mass of people in one place, near our positions. They endure — mortars hit them, everything imaginable targets them. They suffer heavy losses, but they persist.”
Moving in smaller groups on foot, the most-used tactic, also allows the Russians to covertly build up forces one or two people at a time before their next attack. Armored vehicles are rarely used in offensives anymore, soldiers said.
“You think everything is all right because you haven’t seen a lot of the enemy and then suddenly 10 people run out of one basement,” said Taras, the deputy commander fighting near Pokrovsk. “That happened to us recently. Where did they come from?”
Ukraine’s most acute personnel shortages are among infantry — the soldiers needed to stand in the forward-most positions. Last year, Ukraine copied one of Russia’s best recruitment tactics: releasing convicted felons who agreed to fight in high-risk assault units. But they’ve done little to plug the holes, commanders said. One officer in an interview regretted that Kyiv had waited so long to recruit inmates after Moscow did it in the first months of the war.
Volodymyr, a 33-year-old who had been serving a prison sentence for beating a man to death, was one of the first to join the 93rd Mechanized Brigade’s battalion of convicts. He’s already conducted five assaults on Russian positions. “No one forced us to fight — we volunteered — so we might be more motivated than those drafted off the street,” he added.
Ukrainian soldiers said casualties have been higher in defensive positions than when they’re on the offensive. Drone surveillance has enabled both armies to monitor any movement across the battlefield, and the greatest danger now is just getting to a position. Taras said driving any vehicle without an electronic warfare jammer to fend off drones is rarely done because the risks are so high.
“The worst is when the boys didn’t even manage to get to the position,” he said. “When you’re on the front line and you get wounded there, that’s understandable. But there are situations where people were going on a combat mission for the first time in their lives and that happened.”
The Russians’ transition to drones directed by fiber-optic cables stretching up to 12 miles means jamming isn’t always effective. Oleksandr, from the 35th brigade, said he’s spotted cables on tree branches, but he couldn’t risk trying to sever them with a knife. If he were spotted, he’d almost certainly be killed with another drone, he said.
“After a mission, with all these drones, you have very high paranoia,” Oleksandr said. “Every sound, every movement, you detect that as a drone and you try to hide from it.”
In his New Year’s Eve address to Ukrainians, Zelensky’s message focused on what he called a “fair peace” — a different tone than previous calls for a total Russian defeat and restoring Ukraine’s 1991 borders established after the collapse of the Soviet Union. He has said Ukraine could end the “hot phase” of war this year and then seek the return of the occupied areas diplomatically at a later date.
“Everything is pointing in the direction” of a ceasefire, said Serhii Filimonov, the commander of the Da Vinci Wolves battalion. “A lot was influenced by the elections in the U.S. and Trump’s rhetoric.”
Anastacia Galouchka in Kyiv contributed to this report.
Poslao: 06 Jan 2025 01:51
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7193
novator ::Po snimkama od današnjeg dana može se zaključiti par stvari.
1. Iako aktuelan već neko vrijeme, sada u potpunosti do izražaja dolazi vandal koji ulazi u odabrani krug oružja koje Rusima donosi određenu prevagu (od ranije lancet, su-34, ka-52, mi-28, iskander, krasnopolj...). Danas, do momenta dok Rusi nisu nadvladali elektronsko ometanje, jedan od glavnih ruskih aduta u zaustavljanju napada je bio upravo vandal koji je mogao nesmetan raditi. Rusi, sebi svojstveni, sve veći problem ometanja su riješili prosto - žicom.
2. Kamov-52 sa vikhr-om, po tko zna koji put u svo dokazuje da je strašno oružje.
3. Lancet, opet je tukao protivničko topništvo u pozadini danas u kurskoj oblasti.
Vidjet ćemo sutra, najavljuju nove snimke sa terena.
Sjecam se ozbiljnih trvenja oko sofisticiranosti i upotrebljivosti tenka T 90. Pa bilo je to prije 10 - 20 godina. I sta kad se na nekoj livadi sretne sa Abramsom, Leo 2. Celindzera niko nije pominjao kao ni T 80/64.
Sosna U (Catherine), Refleks, Kontakt 5, Stora, komandirova sprava, drz, ne daj. I naravno teorijska brzina gadjanja. I naravno Vasilij Fofanov. Odavno ga niko ne pominje.
Poslao: 06 Jan 2025 02:04
- Pridružio: 18 Nov 2022
- Poruke: 159
Znaci spremaju se , a znamo ko je bolji trgovac od ove trojke, tj koja dva
Poslao: 06 Jan 2025 05:51
- Tila Painen
- Novi MyCity građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Nov 2024
- Poruke: 23
- 17Ovo se svidja korisnicima: kybonacci, Bubimir, Trinitron1, Prašinar, Panter, mikrimaus, Tvrtko I, grenadir, Denaya, nextyamb, Frunze, kolle.the.kid, kunktator, draganl, brundo65, ILGromovnik, sap
Registruj se da bi pohvalio/la poruku!
black sabah ::
Za sada vjerujem da ukrajinci mogu izvesti brze napade i da Rusi mogu izgubiti bitku koju i ocekuju, i pomalo me frustrira presporo napredovanje ruske vojske kroz Donbas dok ukrajinci kad napadnu, prodiru duboko. Takodje vidim velike gubitke kod ukro vojske ali oni kao da nemaju kraja zalihama. Da zahvale NATO paktu, naravno.
Zato što Ukrajinci dosad nijednom, brojem 0 puta napredovali u dobro branjenim područijima. Nikad nismo vidjeli scenario Mariupolja, Bahmuta, Severodonjecka, Avdjeevke, Casov Jara, Kurahova, Torecka itd..na ukrajinskoj strani da nakon borbi sa Rusima zauzmu neku anglomeraciju ili veće mjesto i probiju se kroz dobro utvrđene linije. Gdje god su napredovali, bilo je kao u Kursku gdje nije bilo odbrane, Harkovu 2022 kada su se Rusi povlačili jer ih nije bilo dovoljno, ili Hersonu 2023 kada su se Rusi povlačili zbog logističkih problema sa mogućim kolapsom kahovske brane i nastojanjima da skrate front.
Tako da nisu mi jasna ta poređenja, zašto rusi ne mogu nešto kao ukrajinci, iako to što rade ukrajinci nije isto što rade i rusi. Zadnji put kad su rusi napredovali kao ukrajinici bili su pred Kijevom, Nikolajevim, Harkovim, Sumijem i Černigovim.