Sudan vs Juzni Sudan


Sudan vs Juzni Sudan

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102228

RSF zarobili Osa-AK i WS-1B 302mm

Citat:Rapid Support Forces (RSF) released photos of noteable captured weapon system from Sudanese Armed Forces.
The photos show at least a couple of 9K33M2 "Osa-AK" short-range surface-to-air missile systems and a Chinese WS-1(B) 302mm multiple rocket launcher.

Rapid Support Forces (RSF) released a couple of videos from a military camp captured from Sudanese Armed Forces.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102228

Sudanska vojska zarobila pripadnike RSF sa naoruzanjem prilikom povratka vazduhoplovne baze Marawi

Citat:Sudanese Army allegedly conducted a raid on the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) located in Marawi (Merowe) Air Base.
Large quantity of 'Terab' assault rifles (domestic M16/CQ 5.56 copies), Khawad/W85 heavy machine guns and PG-7V/Type 69-1 HEAT rockets were captured.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102228

Navodno dogovorili se za primirje od tri dana....videcemo
Sudan Army agrees to three-day truce starting Friday

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Egipatski Avengeri

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102228

Saudi doterali brodove za evakuaciju svojih gradjana,emiracana i libijaca...a zapadnjaci ce avionima...videcemo kako i gde ce to biti
Citat:Saudi Navy vessel arrived in Port Sudan to evacuate its citizens, as well as citizens of the UAE and Libya.
Airplane evacuations of citizens of the U.S, Great Britain and China are expected to begin soon.
Iracani izvukli svoje diplomate
Iraqi authorities said they were able to evacuate the embassy in Khartoum,Sudan

Amera ima dosta u Sudanu...saveznicima dopustaju sletanje u Dzibuti
Citat:-According to reports, there are 19,000 US citizens in Sudan right now.
-1400 US special forces is in Dzibuti
-Saudi Arabia's Foreign Ministry says it has evacuated 91 Saudis and 66 nationals of other countries from Sudan today.
-A Japanese plane arrived in Djibouti to evacuate the Japanese in Sudan.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102228

Osteceni/unisteni vazduhoplovi na aerodromu Kartum

Citat:There are at least 27 damaged and destroyed aircraft at Khartoum airport.

Svi salju kao pratnju specijalce,pa i svedjani to resili
Citat:The Swedish Defense Minister said that the government intends to send the armed forces of the Swedish army to ensure the evacuation of diplomatic representatives from Khartoum

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102228

RSF drzi aerodrom u Kartumu....RV Sudana bombardovalo polozaje RSF oko aerodroma
Citat:The Sudanese Air Force strikes at the rebellious Rapid Reaction Forces on the territory of the Khartoum airport.
The authorities closed the country's airspace until April 30.

RSF zauzeo vojni kompleks
Citat:The "rapid reaction force" released more footage from the occupied barracks and facilities of the military-industrial complex of the Sudanese Ministry of Defense and the Sudanese army.

Dzibuti-most za evakuaciju
Citat:-Djibouti establishes air bridge of military transport aviation of NATO countries
-The 82nd Airborne Division and the 173rd Airborne Brigade were allegedly transferred to Djibouti, while the Special Operations Forces soldiers were already there.
-Thick black smoke spotted at Khartoum airport ahead of evacuation of foreigners
-At least 160 British Special Forces have arrived to a Middle Eastern country and to Djibouti to prepare for the Evacuation procedures from Sudan.

RSF navodno spreman da dozvoli evakuaciju stranih drzavljana
Citat:The rebel forces in Sudan have declared their readiness to open the seized airports for the evacuation of the civilian population of third countries.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102228

Citat:Despite high-level calls for an Eid ceasefire, clashes have continued in Sudan, especially in Khartoum.
Civilians are increasingly fleeing areas affected by fighting.
Civil society organizations & networks have mobilized to respond to immediate needs.

Placenici iz Cada bore se na strani RSF

Citat:Pictures taken in the Sudanese capital, the Chadian ID were found on dead bodies of RSF soldiers.
Hemedti has recruited Chadian mercenaries for years.

Iranski Toophan u rukama RSF

Citat:photo of a fighter of Rapid Support Forces (#RSF).

The photo shows a couple of "Toophan" anti-tank guided missile —copy of BGM-71 TOW; produced by Iran.
These were very likely supplied by Iran to Sudan before the coup attemtp.

Citat:Rapid Support Forces (RSF) captured a Sudanese military position located in Giad Industrial City, South of Khartoum.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102228

Izgleda mi da su ameri zapoceli sa evakuacijom..prvo diplomatsko osoblje...RSF kaze da je koordinirao sa amerima
Citat:U.S. Special Forces utilizing UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopters are Confirmed to have Evacuated at least 70 Americans from the U.S. Embassy in the Sudanese Capital; it is currently Unknown where they have been taken to.
According to Defense Officials the Helicopters that were utilized for the Evacuation were 3 CH-47 Chinooks not the UH-60 Black Hawks like was previously being reported.
A US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) AC-130J Ghostrider flew over Northern Ethiopia.
Sudan's RSF paramilitary group says that they have coordinated with the US to evacuate US diplomats and their families from Sudan. Six aircraft used in evacuation - REU

Turci se pripremaju za evakuaciju svojih i onih koji su im uputili zahteve za pomoc
Evakuaciju ce sprovesti kopnenim putem..najverovatnije preko Etiopije
Citat:Türkiye to repatriate its citizens from Sudan by land via a 'third country' on April 23rd. Seems like other countries have requested to repatriate their citizens via this scheduled Op. Will be interesting to see which country it will be.

Citat:President Biden confirms that on his orders, the United States military conducted an operation to extract U.S. Government personnel from Khartoum amid ongoing violence in the Sudanese capital. He credits Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Saudi Arabia for the operation's success.

Vojska Sudana zauzela kamp RSF
Citat:Sudan armed forces enter RSF camp east of Nile river

Citat:Evacuations have begun in Sudan.
Saudi, Jordanian and Hungarian citizens have been evacuated. General al-Burhan claims US, British, Chinese & French citizens will soon be evacuated too.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102228

Из Судана евакуисано 11 грађана Србије, остали чекају француски конвој

Citat:Зараћене стране се међусобно оптужују за напад на конвој у којем су били француски држављани, тврдећи да је један Француз рањен.
Министарство спољних послова Француске, које је раније саопштило да евакуише дипломатско особље и грађане, није коментарисало
ове извештаји.
Суданска војска је такође оптужила РСФ за напад и пљачку катарског конвоја. Доха се није огласила о том инциденту.
Египат је саопштио да је рањен један припадник мисије те земље.

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