Sukobi u 21 veku - Rat resursa - Severni Pol, Arkticki region, Sibir, Srednji istok i drugi regioni


Sukobi u 21 veku - Rat resursa - Severni Pol, Arkticki region, Sibir, Srednji istok i drugi regioni

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2859
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

Trump urged to fund Arctic icebreaker fleet
Citat:"Not only have we not built a new icebreaker since the late 1970s, the Coast Guard is being forced to order parts online and cannibalize older vessels to maintain a minimum level of operability — just to operate a single heavy icebreaker," the California Republican wrote.
Hunter is campaigning to fund six icebreakers as well as unmanned aerial systems to help the Coast Guard patrol the Arctic. He has argued for a block buy of the ships, funded beyond the $150 billion for initial development allocated by the Obama administration.

Imaju jedan ledolomac. I Trump traži da se izgrade novih 6.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9436

  • djox  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 99350

Ruska baza na Arktiku
Citat:Russian MoD provides exclusive sneak peek into its state-of-the-art defence base known as the Arctic Shamrock


  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9436

Виртуелна посета базама на Арктику

Могли би да отворимо посебну тему за те базе, нове се праве, а већ их и има...

Ево неки принтови, али за потпуни доживљај посетите линк.
+ слике

Први део серијала, после увода.

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2859
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

US Marines Corps to be fielded with new reinforced rucksacks pack frame
Citat:The current frame has been fielded since 2011, but issues with its durability began surfacing in 2013 from the Marine School of Infantry - West. Further incidents with the frame breaking arose during airborne operations and mountain warfare training and exercises in Norway during the winter of 2015 and 2016. The new frame is identical in form and how it attaches to the pack and the Marine, but is constructed using stronger materials. The frame has already been tested by Marine Recon units during a variety of exercises, and will undergo further trials in sub-freezing weather where it will be checked for signs of stress and (zabranjeno)ing after heavy use.
Nova oprema za ameriške marince. Što je pucalo u Norveškoj zimi 2015 in 2016.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9436

Putin Crowns Himself OPEC King

Citat:While OPEC’s gatherings still influence prices, it’s not Saudi Arabia’s voice that matters most, but the voice of a non-member: Russia, specifically Vladimir Putin. Laughing

Citat:Putin spurred a short-lived spike in prices on the eve of the first-ever visit by a Saudi king to Russia last month by suggesting the cuts be extended until the end of next year, though he stressed he hadn’t made a final decision. Putin’s remarks, though qualified, triggered a fresh rush of diplomacy by both OPEC and non-OPEC producers to try to hammer out a deal.

Citat:“It’s mutually beneficial,” Chow said. "The Saudis need a large oil-producing partner to effectively influence the market and the potential for a greater geopolitical and economic role in the Middle East for Russia makes compliance with production cuts an expedient move for Moscow."

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2859
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

Napisano: 24 Nov 2017 20:13

Russian LNG tanker navigates Arctic sea route in record 6.5 days

Citat:The route runs the length of Russia's Arctic and was completed in a record six and a half days. The tanker had an average speed of more than 14 knots (about 28kph) despite the fact that the vessel was forced to go through ice fields 1.2 meters thick.
The entire voyage from Hammerfest in Norway to Boryeong in South Korea via the Russian Northern Sea Route took 19 days, which is about 30 percent shorter than the traditional southern route through the Suez Canal.

Stara vest. 30% kraći put sveukupno. Sa novim lng ledolomcem.

The Huge Implications of Russia’s Northern Sea Route
Citat:Before attending the Hamburg G20 Summit in July, China’s President Xi Jinping made a stopover in Moscow where he and Russia’s President Vladimir Putin signed the “China-Russia Joint Declaration on Further Strengthening Comprehensive, Strategic and Cooperative Partnership.” The declaration includes the Northern Sea Route as a strategic area of cooperation between China and Russia, as a formal part of China’s Belt, Road Initiative (BRI) infrastructure. For its part, Russia is investing major resources in development of new LNG ports and infrastructure along the route to service a growing maritime traffic passing through its Arctic territorial waters.
Sa Kinom je Rusija podpisala Strateško partnerstvo i Arktik je dio toga.
Citat:US Geological Survey estimates are that within the Russian Arctic EEZ some 30% of all Arctic recoverable oil and 66% of its total natural gas is to be found.
Po Amerima, oko 30% nafte i 66% gasa mogu Rusi izkoristiti u svog EEZ.
U članku dalje investicije u luke, brodogradilište za nuklearne ledolomce...energetika ide preko firme Novatek, a ostalo sve da preuzme u upravljanje Rosatom.
Citat:from building ports, to building communications and navigation infrastructure, as well as coordination scientific research. Under the plan a new Arctic Division of Rosatom would centralize ports previously controlled by the Ministry of Transport as well as non-nuclear icebreakers operated by Rosmorport and Russia’s nuclear icebreaker fleet. The NSR Administration, the state institution responsible for safety of navigation, would also become part of this new “Arctic Division” at Rosatom.

Dopuna: 12 Feb 2018 7:16

Sea cables in a thawing Arctic
Citat:China has made a significant foray into the Arctic with the creation of a data “silk road”. Strongly supported by a newfound closeness with Russia, preliminary planning of a Chinese and Finnish–led trans-Arctic cable along the Arctic’s Northeast Passage in partnership with Japan and Norway is underway. But the project, essentially a relaunch of a stagnated Russian initiative, presents stark risks in affording Moscow and Beijing potential influence over global telecommunications.
Citat:The thawing Arctic presents an attractive sea cable route. A trans-Arctic sea cable cuts the distance between Asia and Europe by roughly 40%.
Citat:The second route follows the Northern Sea Route along the Northeast Passage, hugging Russia’s coastline. Named ROTACS (Russian Optical Trans-Arctic Cable System), the route links London to Tokyo via branches in Russia and Beijing. It is approximately this route that Finland and China have revived and rebranded to meet the expected rise in Europe–Asia data transfer needs.
Planovi za kabel su opet aktualni.

Dopuna: 24 Mar 2018 16:53

Russian Arctic patrol ship project faces postponement
Citat:On March 21, the general director of Admiralty Shipyard Alexander Buzakov said that under pressure from financial factors the programme of developing of new ice-class patrol ship (Project 23550 ) was off until to 2023-2024 years.
“The deadlines for patrol ships of project 23550 under the state armament plan 2018-2027, unfortunately, have been shifted by 2023-2024 due to funding,” Buzakov said.

...a za ovo nema para.

  • Pridružio: 20 Maj 2017
  • Poruke: 2474

El će da prave kod Finaca ledolomce ?

  • Pridružio: 02 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 3635

Napisano: 24 Mar 2018 20:07

Oluj2.1 ::El će da prave kod Finaca ledolomce ?
Неколико задњих требало би да су сами направили...
Качио сам ја вести и снимке са поринућа,вероватно их има теми пар страна уназад или на теми "Енергенти као стратешко оружије одвраћања",не сећам се...

Dopuna: 24 Mar 2018 20:13

Citat:Для Военно-морского флота России заложен новый ледокол. Называться он будет "Иван Папанин". Произошло это в Санкт-Петербурге, на знаменитом судостроительном заводе "Адмиралтейские верфи" Объединенной судостроительной корпорации.

  • powSrb 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 08 Mar 2015
  • Poruke: 9436

Може овде.

Putin visit kicks off at a ceremony to mark the beginning of construction of Turkey's first nuclear power plant at Akkuyu.

22 милијарде?
The foundation of Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant is being laid.

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