Mijanmarci bombardovali pobunjenike pa zakacili i indijsku teritoriju
Counter Insurgency Air Strike on India by Myanmar https://pakstrategic.com/counter-insurgency-air-st.....mar/?amp=1 https://twitter.com/FalconSyndicate/status/1613452061445861376/photo/1 Citat:On the morning of 10th Jan 2022, reports on social media started surfacing regarding a cross-border airstrike inside Indian territory conducted by the Myanmar Air force. As more information and videos of the strike became public, the whole story became clear. Myanmar had conducted a coordinated counter-insurgency airstrike operation near and within Indian territory. Reports from locals suggest that Myanmar bombed the Chin National Army (CNA) rebel group in camp Victoria which sits on the border between India and Myanmar. The Myanmar Air Force further dropped 2 bombs inside Indian territory as well as targeting rebel forces taking shelter under Indian territorial cover. Overall, the strike consisted of 3 bomber fighters and 2 helicopters, whereas according to rebel sources, they lost 7 fighters and suffered 20 injured.
Citat:A pilot from #NeaZealand was captured by Papuans in #Indonesia
The pilot of the evacuation plane, Philippe Marc Mertens, was captured last week by pro-independence Papua separatists. The plane of the New Zealander was burned, and a photo session was arranged with him.
Citat:Myanmar Junta's EE-9 Cascavel Mk3 which was disabled by the Chinland Defense Force and Chin National Army several days ago. There were two EE-9s escorting the military convoy. This particular one was disabled and another one was seen burning.
Траје већ мјесец Операција 1023, екипе из неколико покрета састављене у Three Brotherhood Alliance су отпочеле координисано напад на хунтине позиције, за сада им иде прилично добро. Заробили су нешто оклопа, артиљерије и узели неколико градова у пограничним крајевима према Кини и Индији.
^^Napadaju manje baze i zarobljavaju naoruzanje i opremu
Citat:Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) raided and captured a Tatmadaw base along with a huge arsenal in Namsan, Shan State.
Noteably a very rare Steyr SSG 69 sniper rifle, 76mm M1942 (ZiS-3) field guns, 122mm D-30M (2A18M) howitzers, Carl Gustaf/MA-84 & M20/Type 56-2 recoilless rifles, M2 machine guns and more can be seen!