Ukrajina kao novo globalno odmeravanje snaga, 2014, 2015, 2016. godina


Ukrajina kao novo globalno odmeravanje snaga, 2014, 2015, 2016. godina

  • Pridružio: 27 Jun 2013
  • Poruke: 890
  • Gde živiš: Van vidokruga jednookog

Nemacki intelektualci i umetnici poslali otvoreno pismo podrske Putinu:

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • ljs 
  • Građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 286

Evo jedan interesantan tekst o mjerama i kontra-mjerama na relaciji Rusija - EU - USA.

The West - from the U.S. to Europe - Hough shaking. It's not even surprising. Not so long ago the war in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan, some in the U.S. declare victory over the enemies of democracy and successful operations of U.S. and NATO forces. And most recently, some American nation called "exceptional" (translation: "special"). This is going to some bullet "Tomahawks" towards Syria. And before he signed a piece of paper on the strategy, the priority which should be already contain China. Finally, the winner of the all-powerful Libya recently publicly announced sanctions against Russia, joined the Crimea. When suddenly ...
Western observers and analysts assert not only weak character of this "leader" BH Obama, but also its weaknesses - economic and political. What a wimp can do if Russian will be included in a rage and start to capture the Crimea after other pieces of "independent", and then will go to Transnistria, the Baltic countries, finally wipe the Finland? .. Some people believe that even rampant Putin occupied Belarus. USSR 2.0, period. This here it is, Putin. Finns say, even urgently started to learn Russian. NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen made ​​a lot of applications - in Brussels and in the United States. But no matter what he said, the words of NATO chief shines one: the same fear of Russia, which massively evince American journalists. Amazing! .. Suddenly everything changed. Just threatened Syria, Iran, lectured China, Russia frightened "Third Energy Package" EU persistently talked about the European missile defense, solid strategic interest in Central Asia, the expansion of NATO to the East, gave the cookies to "evromaydane" in Kiev and in promoting political chiefs not Yatsenyuk not Klitschko - when suddenly everything changed. Now the main topic was the common fear. He is in all the newspapers, magazines, TV on the west it. Putin to bomb all, all capture, occupy, levy tribute. Everywhere will be Russian "commandos" - in Vilnius, Helsinki and even on Wall Street. Not to mention Canada, Australia. Alaskan not even remember if she became Russian territory themselves. Road West fear led to the banal realization that it's time to start a new arms race. Nothing else to come up with the West is unable to, sees enemies everywhere again. The West has no friends and can not be either partners or opponents. Partners, however, also opponents - competitors. Peter Epps and Adrian Croft ("Reuters) write that in Washington, London and Brussels consulted and someone chief concluded: Russian troops invade the second neighboring country over the past six years. And so it is time to reconsider its strategy. In fact, the Crimea became the starting point for a possible suspension of the planned EU spending cuts on defense. United States, in turn, can increase its military presence in Central and Eastern Europe that are members of NATO. At the NATO summit scheduled for September, will likely talk about a return to the strategy for containment of Moscow. But where is the money? authors point out that since 2008 the EU countries have reduced their military budgets by about 15%. But Russia has increased its military budget by 30%. And Putin feels more confident, invading it here and there. Since the Cold War, the U.S. military presence in Europe has decreased several times, according to the material. The number of U.S. troops there is about 80,000 people, including 14,000 and civilian personnel. In the last decades of the Soviet Union, this number exceeded 300,000 people. British Foreign Secretary William Hague is convinced that one of the main topics at the upcoming NATO summit will be a cancellation cuts to military spending. But it seems that this bravado. "Frankly, no one has a great desire to increase military budgets", - said the employee of the European branch of the Carnegie Endowment Judy Dempsey. She believes that there is no evidence of refusal of Britain from further reductions in military spending. Incidentally, another question coming summit - on nuclear weapons. Atomic "mushroom" in the West are very afraid. In addition, as noted in the material, one of the leading pro-Kremlin central channel allowed himself to say: "Russia - the only country in the world, capable of transforming the U.S. into radioactive ash." Military officials in the West today reside in confusion. And they, and analysts recognize the article notes that NATO can do little to stop Moscow in the former Soviet republics, which are not included in the Alliance. Yeah, apparently attributed these republics to the north Atlantic will be difficult even dvustandartnyh for dodgy politicians who managed to forget the "Kosovo precedent" in the case of a referendum in the Crimea. The article states that "the potential hot spot may be the Baltic countries." But here they - members of NATO. And all members are obliged to come to their aid in case of aggression. All, therefore, will be a wall where a tyrant Putin will go harass the Baltic peoples. But something tells us that the Balts in such a fantastic event prefer to voluntarily enter 2.0 in the USSR: famous because NATO members that do not see where to drop bombs, but in small territories like Lithuania and Latvia at all difficult to figure out the coordinates. And the first "signals" to the voluntary surrender of already available. Recently representative of the State Language Latvia Agris Timushka said that the Latvian authorities may revise the law "On the state language." In an interview to LNT Timushka said that Latvia does not expect a radical change in the language of the law, but to change some of its positions. It was also pointed to "pressure the United Nations." But we understand what kind of pressure question ... Famous for its World War III scenarios analyst Dave Hodges on its website March 19 posted an article entitled "Putin can win a third world without firing a shot." Hodges sure that Putin could cut as Ukraine as easily as a hot knife through butter. NATO almost nothing can oppose Russia's actions - well, except that the use of nuclear weapons. XXI century - the century of China? Do not rush to such statements, the analyst says. "When the smoke clears the current crisis, it may be that Russia is becoming a dominant force on the planet." Judge: America defeated in Ukraine. Europe has suffered a failure when she tried to convince Ukraine to join the EU. And what about the IMF, World Bank, NATO, the Obama administration and the petrodollar? And they all end soon. They inflict a crushing blow Comrade Putin.
He applies the Kremlin "secret weapon". It is so strong that the West will have nothing to say. Moreover, according to the author, Putin several kinds of secret weapons.
Weapons first. Raw! Germany gets 36% of its gas from Russia. Italy receives 27%, France - 23%. A considerable part of Russian oil and gas goes through Ukraine. Worth it to get into the hands of the Kremlin and Putin will control over most of Europe consumed energy resources, according to the material. Here you have the "energy trump Putin." Since then the Kremlin's owner can claim anything in exchange for the supply of gas to Europeans. He may stop accepting dollars for gas. Dollar, and with it the U.S. economy will collapse. And what about NATO? France, Germany and Italy - will there be a war on Putin, mindful of "fidelity military alliance?" Oh, not really. People prefer their economic stability. This is where it will end the North Atlantic Alliance. Weapons second. Putin's call the Fed will push the world to seek the best means of exchange. Situation is quite able to take advantage of, for example, Saudi Arabia. If Obama does not act, then 2014 will be the end of the petrodollar. America is waiting for hyperinflation and a nightmare crisis. What can Obama do? He has a fairly modest selection. It seems that the author believes Obama will blame anything invade Syria and there, and then arrange and intervention in Iran. Thereby be drawn-out of the dollar in the Middle East, ie Obama slow death of the petrodollar. Weapons third. And what about Assad? Will he Zyapom modern Vo Nguyen, who knocked the Americans out of Vietnam? In addition, there are indications that Putin supplies Assad class military equipment and weapons. It seems that Putin again thwart Obama's plans! Hodges said a few words about the Chinese. About them in any way we can not say. Who will support the PLA - Russia or America yet? China - the largest holder of U.S. Treasury bonds, and the future of its economy depends on maintaining the dollar in a viable state. Meanwhile, China also took part in undermining the petrodollar: for example, to buy Iranian oil for gold. We have yet to analyze the analyst says, whose side will China. short, no definite answer. In the case of the outbreak of World War III (and it is - out of the difficult situation of America) nothing good world is not waiting. The only winners in the war will be the financial movers and shakers, said Hodges. summarize. Will of the people in the Crimea in the West continue to announce "Russian invasion", the second after a brief war with Georgia of 2008. On the "invasion" should be something to answer, but Washington, London and Brussels do not know what to do. The only solution they came up with - is to build an arms race. But the problem is they have no money! There is an opinion that Putin is about to occupy Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. And these states - members of NATO. Apparently, there's analysts see the starting point for the Third World. But what NATO oppose Russia's actions? Nothing in impoverished Russian alliance against armed with today there - except that nuclear weapons. And then there's "secret weapon" Comrade Putin. Germany, Italy, France - all Russian gas heated. It first. Second, Putin can challenge the Fed and ruin petrodollar. America is waiting for a nightmare. France, Germany, Italy will not fight for a dollar, they prefer stability and delivery of Russian gas. Here and the end of NATO. Third, Putin did not give Obama to make quick and victorious war games in the Middle East - Russia will cover Syria. If we recall that Obama almost completely failed and the external and internal policy of the United States and earned a reputation as the worst president in American history (even worse than Bush Jr.), the reason becomes clear dark mood Western analysts. White House would not save a buck ...

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  • ljs 
  • Građanin
  • Pridružio: 23 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 286

Interesantna informacija o izgradnji pruge kojom Rusija planira da se poveže sa Indijom. Diversifikacija ekonomije. Izvoza i uvoza. Mislim da će u Njemačkoj padati glave zbog sve izvjesnijeg gubitka tržišta u Rusiji.
Neko od kolega je već pomenuo da nije (ipak jeste ali ajde da kažemo da nije) problem nabaviti gas za EU na drugom mjestu već je problem prodati visoko sofisticirane proizvode Njemače industrije na drugom mjestu kad jednom Rusko tržište bude "zatvoreno".

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu proposed railway line to reach to India and Pakistan through the territory of Western China. The new railway line may be a continuation of Elegest Kyzyl-Kuragino. According to the project documentation, the length of the railway line is 410 km, and the cost - 156 billion rubles. Initially, the construction branch was associated with the development of coal in Tuva, but it will be used for passenger transport. 40% of project costs to finance the State remaining - the money banks and private investors. Initially, it may be constructed continuation of the railway to the Chinese Urumqi, the distance between you and the capital of Tuva is only about 400 km. And from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region can be built continued to Pakistan and India. Also considered the option of building a branch in Western Mongolia, rich in natural resources. should be noted that the railway, which passes through the center to the Eurasian continent can become project of the century, as it would require large-scale investments and will have enormous economic and strategic importance as the largest tie country on the planet. Russian rail freight, including natural resources, could go to Asian markets. And for the economies of India and China, the line can get the best one for the transport of goods to Europe. Moreover, the project could significantly strengthen economic ties between the two countries, which will inevitably lead to economic growth. However, the project should be considered as technically very challenging. Russia over the last decade made ​​efforts to become a transit country for goods from Asia to Europe, as it is to bring the domestic economy a huge profit. So, our country has long offered used for this purpose, and BAM Transsiberian, a new branch enables a project to vast areas of western China and India, and eventually the whole of southern Asia. In addition to Russian Railways intends to develop the Northern Sea Route, which is much shorter and safer than the traditional maritime routes.


  • Mačak
  • Zavarivač
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 2595
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Odoše Majdanci .

  • Mačak
  • Zavarivač
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 2595
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Hit ovog leta .

Oduzeto oruzije ministarstvu unutrašnjih poslova na istoku .

Noćas je bilo pucnjave jedan Ukrainski major je ubijen .

  • Pridružio: 03 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 1086
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Majdan je za najavljene predsednicke izbore kandidovao dva ozbiljna kandidata. Pocetkom marta sam citao neke ruske clanke (na srpskom) koji su izrazavali nadu da ce Julija, "manirom iskusnog politicara", pobediti na izborima igrajuci pomorljivo prema jugoistoku i Rusiji. U drugoj polovini predhodne decenije ona je upravo na taj nacin napravila za nju odlican politicki kapital (a i bankovni). U nizu losih opcija, cinilo se da je lopovka najmanje zlo. Medjutim, ona se sada svojom ostrom retorikom definitivno diskvalifikovala kao neko ko ce biti most prema Rusima i jugoistoku. Navodno najozbiljniji kandidat za pobedu, majdanovski tajkun Porosenko, takodje nastupa agresivno: on bi eventualno oprostio Rusima pod uslovom da propisno legnu na rudu. U kontekstu predsednickih izbora, ako iko tu nesto planira, majdanovska opcija se dakle odlucila na radikalizaciju. To ce i na drugoj strani izazvati rizicnije opcije odgovora, pre svega od Rusije.

Na jugoistoku je glavni kandidat Dubkin, legalni guverner Harkovske oblasti, mislim da je jos uvek u zatvoru u Kijevu, zbog "pretnje ustavnom poretku". Nakon torpedovanja Partije regiona, on je bio najeksponiraniji njen funkcioner u pruzanju otpora pucistima. On je bio i najaktivniji lider Harkovskog skupa jugoistoka, moguce da je bio i glavni organizator. Ako nema nekih mrlja u biografiji, ovo ga cini jakim proruskim kandidatom, on je inace jevrejskog porekla. KP uvek izlazi samostalno na predsednicke izbore ali njen kandidat uvek prolazi mnogo losije od svoje partije na parlamentarnim izborima. Sve u svemu, sa jugoistoka ce biti jedan jak kandidat a iz drugog dela dva, znaci Dubkin sigurno ulazi u drugi krug.

Umereni majdanovski kandidat bi sigurno dobio znacajnu podrsku i na jugoistoku, sto do sada nikada nije bio slucaj. Za uzvrat, bio bi garant minimuma interesa druge strane. Losa strana te price je sto bi to dovelo do slabljenja politicke kompaktnosti jugoistoka.

Ovako, majdanovac sigurno pobedjuje ali ce majski izbori "krunisati" novog lidera jugoistoka, za koga je razumno ocekivati da ce ubedljivo pobediti na jugoistoku. U sklopu nedavnih dogadjaja, ta pobeda sigurno nece biti ubedljiva kao sto je pobedjivao Janukovic ali je margina glasaca dovoljno velika za dobar rezultat. I to ce za jugoistok biti poboljsanje u odnosu na sadasnju situaciju, dobice legitimnog lidera i potvrdice se politicka podeljenost zemlje.

  • Pridružio: 03 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 1086
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Nocasne vesti o dogadjajima na jugoistoku meni izgledaju kao uobicajene vikend demonstracije ciji je domet konstantan presing na pucisticku vlast i odrzavanje tenzija za nesto sto tek treba da se dogodi. Relativno mala brojnost tih demonstracija ne mora nista da znaci, u pocetku dogadjaja na Krimu majdanovci (Tatari) su malne bili brojniji i agresivniji a to se ipak zavrsilo ubedljivom podrskom naroda ruskoj opciji. Najcesce je i na Majdanu bilo oko hiljadu ljudi...

Povoljna okolnost je i ta sto su je koncentracija Rusa i Ukrajinaca sa maternjim Ruskim veca u gradovima nego u manjim mestima, to vazi i na jugoistoku. Drugim recima, pominjana statistika za oblasti je "proruskija" u vecim gradovima. A vlast se osvaja u gradovima. U momentu kada postane izvesno da ce do prevrata na jugoistoku doci, majdanovska struktura tamo ce se raspasti, kao sto je bilo i na Krimu. Verovatno ce tada i Rinat Ahmetov podici kosulju da pokaze modrice od batina (morao sam, nisam hteo...)

  • Pridružio: 06 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 11645
  • Gde živiš: Vranje

Desetak nepoznatih napali na KPP kasarne u okolini grada Saki, na zapadu Krima. Prvi napad je očigledno bio diverzioni, jer se po prvom desio pokušaj da se prodre u kasarnu na drugom mestu. Jedan uhapšen, jedan napadač umro pre nego što je stigla hitna pomoć, trojica pobegla ...

  • Mačak
  • Zavarivač
  • Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 2595
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Sakašvili kaze da je predvideo situaciju .

Kaze : potpuno isti scenario kao na Krimu .

  • Pridružio: 22 Okt 2013
  • Poruke: 139

Citat:Говорити да је неко победио или изгубио,а незнати шта је уопште имао на уму је смешно.
Без обзира за коју страну!

Ovaj……”zapad” je imao na umu staviti cijelu Ukrajinu pod kontrolu.
Slijedeca namjera mu je nastaviti dalje na Istok.

Rusija je imala namjeru imati pod kontrolom cijelu Ukrajinu.
Slijedeca namjera je bila jacanje bipolarnog svijeta.
Citat:Мада очигледно је да је једна страна урадила шта хоће на запрепашћење друге,е сад дал је хтела више време ће показати.
Slazem se Mr. Green .

Iz “zapadne” perspective: odlucili smo uzeti cijelu Ukrajinu; Rusi su nas iznenadili sa Krimom. Kontroliramo Zapadnu Ukrajinu. Ide dobro na Istoku i Jugoistoku. Treba nam nekoliko mjeseci da to stabiliizramo.

Iz “ruske” perspective: mislili smo da kontroliramo Ukrajinu; “zapad” nas je iznenadio i preuzeo Zapadnu Ukrajinu. Istocna i Jugoistocna…ostaje da se vidi; rijesit ce se u slijedecih nekoliko mjeseci. Krim je nas.

Net rezultat, zasada......ovisi tko gleda. Wink

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