Poslao: 05 Mar 2014 20:12
- Pridružio: 21 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 92
Ukrajinska fregata kroz Bosfor prošla pod zastavom Ukrajine
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 05 Mar 2014 20:21
- Pridružio: 30 Dec 2011
- Poruke: 2595
- Gde živiš: Čačak
PetarN ::Tema za razmisljanje:
Kako je to moguce da su u istom, “Ukrajinskom” timu, Igor Kolomoisky i Oleh Tyahnybok ?
Sto se tice povlacenja trupa nakon vjezbe radi odmora, popune, dovodjenja tehnike u ispravno stanje, ne…..to ne stoji, ne u ovoj igri.
Jedinice ostaju na terenu spremne za trenutnu upotrebu, a ljudi i tehnika se rotiraju, a kroz rotaciju i ojacavaju.
U ovoj igri.
Amerikanci bi to tako napravili.
Zasto to Rusi nisu napravili, pa….
NETKO je pritisnuo Putina (ili izvrsnu vlast Rusije) i on je popustio.
Tko je to napravio, i odakle mu ta snaga kad su ugrozeni vitalni interesi Rusije je nesto o cemu bi se moglo razmisljati.
Kolega vezba je bila na granici sa Finskom .
Poslao: 05 Mar 2014 20:21
- boksi
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 7837
- 17Ovo se svidja korisnicima: deri3891, srbbenda, Slobodarko, PleoJSO, castro36, Dixy, djboj, zemljanin, Levi, GrobarRomanticar, victoria, Megapurpletv, ljuba, 4channer, CheefCoach, MarKhan, Mercury
Registruj se da bi pohvalio/la poruku!
Poslao: 05 Mar 2014 21:06
- kljift
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Okt 2009
- Poruke: 7201
zgembo ::Viceroy ::Snajperisti koji su pucali na demonstrante u Kijevu - plaćeni su od strane pro-evropskih lidera Majdana, prema upravo objavljenom snimku telefonskog razgovora šefice diplomatije EU Ketrin Ešton i ministra spoljnih poslova Estonije.
Znaci, pro evropski snajperisti su pucali u pro evropske fasiste samo da bi isprovocirali Rusiju da useta u ukrajinu da zastiti rusku manjinu na koju niko nije pucao niti su se ovi ranije bunili i onako iz sporta organizuju plebiscit za odcjepljenju od fasisticke pro zapadne ukrajine??
Pa i vi ste gospodine Zgembo palili kantonalnu Vladu i dozivali EU vojsku da vas zaštiti od manjine koja se ne buni.
Poslao: 05 Mar 2014 21:09
- Iskander M
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
- Poruke: 1246
Учесници митинга са проруским паролама заузели су зграду Доњецке регионалне админитрације.
Демонстранти су пробили кордон жандармерије Украјине, после чега су упали кроз поломљена улазна врата у административну зграду.
Демонстранти су дошли са руским заставама и скандирали Беркут, Русија, Референдум.
Војници су се повукли, а из кабинета шефа регионалне администрације на 11. спрату окачена је застава Русије.
Демонстранти захтевају одржавање референдума о будућем статусу региона и смени руководства безбедносних структура.
Poslao: 05 Mar 2014 21:12
- Iskander M
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 05 Jul 2012
- Poruke: 1246
Око 5000 људи окупило се данас код зграде Харковске регионалне управе са захтевом о одржавању референдума о статусу овог украјинског региона.
Демонстранти инсистирају на оставци новог губернатора Игора Балуте, кога је Кијев поставио. Демонстранти скандирају „Русијо, помози“, „Доле хунта“, „Харков је наш“, „Подржимо Севастопољ и Крим“.
У овом тренутку зграду регионалне администрације обезбеђује око 500 припадника полиције. На трг, такође долазе, снаге жандармерије.
Poslao: 05 Mar 2014 22:07
- S2M
- Legendarni građanin
- No pasarán – Sie kommen nicht durch
- Pridružio: 21 Nov 2009
- Poruke: 6570
Analiza NYT
What Putin Really Wants
MOSCOW — The decision of the Russian president, Vladimir V. Putin, to send forces into Crimea provoked a hysterical reaction, but his motives are less ambitious than is commonly assumed.
Mr. Putin’s aim is not a de jure separation of Crimea from the rest of Ukraine. That would be legally problematic and disadvantageous to Moscow in terms of its future influence over Ukrainian politics. The purpose of Russia’s incursion was to obtain the greatest possible autonomy for Crimea while still retaining formal Ukrainian jurisdiction over the peninsula.
A referendum on March 30 is likely to result in a vote for further autonomy, and it would provide Crimea with such broad freedoms that it would become a de facto Russian protectorate. Moscow would then aim to keep the Russian Black Sea fleet in Crimea indefinitely, and remove any limits on its operations, size and replenishment.
At present, Mr. Putin is seeking to strong-arm the new, weak and unstable government in Kiev into agreeing to full autonomy for Crimea rather than risk a full scale invasion into Ukraine and a partition that chops off the country’s entire south and east. The intimidated government is likely to be compelled to accept this compromise. For its part, in exchange for major Ukrainian concessions, Russia is likely to recognize the new Ukrainian government, withdraw its support for Viktor F. Yanukovych and relinquish the threat of the use of force.
This strategy seems to be paying off already. The mere specter of a Russian intervention was enough for the new Ukrainian government to abandon its threat of reducing autonomy for the “rebellious” peninsula. The acting president, Oleksandr V. Turchynov, has also announced that he will veto the scandalous Feb. 24 law that canceled Russian’s status as an official language. The West is likely to accept any agreement that does not formally violate the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Their rhetoric notwithstanding, neither the United States nor the European Union has any desire for direct confrontation with Russia.
It wouldn’t be surprising if Mr. Putin soon magnanimously announced his readiness to compromise and “guarantee the territorial integrity of Ukraine,” which the Kremlin actually never intended to violate in the first place.
That’s because Russia has a strong interest in nominally retaining Crimea as part of Ukraine. From the disintegration of the Soviet Union onward, Crimea, with its traditionally separatist leanings, was always a destabilizing factor. It served as a direct avenue of Russian pressure on Ukraine, and also guaranteed almost a million “pro-Russian” votes in Ukrainian elections, ensuring the dominance of the pro-Russian eastern half of the country over the nationalist western half.
If the Ukrainian nationalists had been smarter and more farsighted, they themselves would have advocated a renunciation of claims to Crimea in order to remove this needle in their side, but their desire for a Greater Ukraine has trumped sober political calculations.
Mr. Putin is a more farsighted and coldblooded calculator. He will therefore strive to keep Crimea as part of Ukraine, but as a reinforced instrument of Russian influence over politics in Kiev — and a powerful example for pro-Russian populations in other regions.
It’s difficult to imagine just what the new rulers in Kiev and their Western supporters thought would happen if they overthrew a democratically elected leader. Indeed, since 1992, when Kiev sparred with Moscow over Crimea’s status as part of the newly independent Ukraine, it has been clear that the Russian forces stationed there (including the Black Sea Fleet) would not remain neutral if tensions erupted. Denouncing Russian aggression is therefore disingenuous, because everyone knew that Russian involvement was inevitable if the region’s fragile political balance was disturbed. That balance held for two decades, but the Kiev upheaval laid waste to it.
Western governments, meanwhile, brought a crisis upon themselves by supporting the seizure of power by forces that were manifestly unrepresentative of the full political spectrum of Ukraine and its various regions.
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