Poslao: 20 Sep 2008 23:11
- Toni
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31065
Zrenjanin -- Austrijska kompanija "Vizium er" izgradiće u Zrenjaninu pogon za proizvodnju sportskih aviona, vredan 30 miliona evra.
Pogon će se nalaziti u industrijskoj zoni Ečka, u blizini istoimenog aerodoroma. Vizium Air će u narednih godinu i po dana u Zrenjaninu otvoriti dva proizvodna pogona, pilotsku akademiju i servisni centar u kojima će se zaposliti vise od 400 ljudi. Najpre će biti izgrađeni pogoni za servisiranje i izradu manjih delova, dok će se kasnije proizvoditi kompletne letelice.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 07 Okt 2008 18:38
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 35968
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet
Grčka kupuje 420 borbenih oklopnih vozila BMP-3M od rusije
Citat:Russia to Sell 420 BMPs to Greece
By agence france-presse
Published: 6 Oct 16:24 EDT (20:24 GMT)
MOSCOW - Moscow and Athens are drafting a contract for the delivery of 420 Russian light-armored infantry vehicles to Greece, Russia's state-run weapons exporter announced Oct. 6.
Rosoboronexport said the deal would involve "brand new" BMP-3M infantry vehicles. No other details were provided.
"At the beginning of 2008, the Greek ministry of national defense submitted a formal request for the delivery of these vehicles," Rosoboronexport said in a statement.
"The inter-governmental agreement and the corresponding contract are being prepared for their signature," it said.
Greece had decided in December to purchase 450 Russian tanks over 15 years for 1.2 billion euros ($1.63 billion), according to the Greek defense ministry.
The Russian firm's announcement came as a weapons trade show, Defendory International 2008, was set to open in Athens on Oct. 7.
Poslao: 12 Okt 2008 20:32
- Pridružio: 09 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 98
- Gde živiš: BIH, BL
Rusija testirala novu raketu
12. oktobar 2008. | 13:05 | Izvor: Tanjug
Moskva -- Rusija je sa kosmodroma Pleseck, u okviru vežbi "Stabilnost-2008", uspešno je lansirala interkontinentalnu balističku raketu "topola".
Kako je izjavio načelnik Službe Raketnih snaga strateške namene za iformisanje Aleksandar Vovk, u predviđeno vreme raketa je sa visokom preciznošću pogodila naznačeni cilj na poligonu Kura na Kamčatki. Lansiranje je nadgledao ruski predsednik i vrhovni komandant Dmitrij Medvedev. Ruski predsednik je rekao da je "zadatak ispunjen kvalitetno".
"To pokazuje da naša tehnika funkcioniše kako je planirano", rekao je Medvedev i dodao da će se Rusija naoružavati "novim vidovima snaga i sredstava" i "nastaviti sa lansiranjem tradicionalnih balističkih raketa" koje ima.
"Njihova je efikasnost dokazana vremenom i to je veoma dobro, to pokazuje da je naš štit u redu", rekao je predsednik Rusije, a prenela državna novinska agencija Itar-Tas.
Trostepena "topola" je u stanju je da pogađa mete na maksimalnoj udaljenosti od 10.000 kilometara, a njena startna težina 45 tona.
Prema tvrdnjama stručnjaka, raketu odlikuje velika pokretljivost i "zmijolik" let, što je čini praktično neprimetnom za radare.
Raketne snage strateške namene ukupno su ove godine pet puta lansirale rakete, a očekuje se da do kraja godine lansiraju još dve.
Ruski predsednik juče je nadgledao vežbe Severne flote, tokom kojih je ispaljena interkontinentalna raketa "plavetnilo" na cilj u Tihom okeanu, udaljen 11.547 kilometara.
Agencija Itar-Tas javila je da je danas sa atomske podmornice "Jekaterinburg" Severne flote u Barencovom moru ispaljena još jedna raketa "plavetnilo" na cilj na Kamčatki.
Sa Podmornice "Zelenograd" ruske Tihookeanske flote ispaljena je balistička raketa R-29R, a iz podmornice "Tigar" Severne flote ispaljena je krilata raketa, na jedan od poligona Flote, javio je Itar-tas.
Poslao: 13 Okt 2008 12:37
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 22 Dec 2006
- Poruke: 396
- Gde živiš: Zemun
Rusija testirala novu raketu
12. oktobar 2008. | 13:05 | Izvor: Tanjug
Moskva -- Rusija je sa kosmodroma Pleseck, u okviru vežbi "Stabilnost-2008", uspešno je lansirala interkontinentalnu balističku raketu "topola".
Kako je izjavio načelnik Službe Raketnih snaga strateške namene za iformisanje Aleksandar Vovk, u predviđeno vreme raketa je sa visokom preciznošću pogodila naznačeni cilj na poligonu Kura na Kamčatki. Lansiranje je nadgledao ruski predsednik i vrhovni komandant Dmitrij Medvedev. Ruski predsednik je rekao da je "zadatak ispunjen kvalitetno".
"To pokazuje da naša tehnika funkcioniše kako je planirano", rekao je Medvedev i dodao da će se Rusija naoružavati "novim vidovima snaga i sredstava" i "nastaviti sa lansiranjem tradicionalnih balističkih raketa" koje ima.
"Njihova je efikasnost dokazana vremenom i to je veoma dobro, to pokazuje da je naš štit u redu", rekao je predsednik Rusije, a prenela državna novinska agencija Itar-Tas.
Trostepena "topola" je u stanju je da pogađa mete na maksimalnoj udaljenosti od 10.000 kilometara, a njena startna težina 45 tona.
Prema tvrdnjama stručnjaka, raketu odlikuje velika pokretljivost i "zmijolik" let, što je čini praktično neprimetnom za radare.
Raketne snage strateške namene ukupno su ove godine pet puta lansirale rakete, a očekuje se da do kraja godine lansiraju još dve.
Ruski predsednik juče je nadgledao vežbe Severne flote, tokom kojih je ispaljena interkontinentalna raketa "plavetnilo" na cilj u Tihom okeanu, udaljen 11.547 kilometara.
Agencija Itar-Tas javila je da je danas sa atomske podmornice "Jekaterinburg" Severne flote u Barencovom moru ispaljena još jedna raketa "plavetnilo" na cilj na Kamčatki.
Sa Podmornice "Zelenograd" ruske Tihookeanske flote ispaljena je balistička raketa R-29R, a iz podmornice "Tigar" Severne flote ispaljena je krilata raketa, na jedan od poligona Flote, javio je Itar-tas.
Dopuna: 13 Okt 2008 12:37
11. oktobar 2008. | 16:52 | Izvor: Beta
Murmansk -- Rusija je testirala najnoviju balističku raketu koja je lansirana iz podmornice u Berencovom moru pogodila cilj oko ekvatora u Pacifičkom okeanu.
Lansiranju rakete prisustvovao je ruski predsednik Dmitrij Medvedev koji je rekao da problemi na svetskom finansijskom tržištu neće uticati na planove Rusije da obnovi svoje oružane snage. Najnovija ruska raketa lansirana je sa nuklearne podmornice "Tula" u Barnecovom moru i pogodila je neodređeno područje u blizini ekvatora u Pacifičkom okeanu.
Portparol ruske mornarice rekao da je to prvi put u istoriji ruske mornarice da raketa bude ispaljena na ekvatorijalni deo u Pacifičkom okeanu a ne na oblast namenjenu testiranju na Kamčatki.
On nije naveo gde je raketa pala, ali je dodao da je to područje uoči testiranja zatvoreno za plovidbu i letove u skladu sa međunarodnim propisima.
Proizvodnja rakete "sineva", koju je ruska vojska predstavila kao novu generaciju straškog oružja koje može da izbegne bilo koji sistem raketne odbrane, naurčena je prošle godine.
Ruska vojska je saopštila da će rakete sistema "sineva" biti u upotrebi najmanje do 2030. godine.
Poslao: 21 Okt 2008 18:38
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 35968
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet
Venecuela kupuje nove tenkove od rusije....
Venezuela Buying More Russian Tanks
agence france-presse
Published: 17 Oct 08:15 EDT (12:15 GMT)
CARACAS - Venezuela is buying more Russian weapons, including armored personnel carriers and tanks, to replace aging ordnance and to improve the country's security and defense capabilities, a top military commander said Oct. 16.
"We could be talking about 100 to 500 tanks," said Strategic Operations Command chief Gen. Jesus Gonzalez. "Right now it's impossible to know ... because strategic research studies are still underway [and] we're still negotiating."
The general was confirming an Interfax news agency report Oct. 15 about a Russian weapon shipments to Venezuela, which Russian arms export agency deputy director Igor Sevastyanov said included "a large number of BMP-3 armored personnel carriers" and multiple rocket launchers.
The move follows increasingly closer Russian-Venezuelan relations and $4.4 billion in bilateral arms deals signed since 2005 that have raised U.S. concerns, especially in view of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's fierce anti-American stance.
After meeting with a top-level Russian delegation headed by Security Council secretary Nikolai Patrushev, Gonzalez said "nobody should be surprised or afraid" about the arms deal and growing friendship between the two countries.
"Our security and defense require the purchase of airplanes, helicopter and tanks," he added, without mentioning a price tag for the recent weapons deal.
Moscow, he said, "is now supplying us with the materials we need for our defense," including armored personnel carriers.
He said Venezuela needed tanks "because the French AMX tanks we got 30 years ago are quite old now, and the Scorpio tanks from Britain are also quite old. We're buying mid-sized T-62 [Russian] tanks ... reconnaissance tanks and other models offered us."
Venezuela and Russia's "decision to have bilateral, technical-military trade is firm and permanent," the Venezuelan general stressed.
Venezuela has already bought 24 Sukhoi fighter jets, 50 helicopters and 100,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles from Russia.
During a visit by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to Moscow last month, Russia announced it was giving Venezuela a $1 billion credit to buy Russian weapons and the two countries discussed nuclear energy cooperation.
They are also planning joint naval exercises in the Caribbean in November.
U.S. military chiefs have said they are concerned about the military buildup in Venezuela, and the U.S. State Department has said it will be watching the Russian-Venezuelan naval exercises "very closely."
Poslao: 21 Okt 2008 19:06
- Leonardo
- Moderator u penziji
- Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
- Poruke: 13919
Citat:South Asia
Oct 22, 2008
It's all go for moon-struck India
By Raja Murthy
MUMBAI - A 52-hour countdown began on Monday morning to India's first mission to the moon, with the unmanned spacecraft Chandrayaan-I being revved up to launch the country's expanding space ambitions. These include a manned moon mission by 2015, a robotic Mars visit by 2012 and even a moon colony as a base for interplanetary exploration.
The 1.3 tonne, cube-shaped orbiter Chandrayaan-1, which looks like a hurriedly gift-wrapped parcel in gold paper, will be blasted off from the Sriharikota space port near Chennai in the pre-dawn hours of Wednesday, if weather gods keep the northeast monsoon rains away.
Unlike previous moon missions from Earth, Chandrayaan-1 will
make history as the first lunar craft to undertake a comprehensive close mapping of the moon, instead of focusing only on specific regions or aspects.
Chandrayaan, meaning "moon vehicle" in Hindi, will "prepare a three-dimensional atlas [with a high spatial and altitude resolution of 5 millimeters to 10m] of both the near and the far side of the moon", according to the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO).
That India should be shooting for the moon at a time when the global economy is trembling fearfully speaks not just for the country's impressive economic stability, but also the quality of its space scientists. They have ensured that Chandrayaan-1 also makes history as the least expensive moon ambassador from Earth.
Chandrayaan-1 cost US$74 million, cheap if compared, for instance, to Japan's $279 million Selene (Selenological and Engineering Explorer) moon probe, which took off from Japan's Tanegashima island space port on September 14, 2007.
Moreover, $20 million of the $74 million Chandrayaan-1 cost went into valuable reusable infrastructure, such as building a trio of Earth-stationed trackers of moon-mission data - the Deep Space Network, the Spacecraft Control Center and the Indian Space Science Data Center, all located at Byalalu, near Bangalore in the south.
"We are spending hardly 0.5% of our national budget on our scientific programs, and what we are spending on Chandrayaan is hardly only 3% of our budget over the last five years," ISRO chairman Madhavan Nair told media.
Nair, who hopes to establish the world's first space institute with a four-year graduation course, which would lead to an ISRO job, often mentions being pleasantly surprised at a Madras School of Economics study five years ago that revealed how India gets a $2 return for every $1 invested in its space program. India's space budget of $1 billion is one-tenth that of the US's National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and less than half of China's space program.
Nair, however, does not mention that the study also pointed out that the average salary of ISRO scientists is one-eighth that of the US and Europe. The low labor costs are a major reason for India's comparative advantage in satellite production and launch costs, said the Madras School of Economics study.
More credit is due to Indian scientists as lower pay has not induced them to leave for higher-paying jobs abroad, or compromise on quality in producing advanced technology such as in Chandrayaan-1 to fly on a five-day journey to the moon and orbit it for two years.
With India's Chandrayaan, China's Chang'e (named after the Chinese goddess of the moon) and Japan's Selene moon probe, Asia has earned a considerable edge in humanity's early steps into exploring what lies around the moon and beyond.
"The real space race is in Asia," acknowledged the headline of a Newsweek article in its September 29, 2008, issue, and it went further in its latest issue declaring India to be a world leader in practical applications of space technology which can improve the quality of life on Earth, such as assisting in communications, agriculture, weather forecasting, rural development and telecasting.
Besides the nationwide celebrations that will follow on Wednesday if the launch successfully takes off, more substantial carrots dangling for the moon expedition include the prospect of mining lunar minerals such as magnesium, aluminum, silicon, calcium, iron and titanium.
Added delights include the possibility of finding deposits of uranium and thorium to feed nuclear power plants on Earth. So the global scientific community is also expected to keenly track Chandrayaan-1, which also hopes to locate helium-3 on the moon, considered an environmentally clean nuclear fuel.
Chandrayaan-1 will firmly establish India as a leading space power. As ISRO chairman Nair pointed out, India has so far managed to send satellites to a 36,000 kilometers distance in a geo-stationary orbit, but the moon mission will carry India's national flag tricolors to a distance of 400,000 km.
Also aboard Chandrayaan-1 are 11 scientific instrument payloads, including from the US, Germany, Sweden and Bulgaria.
"The ISRO is not charging any money for the payload," said Sridhar Murthy, executive director of Antrix, the marketing division of the ISRO. "Chandrayaan-1 is purely a non-commercial, scientific mission."
Murthy told Asia Times Online that India's moon mission is part of a space program expansion that includes increasing the capacity of its Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV-3) rocket to carry larger satellites (it can presently launch a 2.5 tonne satellite), launching a new ocean observation satellite and advanced communication satellites.
While Nair's claim of India having a technologically superior space program to that of neighboring China might be hotly debated across the border, India has already launched 50 satellites since its first satellite, Aryabhata, was sent up on the Russian launch vehicle Intercosmos on April 19, 1975.
Significantly, the low-budget Chandrayaan-1 ensures India is fast consolidating its reputation as a key cost-effective player in the growing stakes in global space commerce. India has indigenously developed two satellite launch vehicles to carry payloads, the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) used for launching IRS satellites and Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicles (GSLV).
On April 28, India became the first country to send 10 satellites in one launch when the PSLV-C9 took off from Sriharikota with India's CARTOSAT-2A and IMS-1 satellites, as well as eight micro-satellites from other client countries.
Chandrayaan-1, too, will get a ride from India's workhorse space taxi, the 14-year-old, 45-meter tall, 295-tonne Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), in an upgraded version the PSLV-C11.
The Chandrayaan-1 payloads include the US's Miniature Synthetic Aperture Radar (MiniSAR) from the Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University and Naval Air Warfare Center, Bulgaria's Sub KeV Atom Reflecting Analyser (SARA) from the Institute of Space Physics, Germany's Near Infra Red spectrometer (SIR-2) from Germany's Max Plank Institute, Lindau, Bulgaria's Radiation Dose Monitor Experiment (RADOM), and the US's Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) from Brown University and NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Not to be missed is the juicy irony of an Indian spacecraft carrying a NASA payload - the US led the global ban of high technology to India's space and nuclear program for decades after it tested its first atomic bomb in 1974. This, from the owner of the world's largest nuclear weapon arsenal, came as a blessing in disguise as Indian scientists brilliantly worked out indigenous technology that is now advanced enough for the US and European countries to have a piggyback ride in South Asia's first moon mission.
Poslao: 11 Nov 2008 22:52
- boksi
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 11 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 7834
Otpušteno 400 radnika TRZ-a
Čačak -- Oko 400 radnika Tehničko-remontnog zavoda u Čačku otpušteno je sa posla, bez prethodne najave i ikakvog objašnjenja.
Otpušteni radnici rekli su da je polovina zaposlenih u Zavodu, odnosno oko 400 radnika, u petak, 31. oktobra "bez najave i objašnjenja" dobila pisanu naredbu da se udalje sa radnog mesta i da razduže alat. Niko od rukovodstva Zavoda do sada nije bio dostupan za komentar.
Radnici su naveli da im je prilikom uručenja "naredbe o udaljavanju sa radnog mesta" rečeno da će za 15 dana dobiti rešenja o prestanku radnog odnosa i radne knjižice, kao i da su im "nagoveštavane otpremnine".
Među otpuštenim radnicima su i invalidi, kao i oni koji imaju po 36 godina radnog staža.
Radnici kažu da se u TRZ-u odavno pričalo o reorganizaciji firme i smanjenu broja radnika, kao i da će višak radnika dobiti otpremnine, ali da se oni o tome nisu izjašnjavali, kao i da im to niko od rukovodstva nije zvanično objasnio i obećao.
Plata visoko kvalifikovanog majstora u TRZ-u je 20.000 dinara, a radnici navode i da su poslednjih pet godina primali 80 odsto od plate zbog izgradnje toplane u Zavodu koja je uništena za vreme NATO bombardovanja.
Radnici kažu da toplana još nije završena i da se u TRZ-u i dalje greju na peći "bubnjare".
TRZ je vojno-dohodovna ustanova čija je osnovna delatnost, kako se navodi na sajtu Zavoda, tehničko održavanje i generalni remont sredstava borbene tehnike, uključujući i odgovarajuće pripadajuće sisteme, agregate i uređaje.
E sto ce sad biti remonta,a tek ovi jadni ljudi
Dopuna: 11 Nov 2008 22:52
Prvo TRZ sad VZ u Batajnici al ce da lete avioni sad
Batajnica: Otkaz za 300 radnika
Beograd -- Posle otkaza koji su uručeni stotinama radnika tehničko remontnog zavoda Čačak, bez posla je ostalo više od 300 radnika vazduhoplovnog zavoda u Batajnici.
Petar Šuš, koji je u zavodu proveo 38 godina, kaže da ih niko na to nije pripremio. “Mi smo bili jako zbunjeni, nepripremljeni. To se očekivalo jako davno, o tome se pričalo pre tri godine… Onda je sve sa ‘neba pa u rebra’ palo, vidite šta se meni desilo”, kaže Šuš.
On kaže da im se niko nije obratio ili zakazao sastanak.
“Mi za njih nismo ljudi, mi smo za njih samo identifikacioni brojevi“, kaže on.
Preko 300 radnika zavoda čak nije ni moglo da potpiše otkaz po uobičajenoj proceduri.
Petar Šuš objašnjava da se sve oteglo do kasno u noć.
“Samo su nas ćušnuli van ove kapije, u pola dva noću, bez hrane, pića, tople odeće. To je ružna slika”, kaže on.
Ministarstvo odbrane ranije je saopštilo da je zbog transformacije vojnodohodovnih ustanova predviđeno otpuštanje 700 radnika.
Uredbom Vlade Republike Srbije od 5. juna ove godine predviđeno je da se te ustanove transformišu u vojne i pređu na finansiranje iz budžeta.
Izjavu direktora zavoda Milenka Stupara B92 nije uspeo da dobije.
Kako je rečeno, direktor danas nije imao vremena za novinare zbog obaveza u zavodu i Ministarstvu odbrane.
Poslao: 15 Nov 2008 20:02
- Gavrilo Milentijević
- Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
- Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 35968
- Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet
Iran kupuje licencu za proizvodnju 50 helikoptera Ka-32
Iran is planning to license produce over 50 Russian-designed Ka-32 helicopters, the managing director of Iran Aviation Industries Organization (IAIO), Majid Hedayat, said at the Iran Air Show 2008.