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Vesti iz oblasti vojno-tehničkih dostignuća (bez komentarisanja)

  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36101
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Prvi modifikovani Boeing 737-700 AEW (AWACS) za australijsko RV uspešno je izvršio dva testa punjenja u vazduhu pre nego što bude isporučen australiji....Testovi su rađeni iznad baze Edwards u Kaliforniji sa dopunjavanjem iz avio cisterni tipa KC-10 i KC-135.
Projekat opremanja australijskog RV-a ovim tipom vazduhoplova uključuje isporuku 6 aviona kao i kompletnu obuku aviomehaničara i specijalizovanih timova za opsluživanje.

Citat:Boeing Completes 1st Aerial Refuelings of 737 For Australia's Wedgetail AEW&C Program

(NSI News Source Info) SEATTLE - January 19, 2009:
The Boeing Company today announced it has completed the first aerial refuelings of a 737 platform. The historic flights were conducted for Project Wedgetail, Australia's airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) program.
Flying at 25,000 feet above Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., on Jan. 7, Boeing pilot Ron Johnston maneuvered the 737-700 AEW&C aircraft into a U.S. Air Force KC-10 tanker's refueling boom envelope and easily maintained its position below the tanker. The 737 received approximately 14,000 pounds of fuel during two connections with the tanker.
"The aircraft was stable, with excellent flying qualities and engine response behind the tanker," said Johnston.
The aircraft achieved another aerial-refueling first on Jan. 10, when it received fuel from an Air Force KC-135 tanker.
"The 737 AEW&C aircraft's highly automated and efficient refueling system worked flawlessly in both tests," said Maureen Dougherty, AEW&C Program vice president for Boeing. "This is a key milestone in certifying the AEW&C system.
"Air-to-air refueling is a force multiplier for the AEW&C aircraft," Dougherty added, "allowing it to stay on station for significantly longer periods of time while providing critical battle-management and surveillance capabilities."
Project Wedgetail includes six 737 AEW&C aircraft plus ground support segments for mission crew training, mission support and system maintenance.

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  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36101
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Indja kupuje 8 novih patrolnih mornaričkih vazduhoplova P-8 Posejdon (vojna verzija Boeinga B-737) kao zamenu za vremešne ruske Tupoljeve Tu-142.....

P-8 Replacing Tu-142

December 29, 2008: India is buying eight U.S. P-8 maritime reconnaissance aircraft, for about $220 million each. This deal has been stalled for months, but the growing expense of maintaining their Russian Tu-142M aircraft, and the need for a more capable recon aircraft, has made the P-8 buy certain. The first P-8I will arrive in 2014.

Last year India received another Russian built Tu-142 maritime reconnaissance aircraft. Beginning in 1988, when it received three of these aircraft, India has bought more and now has a fleet of eight in service. The Tu-142, which was introduced in the 1970s, is the patrol version of the Tu-95 heavy bomber. This aircraft entered service 51 years ago, and is expected to remain in service, along with the Tu-142 variant, for another three decades. Over 500 Tu-95s were built, and it is the largest and fastest turboprop aircraft in service. Russia still maintains a force of 60 Tu-95s, but has dozens in storage, which can be restored to service as either a bomber or a Tu-142.

The 188 ton aircraft has flight crew consisting of a pilot, copilot, engineer and radioman, and an unrefueled range of 15,000 kilometers. Max speed is 925 kilometers an hour, while cruising speed is 440 kilometers an hour. Originally designed as a nuclear bomber, the Tu-142 version still carries up to ten tons of weapons (torpedoes, mines, depth charges, anti-ship missiles, sonobuoys) and a lot more sensors (naval search radar, electronic monitoring gear). There are two 23mm autocannon mounted in the rear of the aircraft. The mission crew of a Tu-142 usually consists of eight personnel, who operate the radars and other electronic equipment. Patrol flights for the Tu-142 can last twelve hours or more, especially when in-flight refueling is used. Maximum altitude is 45,000 feet, although the aircraft flies much lower when searching for submarines. India requires aircraft like these for patrolling the vast India ocean waters that surround the subcontinent. India wanted to upgrade the electronics on its Tu-142s, but has been put off by the high price, and low performance, of what the Russians have offered.

The P-8A Poseidon is based on the widely used Boeing 737 airliner. India will get a version customized for their needs. Although the Boeing 737 based P-8A is a two engine jet, compared to the four engine turboprop P-3, it is a more capable plane. Cruise speed for the 737 is 910 kilometers an hour. This makes it possible for the P-8A to get to a patrol area faster, which is a major advantage when chasing down subs first spotted by sonar arrays or satellites. The P-8 has a crew of 10-11 pilots and equipment operators, who operate the search radar and various other sensors. The 737 has hard points on the wings for torpedoes or missiles.

The B-737 is a more modern design, and has been used successfully since the 1960s by commercial aviation. The Boeing 737 first flew in 1965, and over 5,000 have been built. The P-8A will be the first 737 designed with a bomb bay and four wing racks for weapons. The U.S. P-8 costs about $275 million each.

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31438

Iran lansirao svoj stelit

Iran je uz pomoć rakete "Safir", lansirao svoj prvi satelit u svemir "Omid", obavestila je državna novinska agencija "IRNA", pozivajući se na saopštenje iranske vojske....

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  • grbe 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 20 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 4393

Rusija, Kazahstan, Kirgistan, Bjelorusija i još neke bratske tamo zemlje se dogovorile o formiranju zajedničkih OS koje će biti stacionirane u Rusiji. Čuo jutros na vijestima, pa nemam link.

  • Pridružio: 16 Jan 2007
  • Poruke: 804
  • Gde živiš: 42.47°N 19.28°E

Citat:Kanađani žele kupovinu 51 odsto akcija Orla

BIJELjINA - Kanadska kompanija "Pratt&Whitney" (PWC), čiji su predstavnici nedavno započeli pregovore o privatizaciji bijeljinskog "Orla" koji je u vlasništvu Vlade RS, zahtijevaće kupovinu minimalno 51 odsto akcija u akcionarskom društvu za remont i proizvodnju "Orao", saznaje "Glas Srpske ".

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  • Kos93  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Sep 2007
  • Poruke: 7375

Citat: Генерал-потпуковник Милоје Милетић нови начелник Генералштаба Војске Србије

Поводом Дана државности Републике Србије и Дана Војске Србије – 15. фебруара, председник Републике Србије Борис Тадић поставио је за начелника Генералштаба Војске Србије генерал-потпуковника Милоја Милетића, досадашњег заступника начелника Генералштаба Војске Србије.

Председник Тадић је поставио:
- за заменика начелника Генералштаба Војске Србије генерал-потпуковника Младена Ћирковића, досадашњег команданта Копнене војске,
- за команданта Копнене војске, генерал-мајора Љубишу Диковића, досадашњег команданта Команде за обуку,
- за команданта Команде за обуку, генерал-мајора Александра Живковића, досадашњег заменика команданта Копнене војске.

У чин генерал-потпуковника председник Србије унапредио је генерал-мајоре: Љубишу Диковића, команданта Копнене војске и Драгана Катанића, команданта Ваздухопловства и противваздухопловне одбране.

У чин бригадног генерала председник Тадић унапредио је пуковнике:
- Младена Вуруну, начелника Управе за школство Сектора за људске ресурсе МО,
- Миодрага Вукмировића, заменика команданта Команде за обуку,
- Горана Радовановића, команданта Гарде,
- Милана Мојсиловића, заменика команданта Здружене оперативне команде ГШ ВС,
- Миодрага Гордића, команданта 250. артиљеријско-ракетне бригаде ПВО.

  • Pridružio: 16 Jan 2007
  • Poruke: 804
  • Gde živiš: 42.47°N 19.28°E

Citat:Britanci i Francuzi pokušali zataškati sudar nuklearnih podmornica

SINOĆ je objavljeno kako je početkom veljače ove godine u Atlantskom oceanu došlo do nimalo bezazlenog sudara britanske i francuske podmornice. Naime, prema pisanju britanskog tabloida The Sun, postojala je velika opasnost da obje podmornice, u kojima se ukupno nalazilo oko 250 mornara potonu ili da dođe do curenja radioaktivnih tvari.

Obje podmornice, britanska HMS Vanguard i francuska Le Triomphant, imaju nuklearni pogon i obje su prevozile nuklearno oružje. Iako se u izvješću mornarice navodi kako su u sudaru oštećene obje podmornice, nema bilješki o tome da je došlo do oštećenja na nuklearnim pogonima podmornica. Britanska podmornica je sad prevezena u Faslane u Škotskoj na popravak.

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  • RJ 
  • SuperModerator
  • Gavrilo Milentijević
  • Komandir stanice milicije Gornje Polje
  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 36101
  • Gde živiš: ovalni kabinet

Tajvan kupuje 12 patrolnih aviona P-3C Orion.....

Citat:TAIPEI – Taiwan, the U.S. Navy and Lockheed Martin have finally settled issues over price and offset options, and are expected to soon sign a contract for 12 P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft for $1.3 billion, said sources in Taiwan.

The signing will mark the end of two decades of struggle by Taiwan to replace its decrepit Northrop Grumman S-2T anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft.
In April 2001, former U.S. President George W. Bush authorized the sale of a major arms package to Taiwan that included 12 P-3s, eight diesel submarines and four Kidd-class destroyers. Much of the arms package was held up by years of bickering in Taiwan's legislature that alienated Washington.

The delay is also expected to have increased the price per aircraft - originally $66 million in 2001 - but an exact breakdown on figures was unavailable. Lockheed Martin did not comment on final contract negotiations.

Taiwan's air force procured 37 S-2Ts in 1978 and transferred the remaining 26 to the navy's 1st Aviation Group in 1998 to outfit two squadrons, the 133rd and 134th.

Today, sources in Taiwan have said there are only three functioning S-2T aircraft with ASW capabilities. One operational S-2T was spotted during a Taiwan naval exercise in 2008 in the Pacific.

Since 2000, besides the P-3C, the Lockheed S-3 Viking and Alenia C-27J Spartan were discussed as replacement options. Before 2000, with the pullout of European defense contractors from Taiwan because of pressure from China, the military considered the Fokker Maritime Enforcer and the Dassault Atlantique Europatrol aircraft. The U.S. had also discussed refurbished Lockheed P-2 Neptune aircraft, but Taiwan rejected the offer.

Part of the P-3 delay was early Taiwan military opposition to procuring refurbished aircraft. Despite the fact P-3 production had been discontinued, Taiwan military officials insisted on reopening the line, a costly option that delayed procurement for several years.

A late bid in 2006 by L-3 Communications also delayed procurement as Taiwan debated the option. L-3 hired former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage to lobby Taiwan for an open bidding. L-3 finally canceled its bidding efforts.

The P-3s will be pulled from the U.S. Air Force's bone yard, the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group, in Arizona, for refurbishment.

China has greatly expanded its conventional submarine fleet over the past twenty years. It now has roughly 55 diesel attack submarines, including Kilo-class, aging Romeo-class, Ming-class and Song-class submarines.

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  • Pridružio: 03 Apr 2008
  • Poruke: 5918

Ajde da postavim tekst jednog mog prijatelja sa foruma [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] , inace poslovicno dobro informirana osoba

Citat:Posto deneska podrazbav nekoi novi stvari da vi gi teknuva koga vi rekov deka edna Zapadno Evropska drzava i nejzinite firmi se zainteresirani za vklucuvanje na nekoj nacin vo FGFA proektot? Ovde (mada neprovereno) se shushka deka 3 Francuski firmi (Thales, Sagem i Thomson SA) im predlozile na Indijcite da vo sorabotka so Ruski Fazotron NIIR i Ramenskoe RPKB im go izgotvat nivniot paket elektronika i avionika....Oni i do sega rabotea uspesno so Rusite (Su-30MKI, SU-37MKR, T-90M) taka da ne me cudi da se prifati ova.....

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31438

Trpe jel moze ipak prevod,nesto sam skonto da Francuzi predlazu saradnju ? Smile


Srbija među najvećim izvoznicima oružja Izraelu

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