Američke POVR


Američke POVR

  • ja nesum radijo, ja sam neki veliki
  • Pridružio: 29 Jul 2014
  • Poruke: 4531

Malo stiva za TOW

TOW missile system - Utilization at the National Training Centre

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31492

Defekt Javelina, raketa pala par metara od cevi. Marsevski motor zatajio.

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Pridružio: 26 Jun 2019
  • Poruke: 3154


Ukrajinci vezbaju.
Prve dve rakete pogodile su cilj (upaljena vatra - dim na meti), ali treca raketa na 02:46 promasila je cillj za par desetina metara. Mozda zato sto nije bilo toplotnog zracenja? (ne vidi se vatra/dim na meti, kako bi se olaksao zahvat cilja)

Kao meta je posluzio stari BTR na koji su postavili tenkovsku kupolu i "krov" poput onog koji Rusi stavljaju na svoje tenkove, kao zastitu od Javelina.

  • Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 20369

Kod Javelina ima "fora" da od trenutka kada ga ukljucis imas 30 sekundi da zakljucas cilj inace ode termalna baterija. Ako to uradis nakon tih 30 sekundi promasaj je garantovan cak i ako raketa "upali".

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31492

Intervju sa sada pokojnim Abu Tow [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Deo intervjua

Citat:Which battles did you participate in?

I participated in most of the battles: Aleppo, the coast, Hama countryside, Idlib, in more than 9000 war hours since I have joined FSA until nowadays.

What are the different ATGM you have fired, and how many?

I have hit:

8 Malyutka: 7 successful.

2 Konkurs: 2 successful.

2 Kornet: 2 successful.

128 TOW: destroyed 122 targets.

Five missed hits were due to manufacturing errors: two of them didn’t launch from the base and the other three were launched but fell after 100m. Only one missile missed because the missile wire hit an electric wire which led to the missile falling to the ground.

How do they differ in use, and which is your favourite platform and why? (Kornet, TOW, Konkurs, Fagot, HJ-8, Malytuka etc) Which is the best for people, tanks, structures, or BMP/Trucks?

All the missiles have the same impact as we have seen in the FSA footage destroying Assad's [army] vehicles and burning them. I have destroyed 133 targets, none of them was against infantry because ATGMs don’t fragment [causing shrapnel] like mortar shells or artillery shells. Therefore, I pick a target such as a tank, a BMP, machine-guns with all types [Heavy machine guns and cannons- DShK/KPV/ZU-23 etc], and military bulldozers.

The types differ to each other. I like the most challenging (Malyutka) whose success rate is 35% and the rest [referring to chance of success] is the gunner’s skill. Konkurs, Kornet, and TOW have +90% success rate and the rest is the focus, calmness, and the boldness of the gunner.

When it comes to Target selection- is the priority a K kill (Completely destroyed) on a prestige target, a mobility kill allowing for a follow up shot or just targets of opportunity that appear on the battlefield?

Thank God, all the targets I hit were K-hits. I didn’t have to stop a target by damaging it before hitting it with a second missile.

Which targets take priority?

My priority is the targets affecting my comrades, but often, after hitting the two MiG-23 Military aircraft in Aleppo [Military] Airport, I would rather target tanks because when the [Syrian Arab] Army breaks in using tanks, and you hit a tank, the other tanker would fire a random shot and retreat because he was aware that there is an ATGM gunner of FSA and the next target could be his tank.

Have you used ATGM at night with thermal/night vision optics? Do the factions use drones to find ATGM targets?

I have used night TOW. The only night-base [TOW GLS with night vision optics] given to FSA was for me in the southern countryside of Aleppo (Al-Eis and al-Hader) against the Iranian militias. The night shooting is better than the day one because of the difficulty and the gunner’s focus and patience.

I don’t use drones. I rely only on Ribat and watching the targets in the battlefield.

How long do you stay in one spot after firing an ATGM? Do you have to move fast to avoid return fire?

You must shoot and change your position immediately. The one time I shot [and didn’t change my position] was in the western countryside of Aleppo. Then, Assad’s forces were advancing and there was only one position I can shoot from. I was targeted directly by a Russian aircraft and got my leg injured. That was my seventh injury.

What is your view on how the ATGM use can affect the wider battlefield situation?

ATGM is fundamental in all the battles and one base is enough to stop the advancement of Assad’s forces, at least for days if not at all, because Assad’s forces advance under the artillery fire and the tanks shelling which make Assad’s forces think that anything on the ground will be destroyed. We have seen the tanks massacres in northern Hama countryside and southern Aleppo countryside with the start of the Russian assault. I was present in both massacres and destroyed at that time many targets.

  • Pridružio: 26 Jun 2019
  • Poruke: 3154

  • Pridružio: 14 Mar 2017
  • Poruke: 2664

Abu TOW je živ i dalje. Generalno, od čoveka treba učiti. Napravio je umetnost od svog zanata.

  • Pridružio: 21 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 15495

Мало је Абу Тоу набифлао податке.
Теоретски неизводљиво да је имао 93% погодака, и да је сваки био потпуно уништено возило.

Елем, више је битно шта изоставља, како налази мете. Наводно не користи дронове.
Већина погодака које је ФСА имала је било на стационарна и заклоњена возила. Требало их је прво осмотрити, а затим и гађати са одговарајућег места. Без употребе дронове би морали да се шетају по линији фронта и да траже право место за гађање, а тако не би потрајали дуго.

  • Pridružio: 21 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 15495

Још један детаљ који није поменуо.
Овако велик број погодака није могао да има да је седео на истом месту.
Што значи да је постојала цела мрежа која је извиђала и слала податке у централу, а они су слали екипу специјалиста где треба.

  • Pridružio: 21 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 607

Malo ga je dao sebi na važnosti i ove brojke mi deluju preterano (pogotovu za maljutke) i ne znam čemu teoretisanje ubiti ili onesposobiti kad u Siriji realno nema cilja koji je samo moguće onesposobiti (neki napredni leopard, t90, merkava) svaki cilj se gadja da hi se uništio, ali neke stvari mislim da stoje.
Zanimljivo mi je par stvari:
1.Nema bitne razlike izmedju korneta i bilo koje rakete 2.generacije
2.Žica kao prepreka (ne znam da li je bila pod naponom) kao koncept odbrane? Znam da su Bosanski Srbi razapinjali armaturnu mrežu koja se nije videla iz daleka?
Dobra je ako je stacionarni položaj u pitanju, a nema se vremena da se bolje utvrdi.
3.Teroristi su imali svu slobodu kretanja, a SA je bila sabijena u garnizone, verujem da mu dronovinnisu bili potrebni, meta koliko hoćeš, a on može da bira pravac napada.

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