Novi Srpski PO sistem ALAS "Mini Polypheme"


Novi Srpski PO sistem ALAS "Mini Polypheme"

  • Nikola Vukota
  • Multimedija , creativity work- world of disajn
  • Pridružio: 08 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 1060
  • Gde živiš: ZEMUN - Gardoš - Forsaž - BB.

- ALAS - i LORANA na Partneru 2011 :

- ALAS sa buster motorima i sklapajućim krilima :

- Alas i Lorana jedno pored drugog :

- Lorana u gro planu :

- Osim novog UAV- PEGAZ , i za ALAS i LORANU je više zemalja izrazilo potražnju.

- I Alas i Lirana su proišli uspešno testiranja i uskoro čemo ih videti na jednom našem borbenom vozilu kao odlično protivklopno sredstvo. Alas i Lorana sem sa zemaljskih stanica - mobilnih, mogu da se koriste - ispaljuju i sa heloikoptera. Izuzetna zamena za Maljutku, maltene 3. generacije u plusu.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 30 Jun 2007
  • Poruke: 6287
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad, severoistočna Srbija

Citat:In this paper system development and design of new tactical missile system LORANA is described. Based on TV guidance optoelectronic set and advanced fiber optic transmission link is designed capable tactical missile capable to carry on to 10 kg warhead at distances up to 9 km. Powered with solid propellant sustainer rocket engine and accelerated with solid propellant booster engine missile can reach up to 200 [m/] and fly in automatic and semiautomatic flight mode. System is intended for tactical combat against movable or non movable targets at distance of 9 km.

  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4238

Malo mi je čudno što LORANA ima domet "samo" 9 km sa početnom težinom 60 kg i relativno velikim krilima dok Spike-ER ima domet 8 km sa težinom rakete u kanistru 34 kg i manjim "krilma". Jel u pitanju manja BG kod Spike ili je domet kod LORANA nezvanično veči?

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  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16139
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Ima veću bojevu glavu?

  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4238

Težina BG kod LORANA je 10 kg a kod Spike-ER neznam kolika je.

  • pein 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 35097

ako sam dobro razumeo alas se pa skoro do pred cilj navodi pomoću fiberoptičkog kabla tih 25 km kolki je domet za alas i 9 km za loranu pa zar nebi bilo lakše u alas da se ugradi neki gprs da se raketa navodi do cilja dok meta nedođe u vizuelni domet kamere u raketi????

  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4238

Napisano: 22 Feb 2012 23:24

@ pein

Sa sajta:

Citat:Once launched, the missile utilizes inertial instruments and automatically navigates the missile along a preprogrammed flight path to 25km up to 60km in length. The gunner utilized as a discriminating man-in-the-loop sensor to identify and designate targets and to assist in refining the missile's aim point on vulnerable locations of the target.

Dopuna: 28 Maj 2012 18:34

Ništa novo:

Citat:Lorana missile on SOFEX 2012 show

Displayed on the Yugo import-SDPR stand (Hall 1/Stand C133), EDePro’s Lorana tactical attack missile is being shown at SOFEX for the first time. The weapon is the final stages of test and is nearing production readiness. Lorana was first shown at last year’s Partner 2011 exhibition in Belgrade, displayed alongside the longer-ranged ALAS weapon.

Both have an electro-optical guidance seeker head and transmit targeting imagery to the operator by a fibre-optic cable that spools out behind the weapon.

In automatic flight mode, the weapon is guided by inertial systems, including the ability to follow preprogrammed waypoints. In the terminal phase, the weapon can be command controlled by the operator via the fibre-optic link. This method offers high-precision capability against moving and fixed targets, and the guidance system allows the operator to switch targets in flight or to acquire a target after the missile has been launched. Lorana differs in several ways from ALAS.

Both launch from canisters that would typically be mounted on trucks and both have rocket booster engines, but Lorana has a solid-propellant rocket sustainer motor in place of ALAS’s TMM-40 turbojet. The rocket motor gives Lorana a higher fly-out speed, but range is reduced from the ALAS’s 25km to 9km. Lorana has a 10kg mono-HEAT or tandem warhead. Other differences concern the flight surfaces.

In the ALAS, the high aspect ratio pop-out wings flip out forwards from sizeable fixed fairings, whereas those of Lorana fold out backwards, aided by aerodynamic forces and allowing a simpler hinge mounting. Lorana’s forward mounted control fins are larger than those of ALAS, implying a higher degree of manoeuvrability.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31343

Citat:Lorana go-ahead will depend on flight-test results and funding
Development and flight-testing of the Lorana fibre-optic-guided surface-to-surface missile is still under way, Serbian defence company Yugoimport has confirmed to IHS Jane's . The...

Mora da se ima nalog...

  • Pridružio: 08 Sep 2005
  • Poruke: 5743

acatomic ::Malo mi je čudno što LORANA ima domet "samo" 9 km sa početnom težinom 60 kg i relativno velikim krilima dok Spike-ER ima domet 8 km sa težinom rakete u kanistru 34 kg i manjim "krilma". Jel u pitanju manja BG kod Spike ili je domet kod LORANA nezvanično veči?

Ako ko još nije preuzeo PDF pre skidanja sa sajta, evo:

9,000 metara je... mnooogo.

Stvar je i putanja koja je dosta viša, da bi laici razumeli, praktično ima putanju kao haubica ili minobacač. Lansirno vozilop može da bude skriveno u nekoj uvali ili šumarku i baterija može da zbriše tenkovsku četu a da tenkovi ne vide ni da je raketa ispaljena.

nadam se da će lepo se uvesti u upotrebu.

  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 4238

Hvala sasans23

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