- babaroga
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 04 Sep 2012
- Poruke: 9228
- Gde živiš: pecina stroga
Yugoimport - Sistem za upravljanje artiljerijskom vatrom
AvtFCS is integrated system with following main tasks:
- battlefield observation,
- target acquisition,
- data transfer,
- ballistic computation,
- firing commands generation and transfering to individual weapons.
AvtFCS is comprised of following subsystems:
- Artillery electronic goniometer,
- Gun display units,
- Gun rectification system,
- Ballistic computation module.
Artillery electronic goniometer (AEG) is comprised of following subsystems:
- electronic goniometer,
- laser rangefinder,
- ruggedized computer,
- communication interafce,
- tripod,
- transportation box,
- VHF radio set,
- power supply.
Gun display unit is comprised of following subsystems:
- ruggedized computer,
- communication interface,
- power supply.
Gun rectification system (GRS)is comprised of following subsystems:
- electronic goniometer,
- optical sight,
- ruggedized computer,
- communication interafce,
- tripod,
- transportation box,
- VHF radio set,
- power supply.
Fire control system battalion organization
AvtFCS at batallion level comprises following elements:
- 18 guns,
- 3 battery command posts,
- up to 3 observer posts,
- battalion command post,
- voice/data communication between batallion elements,
- voice/data communication with higher command level.
Concept of operation
AEG unit will provide necessary target data, which will be send to the battery command post by use of digital radio set. There, based on already acquired data on individual weapon position (provided by GPS receivers) and meteo data, and target data necessary ballistic calculations will be performed for every gun.
Firing instructions are then sent to selected guns, where they will be displayed on ruggedized computer. Initial firing elements calculation also takes into account other limitations, such as: hazard zones, position of allied troops, crests...
Data transfer between all elements of the system are realized by use of radio and/or wire lines, with appropriate cryptograhy protection.
Beside calculation of initial firing elements, AvtFCS alo provides:
- fire correction, as per measured position of impact point (acquired by AEG), or by appraisal and
- fire transfer to other targets.
AvtFCS also support different firing regimes, in accordance with tactical situation. AvtFCS support use of different types of 105 mm ammunition, providing that necessary data (firing tables) are provided.
Other features of AvtFCS
- accuracy of observation post position data, weapon position data and target coordinates, with topographic-geodetic preparation: 12 m,
- accuracy of observation post position data, weapon position data and target coordinates, without topographic-geodetic preparation: 25 m,
- northfinding accuracy: 0.50
- target range measurement accuracy: ± 5 m,
- fire planning procedure, which provides command-control functionality, enabling definition of weapon positions, firing elements, firing regimes and date and time of action, which will provide maximum effect on target,
- simplified communication software, which provides exchange of predefined messages as well as free text messages (tactical chat mode),
- two separate levels of crypto protection (on radio level and inside communication software) securing data exchange protection and eavesdrop-free communication,
- automatic creation of log file, which stores all information exchanged between elements of the system via digital communication system, for after-action review,
- user-firendly manner of preparation procedure, which relates to topographic, meteorological and ballistic data handling necessary for ballistic calculations,
- simplified and user-firendly ballistic calculation software procedure with built-in protection against operator error,
- powerful database enabling automatic storage of all necessary data for later review.