Replacements of out-of-date 122-mm gun 2A31 on modern rifled 120-mm 2A80, allowing to fire by the increased destructive power shells, by all kinds of 120-mm mortar rounds of the Soviet/Russian and foreign manufacture, 120-mm high precision guided shells. The modernized canon 2S1M, armed by semi-automatic rifled gun 2A80, is capable to deliver aimed direct and indirect fire without preliminary preparation of the fire position.
Installation of the automated elevation and traverse laying control system;
Installation of automatic survey and orientation system;
Satellite signals reception and initial orientation equipment.
After modernization the efficiency of SPG's combat application grows not less than in 3 times for the account of:
Increase of aimed firing rate from 4 ... 5 rds./min up to 7 ... 9 rds./min (fixed round, automatic realignment);
Increase of ammunition destructive power up to 2 times;
Decrease of minimum nonricocheting firing range from 4,04 km up to 1,5 km with HE FRAG projectiles and up to 0,42 with mortar rounds;
Use of Kitolov-2 guided shells;
Use of the rounds with Balansir shaped charge fragmentation bomblet projectiles with electronic time blasting fuse;
Improvement of firing mode (barrel cooling, availability of barrel overheat indicator, elimination of gas pollution);
Improvement of conditions for the crew;
Reduction preparation time for the first shot;
Ensuring of code telecommunication with future-oriented control facilities.
koliko sam razumeo može da isplajuje i minobacačke projektile.
Replacements of out-of-date 122-mm gun 2A31 on modern rifled 120-mm 2A80, allowing to fire by the increased destructive power shells, by all kinds of 120-mm mortar rounds of the Soviet/Russian and foreign manufacture, 120-mm high precision guided shells. The modernized canon 2S1M, armed by semi-automatic rifled gun 2A80, is capable to deliver aimed direct and indirect fire without preliminary preparation of the fire position.
Installation of the automated elevation and traverse laying control system;
Installation of automatic survey and orientation system;
Satellite signals reception and initial orientation equipment.
After modernization the efficiency of SPG's combat application grows not less than in 3 times for the account of:
Increase of aimed firing rate from 4 ... 5 rds./min up to 7 ... 9 rds./min (fixed round, automatic realignment);
Increase of ammunition destructive power up to 2 times;
Decrease of minimum nonricocheting firing range from 4,04 km up to 1,5 km with HE FRAG projectiles and up to 0,42 with mortar rounds;
Use of Kitolov-2 guided shells;
Use of the rounds with Balansir shaped charge fragmentation bomblet projectiles with electronic time blasting fuse;
Improvement of firing mode (barrel cooling, availability of barrel overheat indicator, elimination of gas pollution);
Improvement of conditions for the crew;
Reduction preparation time for the first shot;
Ensuring of code telecommunication with future-oriented control facilities.
koliko sam razumeo može da isplajuje i minobacačke projektile.
Evo da nastavim živim slikama.
Modernizacija Gvozdike 2S1-M sa 120 mm haubicom/minobacaćem zvana "Host"
Citat:They're replacing (modifying actually) the 2S1 Gvozdika (122mm) SP guns with a the "Host" 120 mm SP Mortars. Apparently, the Host is significantly more accurate thanks to it's newer FCS than the Gvozdika even without the use of guided munitions.
Za tu modernizaciju se pripremaju i mnogo jeftiniji GLONASS projektili od slićnih zapadnih.
Koliko shvaćam iz te haubice će se moći ispucavati i dirigovani projektili zapadne proizvodnje tipa Excalibur? Dali će se moči ispaljivati i obični zapadni minobacaćki projektili Prema konceptu autopunjaća izgleda da neće. Nije mi to baš sasvim jasno? Koncept niskotlaćne haubice je slićan kao kod niskotlačnog topa 2A70 na BMP-3. Tamo se upotrebljavaju tenkovske protupešadijske granate od 100 mm i dirigovane PO granate Bastion. Znaći da se i tu kod 2A80 haubice Host ne radi o klasićnim minobacaćkim minama nego o posebnim haubićkim granatama od 120 mm.
dejina811 ::koliki je efikasan domet novog topa 120mm?
Piše na podatcima o minama dva posta iznad. Samo krajnji domet nije toliko bitan koliko je bitno
Citat:Уменьшения минимальной дальности безрикошетной стрельбы с 4,04 км до 1,5 км осколочно фугасными снарядами (ОФС) и до 0,42 минами;
Dopuna: 05 Nov 2011 22:12
ruske granate i mine koje koristi
oсколочно-фугасными 3ОФ49 со стальным корпусом и осколочно-фугасным активно-реактивным 3ОФ50; с управляемым снарядом(«Китолов-2»); с оперенными осколочно-фугасными 120-мм минами 3ОФ34 и ОФ843Б (с чугунным корпусом).
... i strane
израильская оперенная осколочно-фугасная мина, французские выстрелы с оперенными минами — активно-реактивной осколочно-фугасной PERA, тяжелой осколочно-фугасной, с активно-реактивной миной PRPA с готовыми выступами (к нарезному миномету F.1), с миной серии М44/66.
Replacements of out-of-date 122-mm gun 2A31 on modern rifled 120-mm 2A80, allowing to fire by the increased destructive power shells, by all kinds of 120-mm mortar rounds of the Soviet/Russian and foreign manufacture, 120-mm high precision guided shells. The modernized canon 2S1M, armed by semi-automatic rifled gun 2A80, is capable to deliver aimed direct and indirect fire without preliminary preparation of the fire position.
Installation of the automated elevation and traverse laying control system;
Installation of automatic survey and orientation system;
Satellite signals reception and initial orientation equipment.
After modernization the efficiency of SPG's combat application grows not less than in 3 times for the account of:
Increase of aimed firing rate from 4 ... 5 rds./min up to 7 ... 9 rds./min (fixed round, automatic realignment);
Increase of ammunition destructive power up to 2 times;
Decrease of minimum nonricocheting firing range from 4,04 km up to 1,5 km with HE FRAG projectiles and up to 0,42 with mortar rounds;
Use of Kitolov-2 guided shells;
Use of the rounds with Balansir shaped charge fragmentation bomblet projectiles with electronic time blasting fuse;
Improvement of firing mode (barrel cooling, availability of barrel overheat indicator, elimination of gas pollution);
Improvement of conditions for the crew;
Reduction preparation time for the first shot;
Ensuring of code telecommunication with future-oriented control facilities.
koliko sam razumeo može da isplajuje i minobacačke projektile.
Evo da nastavim živim slikama.
Modernizacija Gvozdike 2S1-M sa 120 mm haubicom/minobacaćem zvana "Host"
Citat:They're replacing (modifying actually) the 2S1 Gvozdika (122mm) SP guns with a the "Host" 120 mm SP Mortars. Apparently, the Host is significantly more accurate thanks to it's newer FCS than the Gvozdika even without the use of guided munitions.
Za tu modernizaciju se pripremaju i mnogo jeftiniji GLONASS projektili od slićnih zapadnih.
Koliko shvaćam iz te haubice će se moći ispucavati i dirigovani projektili zapadne proizvodnje tipa Excalibur? Dali će se moči ispaljivati i obični zapadni minobacaćki projektili Prema konceptu autopunjaća izgleda da neće. Nije mi to baš sasvim jasno? Koncept niskotlaćne haubice je slićan kao kod niskotlačnog topa 2A70 na BMP-3. Tamo se upotrebljavaju tenkovske protupešadijske granate od 100 mm i dirigovane PO granate Bastion. Znaći da se i tu kod 2A80 haubice Host ne radi o klasićnim minobacaćkim minama nego o posebnim haubićkim granatama od 120 mm.
Ista haubica na podvozju BMP-3 zvana "Vena"
Nesto mi sad ovde nije jasno. Jel ova modernizovana haubica moze da radi i kao klasicna haubica sa projektilima 120 mm ili samo sa minobacackim minama???
I ne razumem, zasto Rusi forsiraju taj top sa niskim pritiskom. Ako ima neki artiljerac pa da ovo razjasni.
Kibo ::Nesto mi sad ovde nije jasno. Jel ova modernizovana haubica moze da radi i kao klasicna haubica sa projektilima 120 mm ili samo sa minobacackim minama???
I ne razumem, zasto Rusi forsiraju taj top sa niskim pritiskom. Ako ima neki artiljerac pa da ovo razjasni.
Nemože sa klasičnim haubićkim granatama da radi, nebi izdržalo oruđe takvih pritisaka.
Minobacač forsiraju zbog dovoljno velike elevacije, koja je pogodna i za brdska područja. Osim toga pogodan je za sve platforme zbog smanjenog trzaja. Minobacaćki projektili imaju snažnije eksplozivne glave, neki kažu da je 120 mm minobacaćki projektil ekvivalent projektilu 155 mm artilerijske granate... Sećaš se onog videa gde su Talibani napravili zasedu iznad puta sa beztrzajcem i RPGom. Takvo oruđe je taman za neutralizaciju talibana.