Poslao: 28 Mar 2015 13:35
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24232
Odlicni kadrovi ...
Nesto gledam onu malu` panoramsku` fotku Abramsa iz 1991 g i pitam se da li bi i koliko one KPOM mogle da naude ovim celicnim grdosijama teskim preko 50t
Citat od ranije,tacnije samo nekoliko str unazad
Citat:Kasetna bojeva glava sa protivoklopnim minama se sastoji od 8 čeličnih kontejnera sa ukupno 24 mine. Pad kontejnera usporava padobran, a nakon 2,5 sekunde aktivira se pirotehničko punjenje koje izbacuje mine iz kontejnera. Mine imaju četiri krilca koja stabilizuju položaj mine u letu i pri prizemljenju. Protivoklopna mina je kalibra 105 mm, mase 1,8 kg, probojnosti 40 mm, a ima nekontaktni elektronski upaljač koji reaguje na promenu magnetnog polja. Nakon 24 sata mina se automatski samouništava.
ovaj podatak o probojnosti mislim da nema veze sa realnoscu
KPOM ima skoro 200g eksploziva ( KB-1 ima svega 30g i probojnost cak 60mm panc. celika )
i dejstvo kako smo rekli `misnai -sardinovim efektom` ( probojni disk ) a njega je radila fabrika Krusik ..
Bilo bi dobro kad bi se nasla slike rakete ili kontejnera sa onom oznakom CWH ali ne -B vec bi trebala biti AT ( anti-tank ili ATM `anti-tank mines` ) tako nesto ?
Poslao: 28 Mar 2015 13:42
- ray ban11
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 24232
Ovi kao da su trgovali obostrano ?
Citat: A number of armament factories lay within Bosnian Government-controlled
territories, and production in certain areas was maintained or later restarted. For
example, in 1994 the Bosnian Government announced that, thanks to a supply of spare
parts from Iraq, it had been able to restart production of the 262-mm Orkan multiple
rocket launcher.
10 str. dok .
United Nations Arms Embargoes Their Impact on Arms Flows and Target Behaviour Case study: Former Yugoslavia, 1991–96
i ono vezano za aferu broda `Boka star` iz 2002 g
Citat:List, pozivajuci se na izvore u Banjaluci i Beogradu, navodi da su to firme "Bratstvo" iz Novog Travnika, "Unis promeks" iz Sarajeva i "Vitezit" iz Viteza.
Preduzece "Bratstvo" je Iraku isporucivalo rezervne delove za visecevne raketne lansere kalibra 262 milimetra (orkani), haubice kalibra 122 milimetra i topove, koji su u Irak izvezeni pre rata u BIH, novodi taj list.
List prenosi da direktor "Bratstva" Saban Rizvic nije mogao da opovrgne poslovne veze sa beogradskim "Jugoimportom", ali ih je nazvao "sravnjavanjem predratnih medjusobnih potrazivanja".
U tekstu se dodaje da "Bratstvo" na zabranjena trzista, osim rezervnih delova, izvozi i gotove proizvode iz oblasti vojne industrije.
Prema tvrdnjama lista, te posiljke isle su preko sarajevskog "Unis promeksa".
"Destinacija na koju je roba bila upucivana bila je Malezija, odakle je oruzje islo na krajnje destinacije, medju kojima su najvaznije Libija, Iran i Burma", stoji u tekstu.
List pise da se firma "Vitezit" iz Viteza, koja je pod kontrolom bosanskih Hrvata, bavi proizvodnjom svih vrsta raketnih goriva, te baruta i eksploziva za vojne i civilne namene.
"Upravo celne ljude te firme i zagrebackog 'RH Alana', drzavnog preduzeca za izvoz naoruzanja, treba pitati cijih je 240 tona baruta pronadjenog na bordu 'Boka star' u rijeckoj luci", stoji u tekstu.
Magazin "Patriot" pise i da preduzece "Slavko Rodic" iz Bugojna proizvodi kasetana punjenja za "orkan", kao i sve vrste upaljaca za artiljerijsku i raketnu municiju.
Da li su ovi u BNT pokusavali da pored ona 4 gotova ( 2 su vec bila u HV od apr 92 ) zavrse i ona preostala 4 lansera ...
Poslao: 28 Mar 2015 13:56
- Gargantua
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 24 Sep 2013
- Poruke: 4869
Mr. Majevica ::
А сад лансирање Р-262 у Никинцима:
са: http://www.the-monitor.org/custom/index.php/region_profiles/print_theme/3014
Citat:In 2011, the Ministry of Defense stated that the “Republic of Serbia is not a producer of cluster munitions.” In 2009, Serbia stated that it does not have the capacity to produce cluster munitions and has not produced cluster munitions since the dissolution of the SFRY. According to standard reference works, Serbia was thought to have inherited some of those production capabilities.
A number of Serbian companies have advertised surface-to-surface rocket launchers, rockets, and artillery that could be used with either unitary warheads or submunitions.
The Center for Weapons Testing of Serbia’s Ministry of Defense published an article describing a “very demanding testing” of Orkan rockets on 22 March 2011 at its Nikinci firing range, but it is not known if submunitions were used as Orkan rockets are capable of firing both cluster and unitary munitions.
The precise size and composition of Serbia’s stockpile of cluster munitions is not known, but it is thought to be a large stockpile including air-delivered cluster bombs, ground-launched rockets, and artillery projectiles. Jane’s Information Group lists Serbia as possessing BL-755 cluster bombs.Assuming Serbia’s stockpile contains cluster munitions that were produced by Yugoslavia, it may also possess 120mm M93 mortar projectiles (containing 23 KB-2 submunitions), 152mm 3-O-23 artillery projectiles (containing 63 KB-2 submunitions) and 262mm M87 Orkan surface-to-surface rockets (containing 288 KB-1 submunitions). KB submunitions are the dual-purpose improved conventional munition (DPICM) type. It may also possess RAB-120 and KPT-150 cluster bombs.
Referenca za ovo je tekst iz časopisa Orbrana broj 133 od 1. aprila 2011. Nažalost isti tekst se ne moće naći u PDF-u. Jedan od retkih tekstova iz tog broja koji nije prebačen u PDF. Pa sad ako neko ima Odbranu u papirnom izdanju sa tekstom "Velika obnova"... pravac skener.
E, broj iz decembra meseca iste godine sa tekstom koji se delimično naslanja na aprilski tekst i događaje iz marta 2011.
Poslao: 28 Mar 2015 14:13
- MB120mm
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 18 Feb 2013
- Poruke: 6176
Gargantua ::Mr. Majevica ::
А сад лансирање Р-262 у Никинцима:
са: http://www.the-monitor.org/custom/index.php/region_profiles/print_theme/3014
Citat:In 2011, the Ministry of Defense stated that the “Republic of Serbia is not a producer of cluster munitions.” In 2009, Serbia stated that it does not have the capacity to produce cluster munitions and has not produced cluster munitions since the dissolution of the SFRY. According to standard reference works, Serbia was thought to have inherited some of those production capabilities.
A number of Serbian companies have advertised surface-to-surface rocket launchers, rockets, and artillery that could be used with either unitary warheads or submunitions.
The Center for Weapons Testing of Serbia’s Ministry of Defense published an article describing a “very demanding testing” of Orkan rockets on 22 March 2011 at its Nikinci firing range, but it is not known if submunitions were used as Orkan rockets are capable of firing both cluster and unitary munitions.
The precise size and composition of Serbia’s stockpile of cluster munitions is not known, but it is thought to be a large stockpile including air-delivered cluster bombs, ground-launched rockets, and artillery projectiles. Jane’s Information Group lists Serbia as possessing BL-755 cluster bombs.Assuming Serbia’s stockpile contains cluster munitions that were produced by Yugoslavia, it may also possess 120mm M93 mortar projectiles (containing 23 KB-2 submunitions), 152mm 3-O-23 artillery projectiles (containing 63 KB-2 submunitions) and 262mm M87 Orkan surface-to-surface rockets (containing 288 KB-1 submunitions). KB submunitions are the dual-purpose improved conventional munition (DPICM) type. It may also possess RAB-120 and KPT-150 cluster bombs.
Referenca za ovo je tekst iz časopisa Orbrana broj 133 od 1. aprila 2011. Nažalost isti tekst se ne moće naći u PDF-u. Jedan od retkih tekstova iz tog broja koji nije prebačen u PDF. Pa sad ako neko ima Odbranu u papirnom izdanju sa tekstom "Velika obnova"... pravac skener.
E, broj iz decembra meseca iste godine sa tekstom koji se delimično naslanja na aprilski tekst i događaje iz marta 2011.
Pedantno su naveli sve slucajeve upotrebe kasetne municije od strane Srbije.Malo fali pa da je Srbija samu sebe posipala kasetnim bombama.Licemerje prvog reda.
Poslao: 28 Mar 2015 14:19
- Pridružio: 03 Jan 2015
- Poruke: 260
pa evo pise i o drugoj strani
During the 1998–1999 conflict in Kosovo, aircraft from the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States (US) dropped cluster bombs in Serbia and Kosovo during the NATO air campaign.[11] During the Kosovo conflict, forces of the SFRY also launched several cluster rocket attacks into border regions controlled by Albania.