Posto je kolega `ante mpt` na prosloj stranici postavio davno poznatu sliku 2 Orkana iz HV evo nesto vezano za njih ,bolje reci njihovu sudbinu koju pomenuh u odgovoru na njegovo pitanje o samoj slici ...
Sve je pocelo ovako ...
Mr. Majevica ::
Преглед испоручених средстава (имамо и тадашње цијене оркана у ДМ)
Majevica je ovo davno postavio ( na 224 str ) a evo nam iz jednog haskog dokumenta ( sudski proces protiv D.Kordica ) uvid kako se ustvari `svercalo` sa ova 2 SMB lansera Orkana koji na kraju zavrsise u HV .
+ 2 Orkana `Kordicevca` Citat:Q. I would like you to speak to us about the day that Dario Kordic came to your office to talk with you about the removal of two multiple-rocket launchers. Could you speak to us about that day?
A. Dario Kordic came one day, one evening, together with soldiers that were escorting him; and Mr. Marinko Marelja, who was an owner of cafe Novi Travnik; and the president of the assembly, Jozo Sekic. As far as I remember, they were with him. He wanted to take with him some equipment. I remember they were two rocket launchers, VBRs as they were called.
I know that there was a piece of paper. It was an ordinary piece of paper, torn off from a notebook, a cheque notebook, on which he wrote down that he would pay or return those pieces of equipment by the end of June. I don't know what happened in the end.
Q. Is the document that you're speaking about one that Dario Kordic wrote himself and gave to you?
A. Yes. I saw that document. I don't know where it ended up. I remember it very well.
Q. I'm going to show you a document. It is a document which was already admitted by another Trial 7243 Chamber. It is Z78.
MR. LOPEZ-TERRES: The document is referenced Z78A, which is -- there's another 78B. I'm talking about 78A that I want you to show to the witness.
Q. This is Z78. It was admitted in April of last year. I think it is the handwritten document. Yes, it's that one.
A. I have ... that document. Yes, that is the document.
Q. The document with the signature of Dario Kordic is the one that you saw at the time, which was given to you by the accused; is that correct?
A. Yes, that is the document.
Q. If I understand the document correctly, it is stated that the rocket launchers in question should either be paid for or given back on the 20th of June, 1992.
A. Yes. That is what it says here in the document and that is how it was.
Q. As far as you remember, who was supposed to pay for those multiple-rocket launchers? Which authority was supposed to pay for them?
A. Mr. Kordic, as far as I can recollect, said that the defence secretariat of Busovaca would pay for it, because our joint Defence Ministry was still 7244 functioning in the Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the Minister was Jerko Doko.
Q. The accused, Dario Kordic, at that time was the office [sic] of that defence office for Busovaca; is that correct?
A. Yes. That is what I know.
Q. I believe that you have looked at another document that was given to you in advance. Could you look at it? It's a typed document.
A. Yes. I see that document.
Q. Did you see that document on the day that it was given to you or the other one was given to you, rather?
A. This document is one that I didn't see on that day. I only saw the first document, handwritten on a piece of paper with squares on it.
Q. In your opinion, was this document issued by the Bratstvo factory? Does it show the ordinary characteristics of that factory?
A. In my view, that is not a document. The customary document issued by the factory would have a memorandum with the name of the factory, the telephone numbers and the faxes, and it would have to be stamped at the bottom saying who delivered what. I don't see that in this document. 7245
Q. I think that you've already said that the multiple-rocket launchers that are in question were never brought back to the Bratstvo factory, nor were ever paid for. Is that correct?
A. Do I not know that they were paid for or returned.
Q. Do you have any idea where those weapons went?
A. Judging by what we heard, they went off towards Herzegovina or Croatia. I don't know exactly.
Q. Aside from the facts that we're speaking about that go back to approximately the 20th of April, 1992, as far as you know, did the accused, Dario Kordic, ever take other weapons from the Bratstvo factory?
Dakle bio je `kao dogovor` sa vlastima BNT da se ova 2 lansera ili plate ili na kraju vrate do 20 juna 1992.. Ustvari sve je bila sarena laza a lanseri niti su placeni niti vraceni ( barem zvanicno u BNT ) a na onom snimku iz BNT od 1997 ( povod bio onaj upad SFOR u BNT krajem 1996 ) jedan od direktora jasno kaze kako ocekuju povratak `imovine BNT` tj ona 2 lansera Orkana ...Koji sverc-komerc je to bio ...
Ustvari kad rekoh `sve je pocelo ovako` misljenja sam ( ubedjen ) da je zapravo sve pocelo mnogo ranije ..tacnije septembra 1991 kad su u skladistu JNA u Malim Barama pored luke Ploce zarobili nekih 30-50 ,ne vise raketa R-262mm i kad se u HV kasnije iskazala potreba za lanserima za te rakete .Moguce je da sam Kordic odradio posao po nalogu iz HV ,uzeo 2 lanserna vozila i onda preko Z.Hercegovine prevezao ih u RH ,sto to i potvrduje .. Nije ih ostavio za potrebe HVO jer ovi raketa i nisu imali kao ni pripadnici ARBiH ...