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- Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
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Neki detalji sa sudjenja D.Kordicu u Hagu a u vezi upada u BNT i oduzimanja 2 lanserna vozila Orkana ,odobrio kolega `aramis s `
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Citat:Suđenje Kordiću i Čerkezu pred Haškim tribunalom
Kroz svjedočenje jednog djelatnika tvornice vojne opreme "Bratstvo" iz Novog Travnika, haški tužitelj je danas nastojao dokazati da je Dario Kordić već početkom 1992. godine bio angažiran u nabavci oružja za bosanske Hrvate. Kordić u intervjuu televiziji Sarajevo, u martu 92. govorio o svom angažovanju da zaustavi isporuke oružja iz "Bratstva" Jugoslavenskoj narodnoj armiji, naveo je svjedok Ismet Šahinović. Potom je predočen dokument o preuzimanju oružja za Busovačku općinu, što je potpisao Kordić u aprilu iste godine.
Mjesec dana kasnije, svjedok je vidio da iz tvornice odlaze tri kamiona naoružanja za koje se govorilo da su "Kordićev konvoj". Obrana je, međutim, ukazivala da se Kordić u prvom redu protivio da se oružje isporučuje JNA jer je ona u to vrijeme vodila rat u Hrvatskoj. Istovremeno, Kordićevo preuzimanje oružja iz novotravničke tvornice temeljilo se na dogovoru s bošnjačkom stranom, napominje obrana.
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i transskript sudskog procesa
1 in May 1992 I saw for myself a quantity of weapons that
2 passed through Opara and the local commune of Zagrlje
3 where I was in the Territorial Defence.
4 The convoy passed during the night, after
5 midnight, and that is when I personally saw three
6 trucks. They were covered with tarpaulins. There were
7 rocket systems of 262 millimetres, and there was also
8 one truck of Oganj weapons, which is a 128-millimetre
9 calibre.
10 Q. Did you see the three trucks yourself as they
11 went by in May 1992?
12 A. Yes. Yes. Yes.
13 Q. I'm going to show you some photographs that
14 were given to me.
15 MR. LOPEZ-TERRES: (Interpretation) If the
16 usher would accommodate us?
17 Q. You have just spoken to us about two types of
18 weapons, multiple-rocket launchers, if I've understood
19 you correctly, which were transported in the three
20 trucks. Could you tell us whether the weapons you're
21 speaking about, the weapons that you saw, were being
22 driven in the three trucks that day? Could they or do
23 they correspond to the photographs that you're being
24 shown?
25 A. Yes.
1 MR. LOPEZ-TERRES: (Interpretation) Is it
2 possible, Mr. Usher, to put on the ELMO those
3 documents?
4 Q. Could you make some comments about the
5 photographs to us in respect of the three trucks that
6 you saw?
7 A. Yes. These two trucks that you can see now
8 (indicating), we're talking about the rocket system
9 KOL, 262-millimetre calibre.
10 Q. Does that system have a specific name?
11 A. It was only called a KOL, K-O-L
12 multiple-rocket launcher.
13 Q. Was there another name used for that type of
14 weapon, perhaps in respect of the calibre of the
15 weapons?
16 A. As far as I know, it is the KOL, K-O-L, and
17 multiple-rocket launcher. Those are the two terms that
18 I know.
19 Q. I think that you had used the word Orkan
20 before.
21 A. Orkan is different. That's a different
22 weapon. This is KOL, with 16 barrels, and the calibre
23 of the barrels is 262 millimetres. The Oganj has 32
24 barrels. So there is considerable difference between
25 those two weapons, and you can see it when you look at
1 it.
2 Q. The three trucks that you saw passing in the
3 village that you spoke about, did they correspond to
4 this type of weapon?
5 A. Yes.
6 Q. Could you give us some details about the
7 three trucks, the trucks that were -- and what each one
8 was carrying?
9 A. Since these were trucks that passed by and
10 that had a tarpaulin cover, and at that time that was
11 the latest product of our factory, our most up-to-date
12 piece, although it was covered by tarpaulin, we could
13 notice the difference between these armaments, because
14 the tarpaulin is smaller and the Orkan is shorter. On
15 the other vehicle there was an Oganj and that was
16 different. So I know these two different weapons very
17 well, and I can distinguish one from the other.
18 Q. Even though the trucks had covers over them,
19 you were able to know what they were and what they were
20 transporting; is that correct?
21 A. Yes. Yes.
22 Q. You were able to do that because you were a
23 worker in the factory? Is that why?
24 A. Yes.
25 Q. So that everything is very clear, could you
1 tell us -- I'll ask you the question once again: In
2 respect of the three trucks, exactly which weapons were
3 they transporting?
4 A. Two trucks carried the Orkan with the
5 262 millimetres, and one vehicle was carrying Oganj
6 with a 128-millimetre calibre.
izvor :
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Da se podsetimo poznatog komentara od ranije ...
Citat:U noci 22./23. aprila, Dario Kordic, sa 300 pripadnika HVO-a, upada u pogon namjenske industrije "Bratstvo" u Novom Travniku. Odvlace tri višecjevna bacaca "orkan" i "oganj" te više haubica 122 mm, koje su, preko Prozora, odvukli u zapadnu Hercegovinu.
E sad ovaj svedok I.Sahinovic pravi niz gresaka ( Orkan jeste Kol i to Kol-15 znamo a ne neki drugi rak. sistem i nema 16 nego 12 cevki ) ali dobro mozda zaboravio ,nebitno je toliko .Meni je nesto sasvim drugo zanimljivo a to je pitanje o razlici izmedju Orkana i Ognja gde on opet gresi i kaze da je Orkan kraci (SVLR Orkan u celini je duzi za pola metra ) ,navodi vise puta da su lanseri bili pod ceradama tj one su bile razvucene na platformama .
Hm, kako to da nije naveo boje cerade tj kamiona ako je poznato da ljudsko oko u vecini slucajeva prvo primeti boju nekog objekta pa tek onda njegove dimenzije .Ako su Orkani bili zuti recimo a Oganj je svakako bio u SMB zar nije logicno da to pomene kao vizuelno najvise uocljivu razliku ???Kaze da je to izvlacenje izvrseno nakon ponoci, dakle mrkla noc je bila ,zuta boja bi se tek onda po noci lakse uocila od SMB tj zelene valjda ..Ili je on i ovaj detalj zaboravio ??? Ili su sva 3 kamiona-lansera bila u SMB,znaci pored Ognja i ona 2 izvucena Orkana ???
Jos ima tu nesto ..datum je u pitanju .. komentar navodi da je to bila noc 22/23 april a Sahinovic pominje da je to bilo u maju ,cak i onaj ratni dokument HVO iz 1993 pominje svibanj/maj `92g.
Moguce je da u citatu stoji pogresan podatak i da jeste bio 22/23 maj ako uzmemo u obzir da je JNA imala rok za izvlacenje svojih pripadnika te NVO iz BiH do 19 maja `92g.
Da ne bi sve izjave I.Sahinovica citirao i time povecao post ono najvaznije cu staviti u `spojler` a ova njegova izjava tj komentari nam govore o tome kako je organizovan `lazni` strajk i blokada puta jos feb. `92g tada u okolini Travnika a sve sa ciljem da se Orkani i prateca vozila uz ostalo NVO iz BNT ne isporuci u JNA.
Sve ce biti jasno kao dan kad se procita ovo pa jos kad se setimo izjave B.Zecevica u Hagu da je SSNO bio taj koji upravljao ZINVOJ tj svim vojnim fabrikama te 1991/92, onda je jasno kako i na koji nacin su Orkani zapravo oduzeti od JNA tj zasto i kako nije doslo do isporuke istih ...
Obratimo paznju na boldovano i podvuceno ...
+ Orkan BNT 1992
7 Could you tell us, Mr. Sahinovic, whether during 1992 you had
8 the occasion to meet the accused Dario Kordic?
9 A. Yes.
10 Q. Could you tell us what those circumstances
11 were?
12 A. In 1992, sometime in February, workers of the
13 factory and I went out to a roadblock at a place called
14 Okuka, which is the crossroads of Vitez to Travnik and
15 Novi Travnik crossroad. We made that roadblock in
16 order to draw the attention of the
17 Bosnian-Herzegovinian government, that it needed to
18 solve our problems faster or, rather, the social status
19 of the workers of the plant.
20 Let me point out that before that, I went to
21 the government of Bosnia-Herzegovina twice and at that
22 time I had talks with the then Prime Minister of the
23 government of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Mr. Jure Pelivan, and
24 his deputy, Muhamed Cengic, and those talks were held
25 towards the end of 1991, and they lasted until February
1 '92, but the government of Bosnia-Herzegovina did not
2 meet our requests, so that we had already announced
3 previously, both to the government of
4 Bosnia-Herzegovina and the police, that we would block
5 the road on the 24th February, 1992.
6 Q. On the document Z2601, could you show us
7 exactly where the roadblock that you're talking about
8 was? I'm sorry, 2612A. 2612A.
9 MR. LOPEZ-TERRES: (Interpretation)
10 Your Honour, a suggestion. Is it possible to have the
11 batch of maps that are going to be used either next to
12 or not far from the witness so that we can speed up the
13 time that we need to look for them?
14 JUDGE MAY: Yes. Which maps do you want?
15 MR. LOPEZ-TERRES: (Interpretation)
16 Well, we frequently present maps to the witness. First
17 we have the -- can we have the maps that we used
18 already? Can we have them near the ELMO?
19 JUDGE MAY: You mean the maps given to,
20 shown, or produce, rather, to the last witness; is that
21 right? The maps of 2612, those maps, and, also, the
22 maps of Novi Travnik. Are those the ones you want,
23 1962?
24 MR. LOPEZ-TERRES: (Interpretation)
25 Yes. I was thinking of a general suggestion for this
1 witness and for the future possibly, insofar as the
2 maps have already been introduced. If we could have
3 the maps next to the witness.
4 JUDGE MAY: It may be more convenient if
5 they're kept by the registrar, otherwise, there is a
6 danger of them being lost, but if before each witness
7 gives evidence you tell us what documents or what maps
8 you want him to have or her to have, no doubt we could
9 accommodate that.
10 Now, I think, for the moment, the maps of
11 1962 and 2612 should be sufficient.
12 MR. LOPEZ-TERRES: (Interpretation)
13 Thank you, Your Honour.
14 JUDGE MAY: If the usher could take those and
15 put them on the witness stand. It's not the big map,
16 it's 2612. It's the photocopies showing the Travnik
17 region. Yes, that's it.
18 MR. LOPEZ-TERRES: (Interpretation)
19 Yes, that's right.
20 JUDGE MAY: Yes, Mr. Lopez-Terres.
21 MR. LOPEZ-TERRES: (Interpretation)
22 Q. Mr. Sahinovic, could you show us the location
23 of the roadblock that you set up with the other workers
24 from the Bratstvo factory, in 1992 in February, on the
25 map?
1 A. This is the junction (indicating). The road
2 coming from Vitez towards Travnik and here, to the left
3 towards Novi Travnik (indicating). So I'm talking
4 about this junction here (indicating). That was where
5 we blocked the road.
6 Q. You started to say this, but why did you set
7 up the roadblock, set it up with the other factory
8 workers? What was going on exactly in the factory at
9 that point?
10 A. For quite some time we had not received the
11 salaries for our work, and we had large stocks in our
12 halls. As far as I can remember, about $7 million
13 worth of stocks we had. The programmes that we were
14 doing then were done on the basis of a programme and
15 contract with the Bosnia-Herzegovina government, and
16 yet we were not allowed to send this to the end user,
17 rather, to the client, the Yugoslav People's Army at
18 the time. So we failed to persuade the government to
19 intercede and protect the social status of workers,
20 that we decided to block the road which was considered
21 the main road.
22 We thought that if we blocked the traffic,
23 that we would be able to draw the attention of the
24 Bosnia-Herzegovina government. We were intending to
25 keep the road under blockade until somebody from the
1 Bosnia-Herzegovina government came and did something to
2 solve the problems, that is, met the requests that we
3 had submitted to the government.
4 Q. Exactly what was going on at that point?
5 What were they supplying?
6 A. These were the armaments and materiel which
7 was manufactured by the factory at the time.
8 Q. In respect of the roadblock that you set up,
9 was it set up only by the -- was it constituted only by
10 civilian vehicles and factory workers?
11 A. Yes.
12 Q. Were the factory workers armed?
13 A. No.
14 Q. In respect of the merchandise, you said that
15 the merchandise that was stocked in that factory were
16 the value of over several million dollars. You said
17 that, "We were prevented from delivering it to the
18 JNA." Who was the one that prevented you from
19 delivering it?
20 A. Whenever a particular contingent would be
21 ready, whenever we would load the trucks with this
22 equipment, then -- and actually it happened in the
23 village of Stojokovici and Bucici where the Croat
24 population blocked the road because they would not
25 allow that this equipment be delivered to the former
1 Yugoslavia army, so that it also happened they would
2 seize our trucks and the merchandise and to keep it,
3 either keep an eye on it or just keep it for
4 themselves.