Samohodni višecevni raketni sistem 262mm M-87 "Orkan"


Samohodni višecevni raketni sistem 262mm M-87 "Orkan"

  • član biblioteke
  • Pridružio: 18 Jul 2007
  • Poruke: 28779
  • Gde živiš: iznad smoga Beograda

Ja to ne vidim kao paralelni razvoj nego konačnu mogućnost da se preostale rakete 262mm ubace u kontejner i koriste u sistemu Šumadija poput Jerine-2.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212


Da ,moguce,ostaje upitno u kakvom su stanju originalne R-262mm koje su proizvodjene do 1991/92g. Davno je to bilo ,najmladje rakete su prakticno stare 25 godina .

  • Pridružio: 24 Sep 2013
  • Poruke: 4925

Svemu ide vreme pa tako i ovim raketama. Da apstrahujemo gorivo i stanje b/g mislim da postoji jednako velik problem koji stoji između starih raketa i kontejnera. Da su nekim čudom motor i b/g u tip-top formi za narednih 10 godina ostaje problem tempiranja. Stari upaljač ne može u kontejner, moralo bi da se menja kompletno rešenje tempiranja i kompletan upaljač. O-ruk tempiranje je moguće na četvoropucu, originalni Orkan je imao tempirne kutije. A kako to izvesti na kontejneru? Tako da, dok postoje Orkani 2 tu su i stare rakete. Novi sistem će doneti i nove b/g i nove upaljače, novi lanser. A koncepcija rakete? Videćemo šta će biti ako bude nešto od svega.

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212

Sa wiki stranice ,potvrda o upotrebi Orkana za razvoj sistema TOROS od strane Turaka krajem 90tih i pocetkom 2000tih

Turkey use of Orkan M87 for development of TOROS artillery rocket system

Citat:Turkey in 1990' faced USA reluctance to share modern defense technology. Both USA and turkey are members of NATO but even so there is no guarantee when it comes to sharing defense technologies that same block members will cooperate. In order to have domestic supply of Multiple rocket launcher rockets and domestic launchers Turkey used reverse engendering and shortcuts in order to develop its own versions. First in order to have supply of 227mm rockets they reversed engineered M270 Multiple Launch Rocket System M26 rocket under project designation SAGE 227.. For continuing work on development of domestic MRLS Turkey obtained Orkan M-87 documentation, launcher and rockets from Bosnia and Herzegovina Novi Travnik "Bratstvo" factory in 1995. They used obtained launcher, rockets and documentation for development of domestic 260mm rockets and launcher thus shortening development for more than 5 years if they stated from scratch. First launches of new 230 and 260mm rockets respectively based on 227 M26 and 262 Orkan rockets produced in Turkey from Orkan M-87 launcher have been given codename Kosovo and Bosna(Bosnia) and was conducted in April 1999.


Izvor : turski dokument


Ostaje pitanje kojim je putem isao onaj nezavrseni lanser 323 BDS/A u Tursku ,morskim ili kopnenim .

  • ja nesum radijo, ja sam neki veliki
  • Pridružio: 29 Jul 2014
  • Poruke: 4529

ray ban11 ::Sa wiki stranice ,potvrda o upotrebi Orkana za razvoj sistema TOROS od strane Turaka krajem 90tih i pocetkom 2000tih


Izvor : turski dokument


Ostaje pitanje kojim je putem isao onaj nezavrseni lanser 323 BDS/A u Tursku ,morskim ili kopnenim .

Evo i pride slika od mene Ziveli

  • yrraf  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 03 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 2655
  • Gde živiš: Loznica Srbija

Realno tempiranje bi se u kontejneru vršilo isto kao i na originalnom lanseru tako što bi svaka cev imala tempirnu kutiju koja bi bila povezana preko nekakvog kontakta sa lanserom na isti način kao i paljenje. Nije najjeftinije ni najprostije rešenje ali deluje mi kao moguće.

  • Pridružio: 24 Sep 2013
  • Poruke: 4925

Uff.. Ray đe ba nađe literaturu na čestom i većini poznatom jeziku. Mrzim automatske pevodioce, ubice su smisla, tekst vrtiš na nekoliko prevoda dok se ne nađe smisao. Ipak u tekstu nema potvrde za kodna imena delova projekta, to je došlo sa neke treće strane. Vidi se optimizam i oduševljenje postignutim, jer se sve pokazalo bolje od konkurencije, napravljeno je više probnih primeraka od predviđenog. kako navode rezultati su im bili odlični i pored toga što nisu imali, SUV, ARS, rešenu logistiku. Na kraju ispada da je sve propalo zbog nedostatka novca.
Nego što mi je onaj rešetkasti sanduk TOROS-a nešto poznat Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 17 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 24212


Moguci da su oni nazivi raketa cisto novinarski i nista vise .


U vezi sa tom poznatom slikom ,neko se dobro provaljivao sto se kamiona tice ,u redu da nije znao oznake FAP vozila ali kako je samo primetio da je 6x6 kad je svakako vidno da kamion ima 8 tockova tj 4 sa strane .

Citat:Probably the most controversial and popular project of SAGE is TOROS (Topcu Roketi Sistemi; Artillery Rocket System), which is a series of two artillery rockets: SAGE 230A (TOROS 230A) and SAGE 260A (TOROS 260A), 230mm and 260mm in diameter respectively. Often confused as a joint project with China and even with "Project J", TOROS, as well as SAGE 227 series of rockets, is an indigenous program of TUBITAK - SAGE.

TOROS project was started in 1995, again triggered by the failure of MLRS joint production program and frustration by the United States' reluctancy to share technology. Initially funded by TUBITAK's own budget, TOROS became a joint project of SAGE and MKEK in 1996. Preliminary design studies were completed in the same year and ground tests were conducted in 1997. The first tests of TOROS was conducted on 15 April 1999, involving firing of two SAGE 230A prototypes, designated as Bosna (Bosnia) and Kosova (Kosovo) from Sile test range to Black Sea. The tests were claimed to be extremely succesful, reportedly encouraging SAGE to proceed with the development of SAGE 260A. Following the test of SAGE 230A, TOROS project was revealed to public in late 1999. The first test of SAGE 260A took place on 10 February 2000, again in Sile test range and also with SAGE 230A firings, in front of press. These tests attracted considerable attention from both internal and international public.

SAGE 260A during launch in tests conducted in 2000, from Sile test range. Note the discarded sabots released immediately after the rocket left the launcher tube (Photo: TUBITAK - SAGE)

The TOROS system consists of five sub-systems: Launcher vehicle, logistics vehicle and maintenance vehicle based on a 6×6 truck chassis, command and control vehicle on a 4 × 4 chassis and the TOROS unguided surface-to-surface rockets.

SAGE 230A is a 230mm artillery rocket with a reported range of 65km, while SAGE 260A is 260mm in diameter and with 100km range. Both have HPTB based composite propellants. SAGE 230A is fired from two sets of six launchers and SAGE 260A from two sets of four. Both rockets have composite airframes and blast fragmentation warheads. The rockets have four wrap around fins at the rear which unfold after launch with sabots towards the front which are discarded after launch. A fin detent system is fitted to reduce wind dispersion of the rockets.

SAGE 230A (TOROS 230A) rockets (Photo: TUBITAK - SAGE)

The rockets are transported and launched from pods with composite sealed launch tubes. The 230mm launcher pod contains six rockets and the 260mm pod contains four rockets. The pods are mounted on a turntable installed on the rear of the launch platform with powered elevation and traverse. Each launcher would have two pods of TOROS rockets. Launcher reloading time is given as around 12 minutes.
Warhead type Blast Fragmentation
Explosive type TNT+RDX
Fuze Proximity
Range, minimum 20km 25km
Range, maximum
65km 110km
Diameter 230mm 260mm
Propellant type HTPB (Composite)
Length 4.10m 4.80m
Weight, total 330kg 485kg
Weight, warhead 120kg 145kg
Table 12: Technical specifications of SAGE 230A and SAGE 260A TOROS artillery rockets.

There is one prototype launcher vehicle of TOROS, and interestingly, this system is based on Serbian made FAP 2026 BS 6x6 truck chassis, also used in M-77 Oganj MBRLS. In serial production, the launcher chassis would be MAN 6x6 26.281 or 26.372.
A typical TOROS rocket launcher battery would consist of six launchers, each supplied by an resupply / reloading vehicle. Each firing platform would have an advanced GPS and inertial navigation system to reduce into action times and improve target response times. There would be a command post mounted on a 4x4 tactical truck or wheeled armored personnel carrier equipped with GPS / INS, secure communications systems, datalink and meteorological measurement systems.

TUBITAK - SAGE personnel in front of FAP 2226 launcher vehicle with two pods of quadruple TOROS 260A launcher pods. In the foreground, to the left there is a SAGE 260A rocket on its launcher pod, to right there is 230A with launcher. (Photo: TUBITAK - SAGE)

Final validation work on TOROS project was concluded in early 2000's and the system was reported to be ready for serial production. So far, TOROS has not entered production and service. It is speculated that with M-270 MLRS systems nearing the end of their service period, TOROS project may be resurrected and put into serial production. If that would be the case, the main contractor of the project needs to be defined, since ROKETSAN has become the main center of technology and production of rocket and missiles in Turkey, while on the other hand TOROS was a joint project of TUBITAK and MKEK.

sa foruma :


Naravno nije vozilo 6x6 vec 8x8 sto se vidi u podosta slika a ima i snimaka , nije 2026 ( tj 2226 ) vec znamo 3232BDS/A .


Inace sama ova saradanja izmedju BiH tj firme BNT konkretno i Turske na ovom planu bi se mogla povezati saa onim programom `Opremi i obuci` izmedju FBiH i Turske u drugoj polovini 90tih .

Onaj kamion -nedovrseni SVLR Orkana koji je krajem 90tih ,pocetkom 2000tih bio u Turskoj na tim ispiivanjima je moguce i danass u hali BNT .

Isti u kadru jednog snimka u hali BNT nastao 2014g

  • Pridružio: 31 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 5522

Napisano: 31 Jan 2018 14:29

Da li pripala marš motora kreće u isto vrijeme sa pripalom bustera?
Preko crteža odmjerio cjevčice baruta u busteru (24+18kom ; dia25/12,5mm ; 630/420mm ; 13,4kg ; 1950Ns ; 0,128s) i fino se poklopi da ako samo buster radi raketa u ovih 0,128 sekundi pređe 4,5m ali brzina ispod 70 m/s a pročitao da je stvarno 100m/s (ili je to bio cilj).

Dopuna: 31 Jan 2018 15:17

Biće da je sve istovremeno, sad primijetio da dijagram potiska sa 73.str tako i kaže. Uredno 95-100m/s i 6m u tih kratkih 0,128 sekundi.
Čini se da je isto i kod Lune.

  • Pridružio: 20 Maj 2017
  • Poruke: 2474

Pali se prvo glavni pa buster, ako glavni ne upali ne palii ni buster.

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