Airbus penzionisao A400M MSN4
The last flight of a warrior: Airbus A400M MSN4 retires in Bremen
Citat:Airbus A400M MSN4 has been retired at Bremen after flying for 12 years and more than 2,000 flight hours.
During this period, the transport aircraft was instrumental in the development A400M program, participating in tests to develop new capabilities such as air-to-air refueling.
It severed as a tanker and a receiver.
“As a tanker, we used MSN4 to develop and certify pods refuelling with F18 receivers, Hose Drum Unit refuelling with F18s and A400M receivers, the Cargo Hold Tanks (CHT) and more recently, the Helicopter Aerial Refuelling capabilities with H225M Caracal,” said César González, who was the Flight Test Engineer in charge of the development and certification flight test of AAR capability.