- flysky
- Zaslužni građanin
- Pridružio: 26 Dec 2012
- Poruke: 512
- Gde živiš: Srbija
Gledajući hronološki od 2003 vezano za kvalitet opreme, avionike, naoružanja sem po mom mišljenju loše aerodinimake (prevashodno gledajući aerodinimaku i profil krila , koja bi bolje izvedbe sa strejkovima i veće površine po meni sa 28 Kn potiska vinula L-159 ALCU u nadzvučne vode) bilo je pitanje vremena kada će L-159ALCA (masovno uskladišten i konzervisan a tek u simboličnoj upotrebi od 72 poizvedena pri 212. taktičkom svkvadronu nači kupca). Proizvedeno je 72.aviona u više varijanti , A,T-B. Setimo se startnih interesovanja Nigerije, Hrvatske ...;
Po meni je krucijalni problem nikako nije u platežnoj moći već u tome što su Iračani i to sa predugovorima do ugovora sedeli ne na 2 stolice i što njihov zvanični kontakt , tražnja nije išla preko države Češke već firme Aero. U kupo-prodaji prirodno svako gleda da finasijski bolje prođe.
Prvi koji je izrazio potražnju za L-159ALCA bio je DRAKEN Inc . iz SAD a potom maltene paralelno se obraća ROKAF za T-50- Golden Eagele (stim što je preliminarni ugovor sa ROKAF sa iračanima nastao nešto pre iračkog zvaičnog obraćanja firmi Aero). Mislim da je odluka za L-159 ALCA donešena primarno zbog urgentnosti nabavke a ne cene vazduhoplova kao i da je SAD bila ta koja je na kraju prelomila.
Tražeći odgovore na više foruma i sajtova mislim da su mišljenja i stavovi na racionalna .
Uglavnom L-159ALCA videćemo izvesno i na iračkom nebu sa nešto zakašnjenja ali i na američkom (zadnje po mom mišljenju).
Mudro se postavlja krucijalno pitanje da je ugovor sa firmom Draken inc. i dalje validan? Odgovor je da. Deo teksta na engleskom :
And thus the question arises ? What is the status of the Draken contract now?
Would an Iraqi purchase of these second hand units open up the possibility for selling more new build units in future?
It looks like Draken Int. already has three ex CzAF L159As which were sold few months ago by EADS to US company Hexadyne. Hexadyne sold the planes to "unknown" company in the USA, so now Draken knows what can buy.
Jun 2014. : A few days first Iraqi pilots will come in Vodochody to train with L-159 in. Maybe prologue for the first Alca´s real combat actions?
15. 7. 2014 : Czech ministry of defence will sell first 14 stored L-159As to Aero Vodochody for Aero´s deal with Draken. Sale to Iraq is still uncertain, contract with Draken has main priority.
28.08.2014. confirmed: Czech Air force is selling L-159 planes to Aero for Iraq. Iraq will get 10 stored singleseaters and two twoseaters from active service with 212. tactical squadron, one stored and two from active service Aero buys as well, but for what, who knows. Czech air force is selling these 15 planes for 750 milion crowns ... The plan is T1s will be send in Iraq in October, planes of A version during autumn... with plamen pods and some weapons. Everything will be Aero´s job...
Gledajući hronoligiju vesti 2013 - 2014 sve je bilo "izvesno" :
Originally, Baghdad wanted 24 new and four old L-159 subsonic fighters, and its representatives were negotiating about their purchase for several years. The contract was worth nearly 20 billion Kč, and the Defense Ministry strongly supported it. However, Iraq signed a contract for FA-50 planes with the Korean Aircraft Industries last December (2012.)
Last autumn, the military was negotiating about the sale of 28 unused L-159s to a U.S. firm. The contract has not been signed yet.
The Czech military bought 72 L-159s, but it has been using only one-third of them. Some 36 combat planes have been mothballed.
Rezime :
The Iraqis will get 15 L159s:
10x single seaters (flying)
2x dual seaters (flying)
3x single seaters broken up for spares.
Ukupna nabavna cena za 15 aviona 200 miliona dolara .
Lično verujem da će makar isti broj letelica osvanuti i na američkom nebu vezano za startni preliminarni ugovor sa DRAKEN Inc.
Lično mislim da je u stratu L-39 ALBATROS bio sa određenim izmenama arhitekture krila zahvalniji avion za modernizaciju sve i da je ugrađen skromniji radar.
Pogledajmo L-159 od ranijih dana i bez obzira na modernu avioniku i jako naglašeni nos sa radarom, krilima male površine -uzgona, nemožemo govoriti o agilnom i manevarbilnom avionu koji tek sada Češka sa L-169 ATJ pokušava da otkloni.
L-159 :
Promene u kokpitu u odnosu na prve verzije do one izvedene za L-159A za Češko vazduhoplovstvo :
L-159 -model sa nepromenjenom aerodinamikom od nastajanja do danas :
Predivna slika trojke L-159ALCA :
L-159 sa bogatom-raznovrsnom lepezom naoružanja :
Photoshop slika L-169 ATJ planirane modernizacije sa novom arhitekturom krila :
L-159 sa podvešenim VINTEN - VICON-18 optoelektronskim kontenjerom :
Vrlo bitan momenat vezan za nastajanje ALCE. Ko zna u kom bi pravcu tekao razvoj da se ispoštovao ugovor AERO - GRIPEN !
... 19.5.2008. AERO AND GRIPEN SIGN JOINT WORKING AGREEMENTA Joint Working Agreement has been signed between AERO Vodochody (Aero), Gripen International and Saab Czech to establish a mutual cooperation concerning marketing and manufacturing of the L-159 Combat & Training System. According to the agreement, the two companies agree to undertake to cooperate both in the marketing and sales of the L-159 and in further development of the L-159.
In addition, the agreement aims to further develop manufacturing capabilities of Aero through identifying manufacturing work packages from Saab on a range of projects which will be placed at Aero.
Moreover, the agreement includes design and development studies for upgrades and modifications of both the single and two seat versions of the L-159. Furthermore, the companies will cooperate in the area of a common logistic support system for the Czech Air Force Gripen fighter aircraft and the L-159 advanced training and light combat aircraft.
"This agreement between Gripen International and AERO Vodochody demonstrates our commitment to a long term relationship with the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is one of the countries where the Gripen fighter is in service today and this shows that Gripen International has paved the way for this mutual cooperation with Aero," says Johan Lehander, Managing Director Gripen International.
"We are delighted with the new mutual cooperation with Gripen International, which will certainly contribute to our joint success and a long term relationship," says Peter Ondro, President of Aero.
AERO Vodochody a.s. is the largest manufacturer of jet training aircraft in the world, having delivered more than 6,500 units, and the largest aerospace manufacturer in the Czech Republic, also active in world-class aerostructures projects.
The L-159 Combat & Training System contains the single-seat advanced light combat and two-seat advanced training aircraft, integrated logistic support, ground based training system, including a full mission simulator, mission planning and debriefing equipment and other support aids. The system has been developed in cooperation with leading aerospace manufacturers abroad as well as in the Czech Republic and is well-established in service with the Czech Air Force.
Gripen is in service with the Swedish, Czech, Hungarian and South African Air Forces. It has also been ordered by the Royal Thai Air Force. The UK Empire Test Pilots’ School is operating Gripen as its advanced fast jet platform for test pilots worldwide. Gripen International is also delivering successful industrial cooperation programs in Czech Republic, Hungary and South Africa.
Gripen International is a Swedish company acting as a prime contracting organization, responsible for marketing, selling and supporting the Gripen fighter worldwide. Gripen International combines the strength of its international industrial partners, which are among the world's most experienced and respected manufacturers of aerospace and defence equipment. Saab Czech s.r.o., daughter company of Saab International is the local representative in the Czech Republic and it has been part of the agreement as well.
Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions ranging from military defence to civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents and constantly develops, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers´ changing needs.
NAPOMENA : Ugovor je potpisan ne tako davne 2008. Ko zna možda i zaživi !