Američki lovac šeste generacije


Američki lovac šeste generacije

  • Cigi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 2880
  • Gde živiš: Novo mesto

thunder ::Ipak, kada se odmaknemo od propagande, ostaje gola činjenica da nigdje na svijetu ne postoji takav trust mozgova, takva koncentracija tehnologije i tako golemo, neprocjenjivo iskustvo kao u LM-u. Oni ove projekte mogu iznijeti do uspješnog kraja. Samo je pitanje financijskih resursa...
Sa prvim delom se slažem, ali dalje...U 90' sam gledao cerenje sa slika udruživanja američkih firmi u avioindustriji. Ako hočeš ima tema LCS brodovi, gde možeš da vidiš, šta je Pentagon planirao, a LM izradio.
Mislim, da će Ameri skupo platiti ove skoro monopole što su jih stvorili. Kapitalizam nije samo privatno vlastništvo, nego i konkurencija.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2011
  • Poruke: 563

Cigi ::
Mislim, da će Ameri skupo platiti ove skoro monopole što su jih stvorili. Kapitalizam nije samo privatno vlastništvo, nego i konkurencija.

Slažem se! Ali u LM-u imaju tehnologije i znanje i mogu to izvesti. U tome je poenta mog posta. F-35 je zapao u teškoće iz razloga kojeg ste naveli. Mislim da tako grubu grešku više neće ponoviti.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101647

US to Develop 6th Generation Fighters to Outrun Russian, Chinese Jets

Citat:The US Air Force and Navy plan to pursue the development and acquisition of sixth-generation F/A-XX fighters; they consider the fleet of existing jets incapable of handling their Russian and Chinese fifth-generation counterparts, something which they feel constitutes a real threat to national security.


  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2011
  • Poruke: 1548

thunder ::Cigi ::
Mislim, da će Ameri skupo platiti ove skoro monopole što su jih stvorili. Kapitalizam nije samo privatno vlastništvo, nego i konkurencija.

Slažem se! Ali u LM-u imaju tehnologije i znanje i mogu to izvesti. U tome je poenta mog posta. F-35 je zapao u teškoće iz razloga kojeg ste naveli. Mislim da tako grubu grešku više neće ponoviti.

Neće je ponoviti, nego je ponovljaju u kontinuitetu na svakom drugom projektu, A razlog za to je prost, Nema više u Americi P od parotizma koji je postojao kada se pravio jedan F-14, A-10, F-16, F-15, Došle su generacije uprave ili bordova direktora kojima je na prvom mestu izvući što je više moguće novca poreskih obveznika i staviti ih u svoje džepove, njihova uvezanost sa bankarskim konzorcijumima je jedna od najtešnjih i samim tim poslovna politika i logika, Što znači da im nije na prvom mestu da naprave ono što su obećali, nego da izvuku novac, a to što su napravili će da prodaju na razne načine.
Nekog će uceniti, Nekoga će Ubiti , Nekome će uskratiti pare za kampanju i tako dalje, Niko nemože da me ubedi da Je Australija Naručila F35 zato što joj treba i etc,, ne , nego zato što je morala da pokaža lojalnost u novcu koji je spremna da da za nešto što joj netreba.F22 nije daleko od F35, ako se uzme u obzir realna bojeva upotrebljivost , odnos časova održavanja na svaki čas leta, Osetljivost letenja u lošim vremenskim prilikama!!!??? Nisu nigde hteli da ga koriste, To što Imaju od F22-ki će se skupo plaćati godinama,leteti preko 2 maha, i nositi pored tovara i prilaičan broj AA raketa...

+ Spoiler

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12604


Ni tad nije bilo patriotizma vec si imao vise kompanija pa je bilo lakse izabrati sto bolji projekat za istu svotu. Danas jedino mogu da racunaju da ce Boeing da se ozbiljno potrudi ne bi li razbio monopol Lokida.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31278

Evo ga i Northrop

Northrop: Beating heat leads sixth-generation fighter challenges

Citat:Thermal management will be a critical factor in a brewing competition to replace hundreds of Lockheed Martin F-22s and Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, says a top Northrop Grumman executive.

Releasing a new artistic concept of a so-called sixth-generation fighter on 11 December, Northrop Aerospace Systems president Tom Vice singled-out the critical but often overlooked quality of managing all the heat generated by ever-more powerful weapons and sensors anticipated on future combat aircraft.

Northrop’s sixth-generation fighter concept shows the stealthy, swept-wing fighter using a powerful laser weapon to engage multiple targets. Even the best high-power lasers are only 32-33% efficient, meaning 2MW of heat is generated for every 1MW of energy that can be formed into a laser beam, Vice says.

That creates a difficult problem for a stealthy combat aircraft. Venting the heat offboard only raises the aircraft’s visibility to heat-sealing sensors. Another option is to develop a thermal accumulator, which is a path the Air Force Research Laboratory is pursuing under the INVENT programme. An electrical accumulator stores the energy onboard in the same way as a hydraulic accumulator, releasing the latent energy as necessary to generate a surge of power.

But Northrop’s sixth-generation fighter concept eschews the accumulator concept for thermal management. According to Vice, such a system imposes a limitation on the laser weapon’s magazine size or firing rate, forcing the pilot to exit combat until the accumulator is refilled with energy. Northrop is pursuing a concept instead that does not rely on accumulators or offboard venting to manage the heat, but Vice declines to elaborate on the company’s specific approach to solving the thermal management problem.

Northrop’s concept shows a tailless, possibly supersonic vehicle, promising a new breakthrough in manoeuvrability, speed and stealth for a combat aircraft. It also departs from previous sixth-generation fighter concepts released by Northrop by featuring a swept wing, replacing an aft-mounted straight or slightly forward swept wing on previous designs.

The Lockheed Martin F-22 was the first aircraft to blend supersonic cruising speed, advanced stealth and extreme agility in the same package, building on the Northrop’s B-2’s breakthrough combination of stealth and size.

Putting all of those qualities in a package with a new revolution in thermal management technology is the goal for winning the US Air Force’s F-X programme and the US Navy’s FA-XX programme, Vice says.

“The B-2 brought a lot of technology together in a very unique package,” he says. “This airplane will now combine a lot of that, and thermodynamics will be a key discriminator in who wins.”

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31278

Northrop NGAD

While Northrop doesn’t say it—both aircraft designs are likely to use adaptive cycle engine technology—which optimize the power plant’s bypass ratio for its given airspeed and altitude. Both the Air Force and Navy are working on adaptive cycle engines. But Navy is taking it a step further, instead of just an adaptive fan that just generates a third cooling stream, the Navy’s Variable Cycle Advanced Technology (VCAT) program is working on an adaptive turbine. If the Pentagon and industry combine the technologies from VCAT with the Air Force’s Adaptive Engine Technology Development (AETD) and follow-on Air Dominance Adaptive Propulsion Technology (ADAPT) efforts, it should yield huge performance gains. That means that next-generation fighters could have a lot of excess power available for directed energy weapons.

Citat:In terms of raw aerodynamic performance, the F/A-XX and NGAD are likely have similar performance to the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor—which has the best flight performance of any operational fighter ever built. Like the Raptor, the new aircraft will blend supersonic cruising speeds of around Mach 1.8 with advanced stealth and extreme agility. However, the new aircraft, if completed, will be orders of magnitude more stealthy over a wider range of frequencies. There will also be more emphasis on defeating infrared sensors and other alternative detection methods.

Combining those traits with breakthrough thermal management technology will be the key to winning the future NGAD and FA-XX contests. “The B-2 brought a lot of technology together in a very unique package,” Vice told Flight. “This airplane will now combine a lot of that, and thermodynamics will be a key discriminator in who wins.”

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31278

mean_machine ::@Ranxerox

Ni tad nije bilo patriotizma vec si imao vise kompanija pa je bilo lakse izabrati sto bolji projekat za istu svotu. Danas jedino mogu da racunaju da ce Boeing da se ozbiljno potrudi ne bi li razbio monopol Lokida.

Svojevremeno je tadasnji Lokid dobio pare za razvoj U-2, kada su ga zavrsili ostalo im je para, visak su vratili. Neka druga, davna nekorporativna Amerika i svet...

A ako cemo realno Lokidu su uvek isli ti "Black Projects" kao U-2, SR-71 i F-117 ali ne i avioni koji su trebali biti pristupacniji, klasicniji dizajni.

Najbolji je bio Mcdonald Daglas( samo pomenuti A-4, F-4, F-15, F-18,) koje je pojeo Boing a General Dynamics( F-16) je pojeo Lokid. Jedino je Grumman(F-14) otisao pod okrilje Northropa i postao Northrop Grumman(T-38, F-5, F-20, B-2 i verovatno zauvek neprezaljeni YF-23).

Danas ostadose mrtvi Boing i Lokid...

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16141
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Sumnjam da će imati agilnost F-22 bez vertikalnih manevarskih površina i nemogučnosti 3D TVC. Znači da će ga kod zaokreta uvek morati najpre okrenuti oko uzdužne ose da bi počeo jaće zaokretati. Tu će zasigurno gubiti koje delove sekunda.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31278

A negde pise da nece imati TVC ? Umesto FBW sigurno Fly By Fiber Optics

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