Američki lovac šeste generacije


Američki lovac šeste generacije

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

Komentarišem jer je ovaj avion kopija ideje iza YF-23.

Nema sumnje da su najveće dobro utrenirano vazduhoplovstvo. Ali mi nije jasno da su mogli propustiti zlatne šanse da se etabliraju kao apsolutna dominantna sila sa YF-23 i daljim razvojem stelt lovca na bazi F-16XL.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Air Force's five-year spending plan more than doubles funding for Next-Gen Air Dominance

Citat:The Air Force's budget outlook for Next-Generation Air Dominance has nearly doubled in its fiscal year 2019 funding request, which proposes $9.8 billion over the next five years to support continued experimentation and risk reduction for a new air dominance family of systems.

The budget request, released this week, proposes $503 million for the effort in FY-19 -- a slight drop from the $507 million projected in last year's request -- which would more than double in FY-20 to $1.3 billion. Funding would grow to $2 billion in FY-21, $3.1 billion in FY-22 and $2.8 billion in FY-23 under the Air Force's plan.

The increase in projected funding comes after last year's budget request programmed about $4.5 billion for NGAD across the future years defense program -- a steep jump compared to previous projections and an indication the service is eyeing contracts for risk-reduction and experimentation work. The FY-17 budget request called for just $20 million for NGAD and projected it would require only $12.8 million in FY-18 and FY-19.

Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson told reporters Feb. 13 the funding increase for NGAD -- as well as increases in spending for fourth-generation aircraft modernization and multidomain command and control -- better aligns the service with the newly released National Defense Strategy, which emphasizes increased lethality in order to counter growing threats from Russia and China. Air Force spokesman Ann Stefanek told Inside Defense that while the service was already projecting measured investments in those areas, the increases in this year's budget can be directly tied to the NDS.

The Air Force has been exploring options for a new air dominance capability since at least 2011, when the Pentagon approved a requirement for a follow-on to the F-22. In 2016, as part of its renewed developmental planning effort, the service completed a study that considered the capabilities needed to maintain air dominance against future threats.

That study identified a need for a penetrating counter air capability -- which aligned with ongoing NGAD investment -- and kicked off an analysis of alternatives, which should be completed in the third quarter of FY-18.

The FY-19 budget divides NGAD funding into two lines of effort -- one focused on the air system and the other on a next-generation air-to-air weapon. Air Force Budget Deputy Carolyn Gleason and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Budget Maj. Gen. John Pletcher told reporters Feb. 12 that FY-19 funds would be used to complete the NGAD analysis of alternatives, which is informing both efforts. The AOA will lead to decisions on how to proceed with experimentation and early development work, she said.

Pletcher noted that the service is still determining what an NGAD family of systems will look like and whether it will require a new platform for penetrating counter-air.

"I think the analysis of alternatives is designed to tell us what we need, what that family of systems looks like," he said. "It could be a platform. It could be something else. That's the intent of the analysis of alternatives."

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Budget watchdog warns this fighter could cost three times that of the F-35

Citat:WASHINGTON — A next-generation air superiority jet for the U.S. Air Force, known by the service as Penetrating Counter Air, could cost about $300 million in 2018 dollars per plane, the Congressional Budget Office states in a new study.

At that price, PCA would be more than three times that of the average F-35A jet, which is set at about $94 million to capture both the expense of early production lots and the decline in cost as the production rate increases, according the report, which predicts the cost of replacing the Air Force’s aircraft inventory from now until 2050.

This sum, while not an official cost estimate from the Pentagon, represents the first time a government entity has weighed in on the potential price tag for PCA.

The CBO estimates the Air Force will need 414 PCA aircraft to replace existing F-15C/Ds and F-22s, the Air Force’s current fighters geared toward air-to-air combat. It also surmises that the first aircraft will enter service in 2030, based on the service’s stated desire to begin fielding PCA around that time frame.

The reason for the whopping price tag?

Part of it comes down to the cost of new technology.

“The PCA aircraft would probably have a greater range and payload, as well as improved stealth and sensor capabilities, than today’s F-22; those characteristics would help it operate in the presence of the high-end air defenses that DoD believes China, Russia, and other potential adversaries may have in the future,” the CBO states.

According to the CBO’s analysis, Air Force procurement of new aircraft could peak at about $26 billion in 2033, as the service buys both the F-35 and PCA. Those two fighters, together with the B-21 bomber, are set to be the largest drivers of cost as procurement reaches its height in the mid-2030s.

“Although the Air Force could probably modify both retirement plans and replacement schedules to smooth out the 2033 peak, the average annual costs of procuring new aircraft would still be higher than in the recent past: $15 billion in the 2020s, $23 billion in the 2030s, and $15 billion in the 2040s,” the report states.

Dealing with an upcoming bow wave

CBO’s estimates included 35 platforms that will be replacing legacy systems, with six programs making up more than 85 percent of the projected procurement costs cited throughout the report: the F-35, PCA, the KC-46A, the B-21, the C-130J cargo plane as well as the yet-unannounced C-17 replacement.

The report envisions a future where the Air Force is allowed to retire all of its legacy fighter and attack aircraft — the A-10, the F-15, the F-16 and even the F-22 — in favor of three aircraft: the F-35, PCA and a light attack aircraft configured to take on low-threat missions.

The Air Force has yet to decide whether to buy a light-attack aircraft or how extensive its purchase may be, although the service is expected to put out a request for proposals by the end of the month.

“Funding for new fighter aircraft makes up about half of the total projected costs of procuring new aircraft,” the CBO states, with the F-35 set to be the most expensive program through the 2020s until PCA takes its place in the early 2030s.

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31428

Uspesno su testirali laserski sistem za obaranje raketa. Planiraju ugradnju na buducu 6. generaciju lovaca a mogao bi kao kontejner da se kaci i na postojece.

Air Force Research Laboratory completes successful shoot down of air-launched missiles

Citat:The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Self-Protect High Energy Laser Demonstrator (SHiELD) Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) Program successfully completed a major program milestone April 23, 2019 with the successful surrogate laser weapon system shoot down of multiple air launched missiles in flight.

The SHiELD program is developing a directed energy laser system on an aircraft pod that will serve to demonstrate self-defense of aircraft against surface-to-air (SAM) and air-to-air (AAM) missiles.

“This critical demonstration shows that our directed energy systems are on track to be a game changer for our warfighters,” said Dr. Kelly Hammett, director of AFRL’s Directed Energy Directorate.

During the series of tests at the High Energy Laser System Test Facility at White Sands Missile Range, the Demonstrator Laser Weapon System (DLWS) (Figure 1), acting as a ground-based test surrogate for the SHiELD system, was able to engage and shoot down several air launched missiles in flight. The demonstration is an important step of the SHiELD system development, by validating laser effectiveness against the target missiles. The final SHiELD system, however, will be much smaller and lighter, as well as ruggedized for an airborne environment.

“The successful test is a big step ahead for directed energy systems and protection against adversarial threats,” said Maj. Gen. William Cooley, AFRL commander. “The ability to shoot down missiles with speed of light technology will enable air operation in denied environments. I am proud of the AFRL team advancing our Air Force’s directed energy capability.”

High Energy Laser technology has made significant gains in performance and maturity due to continued research and development by AFRL and others in the science and technology ecosystem. It is considered to be a game changing technology that will bring new capabilities to the warfighter.

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  • Pridružio: 13 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 2902


ovo je vec zanimljivo...

The U.S. Air Force has secretly designed, built and flown at least one prototype of its enigmatic next-generation fighter jet, the service’s top acquisition official confirmed to Defense News on Sept. 14.

The development is certain to shock the defense community, which last saw the first flight of an experimental fighter during the battle for the Joint Strike Fighter contract 20 years ago. With the Air Force’s future fighter program still in its infancy, the rollout and successful first flight of a demonstrator was not expected for years.

“We’ve already built and flown a full-scale flight demonstrator in the real world, and we broke records in doing it,” Will Roper told Defense News in an exclusive interview ahead of the Air Force Association’s Air, Space and Cyber Conference. “We are ready to go and build the next-generation aircraft in a way that has never happened before.”

The US Air Force has built and flown a mysterious full-scale prototype of its future fighter jet

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12609

Kaze Ruper da su oborili rekorde sa demonstratorom. Verovatno je dvomotorac sa dva F135 nasvirana fino. To bi trebalo da obara rekorde bez mnogo muke.

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

Imaju tehnologiju već sad da naprave mašinu koja bi mogla služiti do kraja veka. Svakako ima prostora da se predvidi asistencija, te samostalna veštačka inteligencija. Zatim modularnost, planiranje smanjenja troškova kako razvoja, tako posle održavanja.

Za početa mogu da se ogrebu od F-35 za deo avionike i time spuste inicijalnu cenu razvoja.

Kontam da će najveći deo troškova otići na sve što ima veze sa IT.

Da, motoru čak mogu da redukuju snagu i produže im radni vek.

  • Pridružio: 31 Mar 2017
  • Poruke: 1887

Razvoj ovog aviona ide po planu i rasporedu za sada iako se odjednom cini da je malo pozurio. Nije. Ovo je avion namenjen da zameni F-22 i F-15EX. Ne tamo nekog osrednjeg debelog F-35 koji se i 20 godina od prvog leta muci sa svim i svacim iz poznatih razloga. Zamenjuje avone koji su prvi put poleteli pre 25-30 vise g. Itekako mu je vreme za prvi let! Kad se ima neogranicen budzet, a vala i ogromno iskustvo kad je peta generacija u pitanju, ja ne sumnjam da ce ovaj avion biti daleko efikasniji i ekonomicniji. Razvoj ce sigurno teci daleko brze od F-35 sto znaci da ce poceti da ulazi u upotrebu otprilike kad mi budemo penzionisali nase MiG-29 i zamenuli ih nekom 4 ili 4+ generacijom nadam se novih aviona.

F-135 koliko znamo nije dizajniran za supercruise, tako da je verovatno naprednija varijanta u pitanju, ili skroz drugi novi motor.

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12609

F135 na maksimalu ima veci potisak nego F119 a nije bitno tezi ako je uopste tezi. Doduse nov lovac ce dobiti ili unapredjeni F135 ili novi GE motor taj GE je promenjivog radnog ciklusa pa bi bio idealan za supercruise.

  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2010
  • Poruke: 192

Rusi opet dobili domaći zadatak koji će da rešavaju 20 i kusur godina.

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