Ovaj Boeingov koncept mi se jako sviđa, ne samo zbog izgleda več i zbog mogučih performansi.
Malo ču da spekulišem. Pošto je ovo naslednik F-18/ F-18SH računam da če masa praznog biti negde između 10.000kg pa do 13.000kg, radius kretanja sa unutrašnjim gorivom sličan F-35 znači 1000-1100km i najverovatnije da če i nosivost oružja biti slična F-18SH/F-35 znači oko 8-9.000kg. I ono što me stvarno raduje je mogučnost ugradnje motora P&W-119 (F-22) ili P&W-135 (F-35) i to brez komore za dodatno sagorevanje pošto su motori i brez te komore dovoljno snažni (P&W119: 102kN ; P&W135: 125kN), lakši, kompaktniji, sa manjim IC odrazom i štedljivi u slučaju kakvog dogfighta (duže može da izdrži jer nema forsaža). Najverovatnije ga zato Boeing svrstava u 6.generaciju (multispektral stalth) i priča oko dostupnosti (affordable) je lakša za prodati pošto su podsistemi za F-XX maltene več razvijeni kao što su motor, radar,avionika,EO senzori i slično.
Volio bi videti da i Mikoyan biro krene u tom pravcu koristeči tehnologiju razvijenu za PAK-FA.
Citat:The future system will have to counter adversaries equipped with next generation advanced electronic attack, sophisticated integrated air defense systems, passive detection, integrated self-protection, directed energy weapons, and cyber attack capabilities. It must be able to operate in the anti-access/area-denial environment that will exist in the 2030-2050 timeframe
Интересантно имаће ласере и рачунарске вирусе оде конвенционално ратовање
Zanima me generacija,pošto prvi put ga vidim (ne pratim baš često,ali pogledam nekad šta ima novo)i vidim tek sad "2002 - revealed to public",pošteno se lupim po glavi što ga postavi uopšte(to ti je kad se ne razumeš,a sve te zanma)...
Al dobro,ajd kad sam već tu da pitam:
Pošto vidim da se razbacuje kojekakva propaganda po netu famoznih aviona 6-generacije,zanima me mogu li oni uraditi Pugačevu kobru,zvono itd. to jest da li su sposobni kao "dron lovci" i za takve vrste manevra...
U vezi ovih gornjih videa i aviona 6. generacije. Nije mi jasno kako može biti lovac bez vertikalnih stabilizatora i rudera te bez motora vektoriziranog potiska. Kako će praviti nagle zaokrete levo i desno? To se može donekle zameniti posebnim dizajnom i drukčije nameštenim kosim horizontalo smeštenim ruderima kao što to ima bombarder B-2 ali ipak to nije dovoljno za nagle zaokrete što bi trebao lovac da ima mogučnost.
Sta kazu iz Lokida
This concept originates from our Advanced Development Programs group called the Skunk Works®. The Skunk Works primary objective is to aggressively pursue next generation technology programs and conduct research and development that will allow it to rapidly respond to customer needs. U.S. 5th generation fighters are now operational with the F-22 in the USAF and F-35 soon to be operational for USAF, USN, USMC and our international partners. As with the 4th generation fighters (F-15, F-16, F-18, 5th Gen is poised for growth, and will go through a process of capability upgrades over their service lives. As such, they will be operationally relevant for decades to come. Even with that, it is time to start looking at the technologies that will provide the next quantum leap in capabilities for the next generation of fighters (IOC ~ 2030+). Simply removing the pilot from an aircraft or introducing incremental improvements in signature and range does not constitute a generational leap in capability. These improvements are already being looked at for our 5th generation fighters.
Future fighter requirements are not set and will depend on assessments of future threats that may emerge in the 2030 time frame. Greatly increased speed, longer range, extended loiter times, multi-spectral stealth, ubiquitous situation awareness, and self-healing structures and systems are some of the possible technologies we envision for the next generation of fighter aircraft. Next generation fighter capabilities will be driven by game changing technological breakthroughs in the areas of propulsion, materials, power generation, sensors, and weapons that are yet to be fully imagined. This will require another significant investment in research and development from a standpoint of both time and money. We will continue to investigate technologies that demonstrate great promise, and work closely with our customers to define the future operational concepts and requirements that the next generation of fighter aircraft must fulfill.