Bilo je na temi vec vesti o tome da ce do 2020 g biti proizvedeno 20 komada .Eto sad g Rogozin pominje 10 ?
Ono sto je interesantno ustvari zbunjujuce jeste broj do sada proizvedenih .Cifre idu od 54 do 65 komada .
Podaci iz 1997g ( jedan od linkova predhodno postavljenih na ovoj stranici )
Citat: In all, 65 airframes have been assembled and production continues. Three more airframes are under assembly at the Aviastar factory in Ulianovsk. Moreover, one airframe is being completed at AVIANT in Kiev. The latter aircraft will be the last one built in the Ukraine.
Citat:According to Lieutenant General Yuri Klishin, deputy RusAF commander, the Service has "over 20" Ruslans in active service (in 1996, official data reported the figure at 26 airframes). The readiness of the fleet lies between 50 and 60%, being so low due to a lack of cash for major overhauls and repair of engines. "We have enough operable airframes to fulfill our needs," Klishin reported. According to him, operable airplanes log "from 20 to 120 hours" (presumably, a year - the Air Force experiences a shortage of fuel).
Citat:Civil fleet
Piotr Balabuev, Antonov general designer, often says that a military airlifter differs from a civilian freighter only in that one is painted green, while the other is multi-colour. However, over 60 changes had been made to the basic design before the Air Register of MAK (Interstate Aviation Committee) issued an airworthiness certificate for the An-124-100 in 1992. It is interesting to note that well before its certification in 1989 (some sources say in 1986), the Ruslan began operations in Aeroflot colours.
Currently, 20 An-124-100s are in commercial service in Russia and the Ukraine. Volga-Dnepr has seven airframes, Antonov Airlines five, GTK Rossiya two, Polyet two, Titan three and Ayaks one. According to data from Volga-Dnepr, the civilian Ruslans have logged 45,130 flight hours since their introduction into commercial service, including 34,100 hours with Volga-Dnepr pilots at the controls. From 1995 till October 1997, the logged flight time was 19,480 hours for Volga-Dnepr's airplanes, 8,756 for Antonov Airlines', 2,196 for GTK Rossiya's, 1,504 for Titan's and 1,496 for Ayaks'. In total, it gives 35,965 flight hours. The volume of sales during this period was $410m, divided between the above-listed operators as 57%, 26%, 5%, 5%, 4% and 4% respectively.
Kolega Danko SVIK VRS je u prvom postu napisao da je od 54 proizvedena 26 bilo za SSSR ? Sta bi onda sa preostalih 28 ?
Navodno 4 do sada izgubljena u udesima