Poslao: 05 Feb 2016 21:54
- Skywhaler

- Legendarni građanin
- vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
- Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
- Poruke: 6033
- Gde živiš: Esgaroth
На прве две фотографије је морнаричка верзија Си Херијер Ф(А).2, који због радара Блу Виксен има нешто израженији нос, док су на трећој старији ФРС.1 899. ескадриле, која је углавном служила као тренажна јединица, али је по потреби учествовала и у борбеним дејствима. Један авион тог типа оборила је Војска Републике Српске током операције ''Спречити лет'' у околини Горажда, 16. априла 1994. Ако не грешим, ФРС.1 оборен је ПВО ракетом Игла-1.Citat:... In April 1994, a UK Royal Navy Sea Harrier FRS1 flying over Gorazde on a close air support mission on behalf of the UN peace-keeping operation in Bosnia was shot down by a hand-held missile -- thought to have been an infrared-guided SA-16 -- as the pilot prepared to attack a Bosnian-Serb tank. The pilot, who had taken his aircraft down to around 2500ft above ground level, never even knew he was under attack. The FRS1 was equipped with the Marconi (now BAE Systems) Sky Guardian radar warning receiver (RWR), but had no systems capable of detecting the launch or approach of the passively guided SA-16. It was also equipped with the Tracor (now BAE Systems) ALE-40 combined chaff/flare dispenser, but this could only be activated under manual direction... [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 15 Mar 2016 15:58
- Skywhaler

- Legendarni građanin
- vampire and philosopher, po©smt, rhd©t
- Pridružio: 13 Dec 2013
- Poruke: 6033
- Gde živiš: Esgaroth
... једна уметничка...
Poslao: 21 Mar 2016 20:20
- Toni

- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31498
Indijci ih povukli, menjaju ih sa MIG-29K, piloti odlaze na obuku za MIG-29K.
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Poslao: 12 Apr 2016 21:02
- djox

- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 103429
Citat:Harrier GR3 Jump Jet XZ130 live for first time in 25 years
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Poslao: 25 Apr 2016 13:16
- djox

- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 103429
Spanci mozgaju sta ce....
Spanish Navy struggling to fund new aircraft buys
Citat:The Spanish Navy is concerned over how it can finance replacing its existing fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, having not been involved in developing the aircraft currently on the market, according to the navy's commander.
With the McDonnell Douglas/BAE VA.2 (EAV-8B Harrier II/Plus) jump jets used aboard the country's aircraft carrier Juan Carlos I due to be phased out between 2025 and 2027, the "only option open to us" as a replacement is the Lockheed Martin F-35, according to Admiral Jaime Muñoz-Delgado Diaz del Rio. "But because we were not a member from the start, that signifies having to pay more for it," he said.
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Poslao: 05 Maj 2016 15:22
- djox

- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 103429
Toni ::Indijci ih povukli, menjaju ih sa MIG-29K, piloti odlaze na obuku za MIG-29K.
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Za neki dan je konacna penzija....
Sea Harriers to be de-inducted on May 11
Citat:The Indian Navy will de-induct its Sea Harrier fighter and induct a new squadron of MiG 29K planes at a formal ceremony at its naval station in Goa on May 11, a navy spokesperson said on Wednesday.
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