Chengdu J-10


Chengdu J-10

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

djole81 ::Biće to sjajan avion, ako bude opremljen sa svim što je predviđeno
Slažem se. Još samo da mu ubace neki motor potiska 15 tona i da ga vidiš Cool

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 14 Jul 2008
  • Poruke: 3427

Please read everything I wrote before you get angry and reply just out of spite or to "defend" something.

mean_machine ::USAF didnt had amraam in 1980' and AIM-9M was their best missile up to XXI centry.

So? They had other missiles, like the AIM-7 Sparrow and several improvements of it until they introduced the AMRAAM. And yes, the Americans used the 9M for a long time, what did China use when they introduced the AIM-9L and AIM-7M? But as I said, the Russians had the R-73 which is much better (even the 9M is better) than this Chinese modernization of the AA-2 Atoll.

We can say USAF didnt had color display in cockpit of their fighters in 1980's.

Irrelevant. Installing a 27inch LCDisplay in a Mig-17 won't make it any better. Wink The same way, replacing the displays in a F-22 with old instruments won't make the plane any worse, it will still be the best fighter aircraft around.
What I mean to say is:
Advancements in the development of specialized technology and engineering are one thing, the integration of things that are part of the general evolution of technology are another, LCDisplays fall under the second category. They just were not around back then, technologically, while they are readily available today.

The important thing is that the airplane is good and matches todays airplanes from the rest of the world. And the J-10 does not provide anything that the rest of the world didn't already have 30 years ago when China was still "modernizing" the Mig-19 and tried to make it into a "cheaper Mig-21", like they did 10 years ago when they were trying to make some outdated aircraft like the Mig-21 copy J-7 into "a cheap F-16A", 5 years ago when they tried to make a poor man's "cheap F-16C" or today when they try to make a "cheap F-16 Block 52" (introduced in 1991, for those who don't know how old that plane already is), and all of that with foreign engines...sorry, but the world has moved on, the F-16A is not relevant anymore, and neither are the first versions of the Mig-29, Mig-21bis, some early Su-27 or any planes from the early 90s. If the J-10 had come out in 1982 we might have been impressed, but it's 2011 and counting, by the time the J-10B comes out, the F-22 will have been in active service for 10 years, and what, I am supposed to be nice and act impressed because of their early 90s fighter which is 20 years late to the party as not to offend them?

That is just usual propaganda for the Chinese (and Pakistani) internal use, to tell their own people how great they are and that they match "insert big name of foreign system, but don't pay attention to the fact that that system has been improved 5 times since and isn't produced anymore in the way that you have now managed to match". We had an authoritarian dictatorship as well, we know how the song goes, we, too, have had the best in the world/as good as the best in the world of everything. Laughing
I don't know why we from outside China should pay any attention to their internal-propaganda fairytales and why we should pretend to be impressed and amazed at "their accomplishments". I don't have to be nice to "China", I don't care if "China" gets sad because I state the obvious. That is just the way it is.

Leonardo ::@mareCar
You are claiming something that isn't true. J-10B's definitely '90 and beyond technology.

The B is not in service, yet. When it has entered service in a few years, we can talk about whether China has arrived in the 1990s or not.

Citat:When compared to 3rd (4th) generation fighter jets with some new features like delta-canard configuration, DSI air intake

Those mean nothing. Those are just buzzwords, they don't actually make the plane any more technologically potent or advanced. This is just a continuation of the same talk as improvements on Mig-21s by installing a few LCD displays etc..

Citat:if I'm not wrong stealthier two-piece bubble canopy... The airplane carries its load outside, stealthy does not exist.

Citat:It remains to be seen when will they finish AESA radar and also bring out version with composite materials.

No one even knows if the radar is even AESA or PESA.

And people, don't get me wrong (as you always do), I have nothing against Chinese hardware or advancement (obviously any of the newer planes would be incredible for the Serbian Air Force), but touting every little step the Chinese make as if it is some sort of achievement is like watching a race and cheering for the retarded guy with leg braces who is 2 laps behind everyone like he is winning the race just because he has just completed his first round. It can only be done out of pity. I will wait with the cheering until they deserve it, so that it can be honest.

archer ::Smorili ste sa engleskim.


lacko ::archer ::Smorili ste sa engleskim.
Ispade ovim pakistancima j10 i jf17 daleko nadmocniji od f22 i f35,kako su krenuli Mr. Green GUZ - Glavom U Zid

Sad ce ovoj Mig-21 na steroidima da naprave kockast nos i da nam pricaju bajke kako je postao stealth... Bebee Dol

  • Pridružio: 06 Jun 2011
  • Poruke: 421

jft carries PL-5E/PL-9C/AIM-9M/AIM-9P short range missiles of paf -- even paf f6 and f7 are hooked up to fire aim9

china's copy of mig21 was not f6 , rather it was f7 [which is further divided into generations]
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
this is an artists visualization of prototype1 of fc1

dsi decreased the frontal rcs of jft prototype 4 by 35% as compared to jft protoype1 not to mention it also reduced the wieght of the fighter

the paf and its sales are rarely publisized in the pak media -- most people have no clue of paf's developments

paf cant afford to buy 475 fifth generation fighters for its fleet -- and neither does iaf plan to dump the lca , mirage, rafale fighters in favour of 600+ fifth generation fighters

''J-10 does not provide anything that the rest of the world didn't already have 30 years ago '' Shocked

f22 and j10b are of different categories and you can post your views in the j20 thread

  • Pridružio: 14 Jul 2008
  • Poruke: 3427

You failed to understand anything I wrote. Simply said, you didn't get the point, on each and every account.

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23384
  • Gde živiš: Beograd


Moras ipak priznati da su Kinezi sa J-10 napravili veliki prodor, od lovca 2. generacije kakav je J-7 stigli su sa JF-17 i J-10A do 3. a sa J-10B do 4. generacije. I to za sve 10 i kusur godina. Ko se nadao na primer 1990. da ce Kinezi ovoliko napredovati? I toliko smanjiti jaz koji je postojao izmedju ruskih, zapadnih i kineskih aviona.

Ako J-10B bude imao sve sto Kinezi kazu, bice jednak sa svim borbenim avionima njegove klase, dakle avioni 4 i 4.5 generacije. Nista se osim T-50 i J-20 (ako ovo nije samo tehnoloski demonstrator) ne moze i nece moci u skorijoj buducnosti uporedjivati sa F-22. Eventualno ako EF i Rafale dobiju u medjuvremenu neka dodatna poboljsanja (a izgleda da ce da ih dobiju) oni ce se priblitizi 5-toj generaciji.

Kazes to sko Kinezi i Pakistanci pricaju je propaganda. Mozda i jeste ali sta rade Amerikanci i Evropljani? Toliko hvale EF i Rafale i Gripen da smatraju akciju u Libiji relevantnom za dokazivanje njihovih aviona. Pa onda razbili smo EF sa 10:0, F-22 sa 5:1 itd. Sto bi Kinezi bili drugaciji?

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12609


Odluci se vec jednom gde pripada J-10A. Te pominjes rane 80' pa kasnije pises o F-16 blok 50/52 za koji sam kazes da se pojavio pocetkom 90'.

Sto se tice J-10B, ako bude imao AESA radar moze se porediti sa japanskim F-2 koji u sluzbu usao 2000. Dakle pocetak prosle decenije a ne 90'.

Naravno da kasne za drugima to nije sporno. Ali tvrditi da je J-10A u rangu americkih aviona iz ranih 80' ili da J-10B sa aesa radarom ce biti u rangu americkih aviona iz 90' e to jeste vrlo sporno.

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16163
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Svakako će biti J-10B avion sa najnovijom avionikom. Samo problem je u tome što će biti ta najnovija avionika na nivou američke ispred 10 godina što uopšte nije loše, dok će biti oružani sitemi još i lošiji. Kinezima nužno treba neka Meteor raketa da je iskopiraju i približe se zapadnim standardima.

  • Pridružio: 20 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 1322
  • Gde živiš: u kanalizaciji sa Nindza Kornjacama

Leonardo ::djole81 ::Biće to sjajan avion, ako bude opremljen sa svim što je predviđeno
Slažem se. Još samo da mu ubace neki motor potiska 15 tona i da ga vidiš Cool

Ja ga sanjam sa NPO Saturn S-117S Zaljubljen

  • Pridružio: 02 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 1462

archer ::
Ja ga sanjam sa NPO Saturn S-117S Zaljubljen

Можеш да га сањаш са чим зелиш,али АЛ41Ф1А неће добити још дуго...

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23384
  • Gde živiš: Beograd


Jel ovo neka nova reč u srpskom jeziku? Mr. Green Mr. Green Mr. Green

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