Chengdu J-7 Airguard


Chengdu J-7 Airguard

  • Pridružio: 13 Jan 2013
  • Poruke: 110

djox ::I naravno....Banglades Very Happy

Šteta što nema slika gde se lepo vide V-V rakete . Zvanično , J-7 može da nosi samo IC vođene PL-8 i PL-9 . Nezbanično , ima špekulacija da je kompatibilan i sa PL-11 i PL-12 (naravno uz smanjen domet) .

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103019

Za sada samo ove "klot" slike,ali pojavice se i naoruzani...doduse ovaj nosi lansere

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23384
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Ух ала је наоружан, права ала нема шта. Smile

Ово је иначе Ф-7БГ.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103019

Uh bre zile pa nemoj da sitnicaris,ovaj bar ima nesto u odnosu na prethodne fotke. Very Happy Laughing

  • Pridružio: 13 Jan 2013
  • Poruke: 110

Napisano: 19 Feb 2013 19:52

Podaci sa nekog pakistanskog foruma o bangladeškim najnovijim avionima . Vidi se da radar nije nešto , ali ima par interesantnih detalja kao što su nov motor (WS-13F) , MAW i HMS .

Landing gear

The F-7BG aircraft have inward-retracting main wheels, with 600 x 200 mm tyres (pressure 11.50 bars--167 lb/sq in) and LS-16 disc brakes.

In addition the forward-retracting nose wheel measurements are 500 x 180 mm tyre (pressure 7.00 bars--102 lb/sq in) and have LS-15 double-acting brake. The Nose wheel is steerable to +/-47 deg, while the minimum ground turning radius is 7.04 m (23 ft 1{1/4} in). Tail braking parachute is located at the base of vertical tail.

Power plant

One LMC (Liyang) WP-13F (44.1 kN--9,921 lb st dry, 64.7 kN--14,550 lb st with afterburning).

Total internal fuel capacity 2,385 litres (630 US gallons--524.5 Imp gallons, contained in six flexible tanks in fuselage and two integral tanks in each wing. Provision for carrying a 500 or 800 litre (132 or 211 US gallon--110 or 176 Imp gallon) centreline drop tank, and/or a 500 litre drop tank on each outboard underwing pylon. The maximum internal/external fuel capacity is 4,185 litres (1,105 US gallons--920.5 Imp gallons).

New engine

The WP-13F engine of the J-7MB produces 1,200 lbs of more thrust than the F-7MB`s WP-7BM, giving it a thrust-to-weight ratio of about 0.9 compared to 0.8 of the latter in clean take-off configuration. A 50% improvement in spool-up time is a welcome feature, particularly on final approach and landing where a sudden gust of wind has resulted in many a tail scrapes on the F-7MB. Go-around’s are also prompt and a bad landing is actually a thing of the past on the BG. Use of titanium alloys in compressor blades and an increased TBO are indicators of improvements in Chinese jet-engine technology.

All improvements were verified and were found to be as advertised or even better. Even more remarkable was the fact that these trials took place in hot and humid weather, well outside the 15 C, 1013 hP environments in which the specifications are usually engineered.

The aerodynamic performance of the aircraft is further improved by the introduction of a more powerful WP-13F turbojet. The thrust increase was evidenced by a 25% improvement in acceleration time from 500 kph to 1100 kph and an equally impressive time-to-climb to 36,000` AMSL. Compared to the F-7MB, the F-7BG`s sea-level climbing rate has increased from 155m/s to 195m/s. The internal fuel capacity has increased from 2,080kg to 4,165kg. The ferry range has increased from 1,500km to 2,200km. The G limit has increased from 7 to 8. The maximum instantaneous turn rate of the J-7BG is 25.2 deg/s, and the maximum sustained turn rate at 1,000m altitude is 16 deg/s. According to CAC, the overall aerodynamic performance of the F-7BG has increased by 43%, and the combat effectiveness has increased by 84% compared to the F-7MB.


Pilot only, on CAC zero-height/low-speed ejection seat operable between 70 and 459 kt (130 and 850 km/h--81 and 528 mph) IAS. One-piece canopy, hinged at rear to open upward.

Source: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Dopuna: 19 Feb 2013 19:55

Još i ovo :


The F-7BG has several modern avionics upgrades. These include a new head-up display (HUD) with a new Stores Management System, which is essentially a useful cockpit-pilot interface to help establish the status of stores including configuration, fusing and weapon codes etc. A voice warning system, colour video recorder, elaborate cockpit lighting (Night Vision Goggle Compatible) and a more precise and jitter free AOA probe, GPS and inertial navigation system (INS), and a New Pulse-Doppler fire-control radar based on Russian and Israeli technology.

Comms: GMAv AD 3400 UHF/VHF multifunction com, Type 602 (`Odd Rods` type) IFF.

Radar: I/J-band KLJ-6E Lieying (`Falcon`) pulse-Doppler fire-control radar. This Radar has a Search Range of 30km, with Target Tracking Range of 26km.

Flight: WL-7 radio compass, 0101 HR A2 altitude radio altimeter, LTC-2 horizon gyro, XS-6 marker beacon receiver, VOR, Distance Measure Equipment (DME), Instrument Landing System (ILS), tactical aircraft navigation (TACAN) system and an improved Type 8430 air data computer with HOTAS.

Instrumentation: A new HUD (made by the Xian Sicong Group) in the F-7BG provides pilot with displays for instrument flying, with air-to-air and air-to-ground weapon aiming symbols integrated with flight-instrument symbology. It can store 32 weapon parameter functions, allowing for both current and future weapon variants. In air-to-air combat its four modes (missiles, conventional gunnery, snapshoot gunnery, dogfight) and standby aiming reticule allow for all eventualities. VCR and infrared cockpit lighting on the F-7BG is to be used with a Chinese (Cigong Group) Helmet Mounted Sight (HMS) slaved to the PL-9 AAM. The new air data computer coupled with the new HUD in the air-to-ground mode is capable of projecting both Constantly Computed Impact Points (CCIP) and Constantly Computed Release Points (CCRP) - which will use internal GPS and INS.

An EFIS display can be found in the upper starboard corner of the Flight Instrumentation panel. It can display heading and navigation sub-systems like ADF, VOR, TACAN, ILS etc.

Self-defence: South-West China Research Institute of Electronic Equipment KG-8602 RWR interfaced with the South-West China Research Institute of Electronic Equipment KG-8605 internal radar noise jammer and China National Import and Export Corporation GT-1 chaff/flare dispenser, and Type 602 'Odd Rods' IFF.

The F-7BG also comes with SE-2 Airborne Missile Approach Warning (MAW) Sensors located at the rear and port and starboard sides.

HMS: The HMS helmets are supplied by the Cigong Group, further upgrading the F-7s mission capabilities.


Fixed weapons include One 30mm Type 30-1 belt-fed cannon, with 60 rounds, in a fairing on the starboard underside of the front fuselage just forward of wingroot leading-edges. Four under-wing stores stations can carry up to 2,000kg of disposable stores (each unit rated at 500kg). Two hardpoints under each wing, of which outer ones are wet for carriage of drop tanks. Centreline pylon used for drop tank only.

Each inboard pylon is capable of carrying a PL-2, -2A, -5B, -7 and -9 missile or, at customer's option, an R550 Magic.

One 18-tube pod of Type 57-2 (57 mm) air-to-air and air-to-ground rockets. One Type 90-1 (90 mm) seven-tube pod of air-to-ground rockets. Or a 50, 150, 250 or 500 kg Guided/Unguided or Custer Bombs. Each outboard pylon can carry one of above rocket pods, a 50 or 150 kg bomb, or a 500 litre drop tank.

All Bangladesh Air Force F-7BGs are also equipped with 250~500 kg LS-6 laser guided munitions. The PGMs provide capabilities that are roughly comparable to US JDAMs.

Both weapons will be capable of using three systems the US GPS, the Russian Glonass and China's own Beidou System. The architecture for this system eventually foresees using five satellites in geosynchronous orbit (GEO) and up to 30 non-GEO platforms. The LS-6 has a maximum launch range of around 60 km.

In addition by 2010 according to the Bangladesh Air Force plans the F-7BGs will be upgraded with KLJ-6F BVR-capable fire control radar and PL-12 medium range air to air missiles, which have a range of 70 km.

F-7BGs were inducted in the Bangladesh Air Force in 2006. The new generation F-7BGs are likely to replace all existing F-7MBs in the future with the procurement of additional units.

Source: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • zixo  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
  • Poruke: 23384
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Није сада јасно да ли су ово подаци за верзију БГ или верзију БГИ која је прошле године уведена у наоружање.

  • Pridružio: 19 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 1993

F-7BGI bi trebao da nosi rakete PL-12 i da dobije bolji radar,da bi mogao da ih iskoristi.Laserski i GPS vođene bombe i BG i BGI,pa čak i neke starije varijante.
-Zanimljivo je da u Kini možeš poručiti "klot" avion a elektroniku i naoružanje kako se dogovoriš.Vidim da je "Thompson" u promociji svog radara RC400(kako kažu dometa manjeg samo 20 % od RDY sa Miraž 2000) naveli da je moguća i ugradnja u MiG-21 te da omogućava i korištenje projektila Mica.
Sa takvom kombinacijom avionike i naoružanja i sa kratkim vremenom reagovanja po uzbuni ovaj lovac bi bio dobro rešenje za male države.

  • Pridružio: 14 Jul 2008
  • Poruke: 3427

Za motor pise WP-13 ne WS-13.

  • Pridružio: 13 Jan 2013
  • Poruke: 110

mareCar ::Za motor pise WP-13 ne WS-13.

Jeste , moja greška . To je zato što sam čitao želje , čestitke i pozdrave ovih Bangladešijanaca Mr. Green Oni se lože da će njihovi J-7 parirati pakistanskim JF-17 . Isto kao što se Pakistanci lože da mogu da budu bolji od Indijaca , tako se i ovi iz Bangladeša lože da će dostići Pakistan . WS-13 bi trebalo da bude novi motor za JF-17 a Bangladeš bi ga hteo za svoje J-7 (pojma nemam da li je to uopšte fizički moguće s obzirom na gabarite istog ) . Ista je priča i sa radarom te sa aktivno radarski navođenim raketama za njega (pre svega PL-12) .

Čak i da je sve to izvodljivo pitanje je koliko bi uopšte bilo isplativo nabavljati takav lovac jer bi mu se cena približila JF-17 . Mnogo je realnija opcija J-7 kao zamene za MiG-21 bis sa mogućnošću korišćenja vođenog naoružanja za napad na ciljeve na zemlji , i sa cenom oko 10 miliona $ . Zemlje koje bi koristile J-7 ionako znaju da im on u ratu ne bi mnogo značio protiv naprednijih vazduhoplovstava , pa ostaje kao opcija patrolnog lovca u miru i aviona pogodnog za obračun sa raznim vrstama pobunjenika koji nemaju svoju avijaciju . A tu je onda mnogo važnije čime taj avion može da napadne ciljeve na zemlji , nego da se integrišu V-V rakete koje ionako ne bi stigao da iskoristi .

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 103019

Mart 2013

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