Dassault Rafale


Dassault Rafale

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102188

Rafale M,na nosacu de Gol koji aktivno ucestvuje u Libijskim operacija

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  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31346

Rafal sa nuklearkom Razz

ASAMP-A raketa ima domet 500 km i bojevu glavu snage 300KT.

Dje ba zapelo u Libiji Laughing ?

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102188

Prelepo Smajli ...fotka od pre neki dan

  • Pridružio: 26 Maj 2009
  • Poruke: 2985
  • Gde živiš: Sremski Karlovci, Srbija

Арсенал наоружања Рафала. Ту су и неки системи који ће тек у употребу код овог авиона.

  • Pridružio: 26 Maj 2009
  • Poruke: 2985
  • Gde živiš: Sremski Karlovci, Srbija

Citat:Two French air force Rafales, a single-seater and a two-seater, refuel on their way to Libya. Both carry AASM guided bombs, MICA air-to-air missiles and drop tanks, while the single-seater also carries a Damoclès targeting pod on its centerline pylon. (French AF photo)

  • Boskovic
  • IT-Programmer
  • Pridružio: 26 Feb 2009
  • Poruke: 1086
  • Gde živiš: Zasad u Svedskoj

Malo svezih slika Francuske Zverke Razz

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102188

Napisano: 02 Jun 2011 0:49

Francuzi ce sedam svojih Rafale premestiti iz vazduhoplovne baze Solenzara(Korzika) u vazduhoplovnu bazu Sigonella koja se nalazi na Siciliji,kako bi za dva sata smanjili odlazak do Libije.Ceka se zeleno svetlo Italijanskih vlasti.

Arrow http://www.aviationweek.com/aw/blogs/defense/index.....d=blogDest

Dopuna: 04 Jun 2011 12:21

Novi Rafale F3+(F3-04T)

Arrow http://defesaglobal.wordpress.com/

Dopuna: 06 Jun 2011 18:55

Citat:The F3 04T upgrade package being tested for French air force and navy Rafales includes the ability to fire the laser-guided AASM precision-guided bomb, seen here during a recent test launch

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31346

Napisano: 08 Jun 2011 12:26

Buduci Rafal F-3. Od 2013. pa nadalje...

Citat:First, the Rafale F3-04T (former Rafale roadmap) : 60 fighters ordered (25C, 25B, 10M) deliveries from 2013 to 2019

RBE-2 AESA : Final evaluation in June-July with a qualification expected before the end of 2011

DDM-NG : new missile warning receiver compatible with a future active IR jammer.

OSF-IT : improved front sector optronic suite

Damocles-XF : add a sharper TV channel to the current IR channel for better identification in urban zones. Should be introduced in 2016.

M88-2-E4 engine : extended service life and 2 to 4% less consumption

Export option : 9 tonnes M88 engine. Require a 1.5 cm air intake enlargement and material change to keep low RCS. Proposed to the UAE.

Nema ipak nisanske kacige i superkrstarenja.

A ovo su vec malo dalji planovi o MLU koji bi oni odradili 2025.

Citat:RCS improvements
Conformal AESA : increase the radar coverage and seen as a better solution than a single moving antenna
Thrust Vector Control for the M88 engine
Sat Com system
UCAV control system

Isto, ali se planira TVC...

Arrow http://rafalenews.blogspot.com/

Dopuna: 11 Jun 2011 19:37

Jos malo o buducnosti Rafala. Uporedno za Francuze i za verziju koju trazi UAE.

Citat:The current RBE-2 AESA provide 10° more azimut coverage compared to the PESA version (70° vs 60°) and an increased range of more than 40%
In order to meet the UAE requirement, the power output will be increase from 9.6 kW to 14 kW( Shocked ) by changing the cooling pomp. This should provide an additional 10% range bonus.

The M88-4E which is replacing the M88-2, consists in the replacement of the high pressure turbine and compressor to give an impressive 40 to 50% better life span compared to its predecessor. First bench-tested in September 2009, the M88-4E made its first flight on March 22nd 2010. 70 test flights were planed for 2010 and the new engine developpement is now almost complete. A progressive upgrade of all the M88-2 in service in the French Air Force and Navy in planned starting in 2013

The UAE derivative of the M88-4E, called M88-9, will reach 9 tonnes of thrust by increasing the entering airflow from 65 kg/s to 72 kg/s as well as the compression rate to 27. As already said, this engine requires the air intake to be enlarged which is a major blocking point in the negotiations with the UAE : Such a structural modification is not cheap and the costs will most probably have to be shared between the too countries.

As far as the weapon system is concerned, Air and Cosmos reveals several new interresting key points :

The first meteor separation trials will be conducted in 2012 to get the missile available for export customers in 2016. (French Air Force entry into service is still planned for 2018)

Arrow http://rafalenews.blogspot.com/2011/06/air-and-cosmos-bring-new-insight-on.html

Dopuna: 13 Jun 2011 18:55

Citat:For about a year, several official pictures of this radar have been published showing an antenna with less than 850 modules whereas Thales advertises more than 1000 modules. Interrestingly, the antenna presented on this new picture has been blurried to prevent any counting.

  • Pridružio: 03 Maj 2011
  • Poruke: 2380


Само никако да прикажу деградацију аеродинамичких перформанси и остала ограничења у лету..кад поткаче све могуће варијанте што су на слици приказали.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102188

Napisano: 16 Jun 2011 0:15

Maj 2011

Dopuna: 18 Jun 2011 13:23


Citat:Saint-Dizier Airshow, June 17-19 : celebrating the Rafale's 30000 flight hours in operation

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