Poslao: 21 Jun 2011 01:56
- Toni
- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31044
- Dassault - (Rafal ) vidi sebe kao već izvesog na nebu UAE , Indije i Brazila :
A ima i ovo
The Rafale was also being considered by other undisclosed countries, a company executive said. The French government has made export of the Rafale a “priority” because of the perceived importance of the fighter industry in political, technological and economic terms, and also because of the domestic budgetary needs, Edelstenne said.
France has written into its defense budgets export of the Rafale, and if those foreign sales fail to appear, funding must be found from other defense programs to finance an annual output of 11 aircraft, the minimum deemed for economic sense.
Polako im se pali lampica da moraju da krenu da ga valjaju po svetu...
UAE je tu blizu ako ispune zahteve UAE za novim motorima(redizajniranje usisnika, itd...) i sta su trazili a to kosta. UAE bi morao da plati deo razvoja. Ova druga dva imaju svoje teme i bas i nisu blizu dogovora, naprotiv...
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 21 Jun 2011 14:39
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 26 Maj 2009
- Poruke: 2985
- Gde živiš: Sremski Karlovci, Srbija
Citat:During the first three months of operation Harmattan in Libya, the Rafales (Air and Marine) made over 700 sorties and a total of 3800 hours of flight - either out of an average of 5:30.
Rafales up to 28 were engaged at the same time compared to a figure ten Typhoon (Eurofighter) that the RAF was able to deploy a few weeks.
The planes, which availability is excellent, are under stress. One of them flew 140 hours in a month or 35 hours per week! Several have exceeded 130 hours, while the average is around 100 hours.
The Rafales have taken ten Scalp cruise missiles, bombs AASM 182 and 116 GBU, not counting the 300 out of recognition.
There are only three mechanics per aircraft.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Jean-Dominique Merchet
Poslao: 21 Jun 2011 16:48
- Super građanin
- Nikola Vukota
- Multimedija , creativity work- world of disajn
- Pridružio: 08 Sep 2010
- Poruke: 1060
- Gde živiš: ZEMUN - Gardoš - Forsaž - BB.
- Dobar link u PDF formatu i tekstualna prezentazija mogućnosti Rafala.
- Ono što mi je neozbilno u ovoj prezentaciji, citat : " COMBAT PROVEN on Afganiistan and Libyia ) !
- Ja lično zaista gotivim Rafal kao vrhunskki multirol ali ako su ovo "objektivni" reperi o borbrnom dokazivanju u Avhanistanu i Libiji , zaista nocomment. Ovo je već narciodnost Dassaulta.
- Takođe eventualni dalji plasman Rafala po traženim specifijacima vidim realno kod UAE koji je platežno moćan. Međutim Dassault ide i dalje, . ... Rafal vidi vrlo dobre šanse i u švajcarskoj ... a prenebregegava ključno gore rečeno ... izvori se moraju naći iz drugih defanzivnih programa ....
( ... funding must be found from other defense programs to finance an annual output of 11 aircraft, the minimum deemed for economic sens ) - gde se napokon govori o ekonomskoj logoci .
- Le Bourget 2011, Dassault aviation CEO press conference :
... Export ...
Program cost increase only by 4.7% in 25 years thanks to significant optimizations to reduce production costs.
Rafale global cost would be 60% less expensive than a typhoon
Dassault Aviation CEO says he's "more than optimistic" for the Indian contest adding that the Rafale does have capabilities that the Eurofighter doesn't.
Indian offsets requierements are vey high and could be difficult to fulfill.
Dassault declined to answer the japan's RFQ/RFI because they are convinced that the Final choice will be american, no matter what. "We don't want to spend money to serve as a rabbit for the USA" said Edelstenne.
Switzerland competion re-opened with very good chances for the Rafale
9 Tonnes engine for the UAE can be offered without any problem
Brazil FX-2 competition in stand by but should start up again in 2012.
- Vezano iz ovog teksta, razumem šta znači poštovati svoj proizvod ali javno odbiti - poricati bilu kakvu komunakikaciju sa Japanom , jer ne žele da troše novac i služe kao kunići USA !?
- Po meni ovo je moglo da se kaže biranim diplomatskim rečnikom, pogotovo što je i francuska deo Nato i u čijem istom jatu bratski istovaraju iz dana u dan more bombe i i prosro se utkuju u evidenciji ko je izvršio više borbrnih dejstava i uništio više. Krajnje mizerno.
- Novvi Snesmin motor - derivat M-88 kako navodi Dassault moći će da u supercruise dostigne 1,4 maha i to sa 4. podvešene rakete i podrrupnim tankom od 1, 250 litra.
- The Snecma M88 engine in the Rafale develops 11,250 lb of dry thrust and 16,900 lb with afterburner. They allow it to supercruise with four missiles and a 1,250 liter belly drop tank. The naval version (Rafale M) can supercruise up to Mach 1.4.
- Dassault Rafal na nosaću aviona - noćni start :