Besotted ::Dosta ljudi se čudi ženama u vojoj avijaciji a malo ih zna žene mnooogo bolje izdrže high G forces nego muškarci jer imaju bolje genetske predispozicije za to.
Isto tako, imaju 20x veći nivo izdržljivosti na bol nego muškarci (verovatno jer moraju da se porađaju a tu se zabeleže najjači bolovi, veći nego što bi normalan Čovek izdržao a da ne umre od srčke) i da su samim tim bolji materijal za dogfight recimo.
Nisam bas siguran u to
Citat:Recently Carreta (psychologist, Amstrom laboratory, US Air Force) reported that despite male-female mean scores of US Air Force Pilot Selection test differ, confirmatory analyses indicated that the same factors were measured in psychological evaluation. However, male and female cadets performed equally well in Cadet School and their flying skills showed similar structure. Conclusion is that from aviation psychological point of view female and male pilots are in the same line.
The military aviation physiological point of view is not so clear. There are no good studies on this subject. We know that US Navy has a lot of problems with female pilot`s + Gz tolerance. Three years ago 50 % of US Navy T-38 student pilots could not found G-suit that would fit. Female anatomy especially in pelvis area is very different to male anatomy and all G-suits are designed for male pilots ! This year US Navy introduced a new female shape G-suit, but still 20 % of female pilots has problems with unfit G-suit. Of course unfit G-suit will drop G-tolerance up to 2.5 G.
Dr. Chelette from Amstrong Laboratory, Us Air Force, did a study with nine female fighter pilots in the Dynamic Environment Simulator (DES). DES is normal fighter simulator situated in centrifuge and these female subjects performed a complex combat flight mission in high + Gz environment (max +9 Gz). Results showed that G-tolerance with fit G-suits is the same compared to male fighter pilots. However, female flight performance was 15% lower than male fighter pilot performance in equal conditions. Conclusion is that female fighter pilots have to push much harder in high G environment and this effort will decrease their ability to make correct tactical maneuvers in order to get clear gun or missile shot.
Based on discussions with Dr. Hamalainen, M.D., Ph.D. (Air Force Academy of FAF), possibility of G-induced neck injuries in female pilots is predicted to higher compared to male pilots. No studies are done on this issue, but in car accidents incidence of whisp splash neck injuries is 20 % higher in females based on anatomical structure of female neck.
Zene mogu da izdrze G silu kao i muskarci a da pritom ne izgube svest, to nje sporno, ali zbog slabije fizicke konstitucije imaju problem sa kordinacijom pokreta (i trose mnogo vise enrgije pri tome, srazmerno svojim mogucnostima), sto je prouzrokovalo da zene u proseku imaju za 15% losije rezultate.
Thales delivers first production RBE2 AESA radar to Dassault Aviation Citat:The Rafale will be the only European combat aircraft under full-scale production with an active-array radar.