Dassault Rafale


Dassault Rafale

  • BSD 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Okt 2009
  • Poruke: 3170
  • Gde živiš: Kraljevo

zixo ::Ma meni je sumnjivo to oko stitnika topa. Nekako mi taj stitnik ima veliki poprecni presek da kada se povuce oslobadja cev topa.

Ama Zixo to je toliko ocigledno da o tome ne treba trositi vreme! Vidi se mesto gde se on srafi za avion.

Dopuna: 18 Sep 2010 15:57

Odlicna emisija o avionu Rafal.


Ima tu jos dosta vijaka, a ne samo onaj kod poklopca usta cevi topa Wink !

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Nikola Vukota
  • Multimedija , creativity work- world of disajn
  • Pridružio: 08 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 1060
  • Gde živiš: ZEMUN - Gardoš - Forsaž - BB.

zixo ::Ma meni je sumnjivo to oko stitnika topa. Nekako mi taj stitnik ima veliki poprecni presek da kada se povuce oslobadja cev topa.
Zixo, najbolje ću ti slikovno u par hronoloških primera najjednostavnije prikazati tok evolucije-razvoja Rafala od A, B, C do D sa akcentom na zaštitu usisnika topa. U prvim serijama bukvalno je ceo top bio po sletanju zaštičen (zašrafljen) oblogom, kasnije sledi zaštita i šrafljenje gornjeg dela, ali je sistem i dalje statičan, dok se kod kasnijih varijanti B-C isto kao i kod Eurofightera i F-22 Raptora sistem zaštite učinio pokretnim. Prati hronološki slike i jasno ćeš videti napredak od principa šrafljenja zaštinika cevi do potpuno pokretnog (pogledaj i ako želiš zumiraj sliku i u odnosu na prethodne vidi se očita razlika i istureni deo poklopca-zaštite, čiji je fi-prečnik, manji od kućišta oko njega i tokom dejstva oslobadja cev topa 30.mm. Normalno je za firmu, naročito Dassault da ide samo ka razvoju nikako nazadovanju. Ova je tema na svetskim forumima ad akta. Svako ima svoje mišljenje i poštujem ali apsolutno znam o čemu govorim i da je sada princim zaštite usta topa pokretan-mobilan.
Na ovo se neću više vraćati, već želim da doprinesem temi sa par korisnih linkova:

Arrow http://www.thalesgroup.com/assets/0/93/238/7324992.....gType=2057

Arrow http://www.thalesgroup.com

Arrow http://www.globalaircraft.org/planes/dassault_rafale.pl


* Crew: 1–2,
* Length: 15.27 m (50.1 ft),
* Wingspan: 10.80 m (35.4 ft),
* Height: 5.34 m (17.5 ft),
* Wing area: 45.7 m² (492 ft²),
* Empty weight: 9,500 kg (C), 9,770 kg (B),[47] 10,196 kg (M),
* Max takeoff weight: 24,500 kg (C/D), 22,200 kg (M)[48] (54,000 lb),
* Powerplant: 2× Snecma M88-2 turbofans.
- Dry thrust: 50.04 kN (11,250 lbf) each
- Thrust with afterburner: 75.62 kN with M88-Eco >90 kN after 2010 (17,000 lbf) each.


* Maximum speed:
- High altitude: Mach 2 (1,290 knots)[49]
- Low altitude: 1,390 km/h, 750 knots
* Combat radius: 1,852+ km (1,000+ nmi) on penetration mission
* Service ceiling: 16,800 m (55,000 ft)
* Rate of climb: 304.8+ m/s (1,000+ ft/s)
* Wing loading: 326 kg/m² (83 1/3 lb/ft²)
* Thrust/weight: 1.13.
- Armament:
* Guns: 1× 30 mm (1.18 in) GIAT 30/719B cannon with 125 rounds,
* Missiles:
- Air-to-air:
+ Magic II and in the future,
+ MBDA Meteor
- Air-to-ground:
+ MBDA Apache or
+ AASM or
+ GBU-12 Paveway II or
+ AM 39 Exocet or
+ ASMP-A nuclear missile.
From 2006, the Rafale is armed with the Sagem AASM precision-guided bomb, which has both GPS / inertial guidance and, optionally, imaging infrared terminal guidance.
The Rafale has a twin-gun pod and a GIAT 30mm DEFA 791B cannon which can fire 2,500 rounds per minute.
The Rafale is equipped with laser designation pods for laser guidance of air-to-ground missiles.

This expensive but capable military aircraft is a French twin-engined delta-wing highly agile multi-role fighter designed and built by Dassault Aviation. It is a "5th" generation fighter with stealth characteristics. This aircraft comes in two basic configurations, one for land-based use with the French Air Force and for carrier-based naval operations with the French Navy. The French decided to "go at it alone" approach in producing this expensive fighter, foregoing European co-operation to build an all new jet.

Role: Multirole fighter aircraft.
National origin: France.
Manufacturer: Dassault Aviation.
First flight: 4. July 1986.
Introduced: 4. December 2000.

The cockpit has hands-on throttle and stick control (HOTAS). The cockpit is equipped with a head-up, wide-angle holographic display from Thales Avionique, which provides aircraft control data, mission data and firing cues. A collimated, multi-image head-level display presents tactical situation and sensor data, and two touch-screen lateral displays show the aircraft system parameters and mission data. The pilot also has a helmet-mounted sight and display. A CCD camera and on-board recorder records the image of the head-up display throughout the mission.

The Rafale's electronic warfare system is the Spectra from Thales. Spectra incorporates solid state transmitter technology, radar warner, DAL laser warning receiver, missile warning, detection systems and jammers.

The Rafale is equipped with an RBE2 radar, developed by Thales, which has look-down and shoot-down capability. The radar can track up to eight targets simultaneously and provides threat identification and prioritisation.
The optronic systems include the Thales/SAGEM OSF infrared search and track system, installed in the nose of the aircraft. The optronic suite carries out search, target identification, telemetry and automatic target discrimination and tracking.

The communications suite on the Rafale uses the Saturn onboard V/UHF radio, which is a second-generation, anti-jam tactical UHF radio for NATO. Saturn provides voice encryption in fast-frequency hopping mode. The aircraft is also equipped with fixed-frequency VHF/UHF radio for communications with civil air traffic control. A multifunction information distribution system (MIDS) terminal provides secure, high-data-rate tactical data exchange with NATO C2 stations, AWACS aircraft or naval ships.
Rafale is equipped with a Thales TLS 2000 navigation receiver, which is used for the approach phase of flight. The TLS 2000 integrates the instrument landing system (ILS), microwave landing system (MLS) and VHF Omni-directional Radio-ranger (VOR) and marker functions.
The radar altimeter is the AHV 17 altimeter from Thales, which is suitable for very low flight. The Rafale has a TACAN tactical air navigation receiver for en route navigation and as a landing aid.
The Rafale has an SB25A combined interrogator-transponder developed by Thales. The SB25A is the first IFF using electronic scanning technology.

The aircraft has been developed for the French Air Force and Navy. 61 aircraft were ordered (36 for the Air Force and 25 for the Navy) and in September 2004, a further 59 aircraft (11 two-seater and 36 single-seat for the Air Force and 12 Rafale M for the Navy, delivery 2008 to 2012) out of a total requirement of around 300 (234 for the Air Force and 60 for the Navy). The Rafale is produced in three variants - M, B and C. The Rafale M variant is a single-seater carrier-based version for the navy, while and single B and C are two-seat - seat versions respectively for the Air Force. The Rafale M entered service in 2001 and ten have been delivered. Seven aircraft are operational on the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier. Four Rafale B aircraft and one Rafale C have been delivered to the Air Force.
Rafale fighters delivered to the Navy so far are F1 standard with air-to-air capability. F2 standard with air-to-ground missiles will begin an initial testing phase at Mont-de-Marsan military flight test center from September 2004. A contract to develop the fully capable F3 standard aircraft with Thales terrain-following RBE2 3D radar, Thales RECO NG optronics pod and the capability to launch ASMP-A nuclear missiles and AM39 Exocet anti-ship missiles was signed in February 2004. An order for 59 F3 aircraft, 47 for the Air Force (11 two-seat and 36 single-seat) and 12 (single-seat) for the Navy, was placed in December 2004. The Rafale F3 will be delivered from 2007 and the first squadron of 20 aircraft will be in service in 2008.

Rafale - A: Aerodynamic prototype slightly larger and heavier than final production models, used GE F404 engines while the M-88 was under development .
Rafale - B: Two-seat attack fighter/trainer, originally intended as a trainer only, but now envisioned as the primary production model .
Rafale - C: One-seat attack fighter or two – seat variant.
Rafale - D: Slightly smaller and lighter version of the Rafale C employing greater stealth features.
Rafale - M: Carrier-borne single-seat fighter, slightly heavier than Rafale C due to addition of arrestor hook and strengthened landing gear.

  • x9  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 04 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 1185
  • Gde živiš: Vienna

kad pogledam cenu ponudjenu Brazilu od francuza i svedjana ,mogu samo da konstatujem da je Gripen bezobrazno skup.Svajcarci su pred odlukom,
ide se na finalne pregovore oko cene i ucescu svajcarskih firmi u modernizaciji aviona u buducnosti,i prenosu tehnologije.
malo stariji link ali je klip veoma lep:
onda malo o prenosu tehnologije.

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 12370
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Izuzetan avion, posebno mi se dopada sto ga proizvodi jedan proizvodjac, odnosno jedna zemlja.

  • Nikola Vukota
  • Multimedija , creativity work- world of disajn
  • Pridružio: 08 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 1060
  • Gde živiš: ZEMUN - Gardoš - Forsaž - BB.

Odlična slika Rafala na stajanci sa paletom naoružanja :

  • vlvl 
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 1048

Jesu li ovo u sredini njihove AASM vodjene bombe ili se radi o americkim bombama.Stvarno mnogo toga moze da se okaci na njega.

  • Pridružio: 06 Avg 2010
  • Poruke: 603

laserski vodjene bombe, AASM je sa strane

  • vlvl 
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 1048

U redu je nisam znao pa sam zato i pitao.Nego sta je ovo u sredini maslinasto zeleno jer sam na to mislio kad sam pitao o cemu se radi.

  • Nikola Vukota
  • Multimedija , creativity work- world of disajn
  • Pridružio: 08 Sep 2010
  • Poruke: 1060
  • Gde živiš: ZEMUN - Gardoš - Forsaž - BB.

Neko je ranije od kolega mudro rekao da su Arapi znalci za trgovinu. Kada neko kao UAE - Ujedinjeni arapski emirati, ima i veliki novac kao adut, to kad tad ima i svoju primenu:


Arrow http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=4775556&c=FEA&s=CVS

PARIS - The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has requested technical information on the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, a surprise move that turns an anticipated order of Dassault Rafales into a $10 billion competition, an Arabian Gulf defense source said.
"The UAE is asking the U.S. for information on the F/A-18 Super Hornet in the single- and twin-seater version," the source said. "It is in the very early stages; it's a preliminary contact. The UAE has opened the door to them."
UAE authorities approached Boeing about a month ago and were directed to the U.S. government, which is expected to respond in a month or so, a U.S. source said.
It's not clear why Abu Dhabi has suddenly expressed interest in the latest version of the U.S. strike fighter. Technology may be part of the reason, but politics is likely the main cause.
But the news will come as a severe upset to the French government and industry, which had confidently expected to secure a sale of the Dassault jet without competition.
"This is worth about $10 billion, depending on the delivery dates` and specification," the Gulf source said.
The deal means even more to the French administration, which has invested much political capital and effort in pitching the jet to the Gulf state.
Rafale is the standard-bearer for French aerospace industry, showcasing Dassault's competence as a designer and builder of cutting-edge fighters, Safran's engines and Thales' radar, electric warfare and avionics. A host of subcontractors depend on the jet, while MBDA hopes a UAE purchase will lead to exports of the Meteor and other missiles.
Two years ago, Claude Gueant, secretary general in the office of President Nicolas Sarkozy, told Europe 1 radio, "France is in negotiations with serious hopes, effectively, of selling around 100 Rafales. After 23 years, we're going sell Rafales at last."
Last year, Sarkozy put his personal stamp on the sales effort, talking up the fighter during a visit to Abu Dhabi to open the new French permanent military presence in the Gulf. Up to 500 French military personnel will be stationed at the Al Dhafra airbase, which houses a small number of Rafale fighters; and a naval station at the Mina Zayed port. The French Navy underscored the importance of the visit by dispatching three warships.
The Rafale has yet to win an export order; if the emirate buys it, other countries might follow suit.
The UAE is looking to replace the 63 Dassault Mirage 2000-9s it bought just over a decade ago. As part of Paris' efforts to sell the Rafale, France has offered to buy back the Mirage aircraft, which it would hold in a special-purpose company while looking for an export buyer.
Calls to the French president's office were not returned by press time.
It was not immediately clear why the UAE is exploring a U.S.-made option.
The U.S. source said the Gulf state is believed to be frustrated over price and the technology offered by France.
UAE authorities have been negotiating with the French government and industry a potential co-development of a more capable "fifth-generation" model of the Rafale.
Abu Dhabi is being asked to pay to upgrade the Rafale, while the F-18 is already at the desired technological level.
The Gulf source said, "The Super Hornet has everything we need. We don't need to co-develop or modify it."
Upgrades under discussion include a longer-range active electronically scanned radar, a more capable Spectra electronic warfare suite and a M88 engine that gives 9 tons of thrust, 1.5 tons more than the ones in the French Air Force's Rafales.
French Defense Minister Hervé Morin has said developing the upgrades would cost UAE around 2 billion euros ($2.6 billion). France itself would also bear some of the cost.
Media reports have estimated the actual development cost to UAE at 4 billion to 5 billion euros. Morin dismissed those figures as "fantastic."
The UAE did help bankroll the development of the Block 60 version of the Lockheed Martin F-16 and owns some of the technology. UAE bought 80 of the so-called Desert Falcon planes for $7.2 billion in the 1990s under a policy of spreading purchases among suppliers.
But the Gulf source said technology was not the reason for the sudden shift.
"This is not about the specifications," the source said.
Perhaps a political shift is behind it. Dassault Executive Chairman Charles Edelstenne has underscored the role of politics in fighter sales.
"The sale of combat aircraft is a political act. All we can do is to make the best plane possible," Edelstenne said in March. "The Elysées [presidential office] does a superb job. In May 2007, we had zero prospects. Today, we have a significant number."
Besides negotiations with Abu Dhabi, Dassault has fielded the Rafale in contests in Brazil, India and Switzerland. Paris also enjoyed last year a period of exclusive talks with Libya, which lapsed without a deal.
The F-18 is a competitor in the Brazilian and Indian races. Boeing withdrew from the now-delayed Swiss tender, but could re-enter when the competition is relaunched.
It is unclear what political shift might have occurred recently between France and the UAE, analysts said.
"There has not been a notable change in relations," said Pierre Razoux, senior research adviser at the NATO Defense College, Rome.
The inauguration of the French military base sent a strong signal of political support. Sarkozy's tough position on Iran's nuclear program was a sign that bilateral ties were running on a normal course.
"Abu Dhabi is a good friend," Razoux said.
The Rafale would not be the first French weapon to ink its first export sale in Abu Dhabi. In 1994, the UAE spent $2.4 billion to buy 390 Leclerc tanks and 46 armored recovery vehicles, built by Nexter, then known as Giat Industries. That has been the Leclerc's sole export sale.
But the Rafale is also the second European weapons deal in recent months to founder in the UAE. Last month, Finmeccanica was unable to deliver UAV technology, which had been agreed as part of a sale of 48 M346 jet trainers, leading the UAE to reopen talks to acquire the T-50 aircraft from South Korea.

  • x9  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 04 Dec 2008
  • Poruke: 1185
  • Gde živiš: Vienna

Ocigledno Francuzi imaju problem da ga prodaju i ne mislim da je tu cena problem.Bilo kako bilo,ovo mozda i nije lose po nas,mada mnogi misle da
njima prodaja 16-20 aparata nece znachiti mnogo ,varaju se.Iza toga ide i odrzavanje,pa onda kampanja da je konachno neko kupio ovaj avion,plus to je jedna evropska drzava.ima li neko kakv info ,sta je bilo na predstavljanju rafala nasima?

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