Dobre su ti fotke BSD.Pogotovo ona u sredini koja je dokaz da ga ovaj redovno mlati na zajednickim vezbama,mada bih najiskrenije vise voleo da je recimo neki drugi avion na njegovom nisanu kao F 16,na primer.
vlvl ::Dobre su ti fotke BSD.Pogotovo ona u sredini koja je dokaz da ga ovaj redovno mlati na zajednickim vezbama,mada bih najiskrenije vise voleo da je recimo neki drugi avion na njegovom nisanu kao F 16,na primer.
Hvala kolega. Sada sam procitao da je rezultat izmedju Rafala i EF-a 9:1 kazu da su skoro vezbali na Korzici ponovo. Da li je ovo istina?
Jeste trebalo bi da je to istina.Inace valjda su rezultati te vezbe od prosle godine,a ova druga fotka je strasna u kojoj F 16 pokusava da zbrise ovom iza njega sto ga proganja.
Ne samo da ce da prodju u Brazilu sa 36 aviona vec je ista zemlja zainteresovana i za 12 mornarickih verzija.Sa stranog foruma na engleskom posto je link danasnji na francuskom i nema potrebe da ga stavljam.
Citat:According to the Brazilian newspaper Istoé Independente, in addition to 36 fighters Rafale planned for the Brazilian air force, Brazil is also interested in 12 other jets for its navy.
Just after the presidential elections in Brazil, the Brazilian Navy will announce negotiations for the purchase of 12 fighter capable operations on aircraft carriers. It is the Rafale of the French company Dassault that will be chosen.
Izgleda da nije sve propalo iako su se umesali amerikanci sa svojim avionom sto se tice pregovora o prodaji aviona Rafal UAE.Svakako dobre vesti,naravno.
Citat:Negotiations on the purchase of 60 Rafale by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) continues this summer after a tension between Paris and Abu Dhabi, said on Friday a source close to the matter.
Izgleda se utakmica na uzavrelom nebu Indije za novi multirole privodi napokon kraju. Postaviću samo neke od linkova vrlo aktuelne, mada se radi o avgustu mesecu ove godine. Sada su jedini takmaci Rafal i Eurofighter, mada prateći indijske forume i na ossnovu svega traženog jedino Rafal ispunjava sve tražene zahteve (od sletanja na nosač aviona, novi motor Snecma M-88 Eco, Aesa radar, a o svestranosti naoružanja ne treba ni govoriti. Indija je spremna da odreši kesu i zaista je neverovatno koliko ova zemlja odvaja za modernizaciju ne samo RV nego cele vojske.
_ Nedavno, 7.avgusta.2010. u Kečkemetu Rafal je imao vrhunski nastup i mnoge oduševio i nikako ostavio ravnodušnim !
Korisni linkovi vezani za "dugometražni-višegodišnji" indijski tender iz avgusta ove godine kao i vrhunski nastup Rafala u Kečkemetu 7.avgusta.2010.
- New fighters for Indian Air Force!
After exhaustive trials of six fighter jets, Indian Air Force (IAF) has made its choice clear to the Government on the kind of fighter jets needed. Frontrunners for the force are French fighter Dassault Rafale and the Eurofighter Typhoon built by the European consortium. Bernhard Gerwert, Chief, EADS, says “If you are taking into account the portfolio of EADS we can bring the bridge between civil aviation and military aviation.” But the Americans and Russians have lost out. Boeing’s F18 no longer a frontrunner and Sweden’s Gripen too falling off the Indian radar.
Despite MiG 35s big thunder, its engine failing to impress while the F-16, according to the IAF has no future. Another reason favouring Rafale and Eurofighter is political. Thomas Matussek, German Ambassador, “We regard India as a strategic security partner and this is why we do not insist on an end user monitoring agreement period.” So when the mother of all defence deals is signed for the 126 Multi-Role Combat Aircraft either Rafale or the Eurofighter will fly away with the Rs 42,000 crore deal.
_ Rafale will use the meteor missile which outclass and out range everything the F-18 has.
MICA + METEOR is the best A2A combo : MICA for very short range and medium range, METEOR for medium range and long range (+100 km).
There is 100% ToT for the Rafale, no doubt it is the best jet and the best offer for India.
Sagem Défense Sécurité (Safran Group) is working since 2008 on the PEA (upstream study) DASIGL (Demonstrator for Armament Air-Sol with Inertia GPS/Laser) notified by the DGA. The goal is to develop a new version of the AASM (Sol Air Armament Modular ) smart bomb.
A world-first for a strike!
The "Test Missiles" DGA center at Biscarosse has successfully completed Thursday, June 17, 2010 the first launch of an AASM-laser. The firing of a laser-guided munitions with vertical arrival, is a world-first.
A Rafale used by the flight test DGA center, dropped an AASM-laser demonstrator above the sea at an altitude of 13,000 feet (4000 meters) and a distance of 25 km of the target. The target, made of 1m ² concrete blocks , was illuminated by a ground illuminator dhy-307 placed several hundred meters far.
Validate the capital gain!
The guiding of the ammunition had been deliberately set by shifting the GPS coordinates of the target of several tens of meters to verify that the laser seeker plays its part well and can catch the original error. The demonstrator AASM / IGL reached the target within one meter and with a vertically arriving, thereby maximizing the effect at impact and minimizing collateral damage.
These features make the laser AASM particularly suitable for urban warfare, while retaining the ability to fire from a safe distance afforded by previous versions. This AASM version will also marksmanship on highly mobile and maneuvering target, land or sea, designated by a ground illuminator or an airborne pod like the Thales Damocles.
The DASIGL plan will continue in 2010 by firing new AASM-Laser ,this time, on higly mobile targets . This version will be produced in series from late 2012.
Dopuna: 05 Okt 2010 7:36
Za ljubitelje Rafala izuzetan let 7-8. avgusta 2010. u Kečkemetu.
( Nakon modernizacije indijskih Mirža 2000 na nivo elektronike sličan Rafalu, a sa obzirom koliko bogato iskustvvo indijski piloti imaju na istom, odgovor se sam nameće).
- U drugom video linku (ubrzanom snimku), najslikovitije se vide fenomalne mogućnosti Rafala, izuzetna manevarbilnost u jako maloj trajektoriji leta.
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