Poslao: 27 Okt 2013 11:12
- Toni

- SuperModerator
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 31428
Jos jedan pilot koji je stigao do 1000 sati
Nego nemogu da se setim kada su se tukli i iznad UAE ?
Citat:“It was very humbling to have such a turnout to mark the occasion. There have been many fantastic experiences over the last 1000 hours but some particular highlights have been display flying in 2008, dropping two Paveway II weapons on Exercise in Oman, ‘dog-fighting’ the US Air Force’s F-22 Raptor on exercise in the UAE, flying to Malaysia for EX BERSAMA SHIELD and the five QRA scrambles over the last year at RAF Leuchars.
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Air International, Red Flag 2013
And what about Typhoon’s air-to-surface role in Red Flag: how did that go?
“We were flying swing role, fitted with a Litening 3 targeting pod, and simulated
the carriage and release of four Enhanced Paveway II munitions.”
The challenge for the Typhoons at Red Flag, when conducting an air-to-surface
mission, was the fierce air-to-air battle going on all around. This meant a lot of
aircraft were tasked to sweep through and pin down red air, and were engaged
in an aggressive fight against multiple red air fighters, the capability of which
went ‘through the roof’ as the three-week exercise progressed. The exercise
directors increase red air’s capability. Once a strike was complete it was critical
the Typhoons got involved in the air-to-air battle to help pin down the red air
aircraft and protect others going in against time-sensitive targets or helicopters
undertaking combat search and rescue. “The scenarios were very demanding
and fully flexed the whole ability of the jet,” admitted Wg Cdr Wells.
In a worst case scenario a Typhoon pilot spends 95% of their time fighting to
get to the target and back, and just 5% to conduct the strike.
“How good a pilot needs to be currently lies in his or her air-to-air skill set. This
is why we focused much more on fifth-generation fighter integration and took part
in strike packages involving in excess of 70 aircraft, including B-2s and F-22s.”
Missions lasted for up to an hour and 50 minutes, including the fighting, and
did not require air-refuelling...
The air-to-air role was one aspect that the Typhoons excelled in at Red Flag.
“I lost count of the number of aircraft we shot down,” said the Typhoon pilot.
“During the air-to-air debrief of one mission, the squadron’s weapons instructor
got a standing ovation for killing six out of six in approximately one-and-a-half
minutes. Each shot was validated in the shot evaluation. The pilot got the nick
name ‘Slayer’. But we didn’t go up every time and shoot down six out of six.”
The squadron boss also highlighted the aircraft’s agility and performance.
“Where you’re able to get to in the sky allows you to increase the kinematics of
the missiles so our stick remains significantly longer than the enemy’s. Being able
to do that time after time, but ultimately understand how close you can push that
capability to make a robust missile shot by using the DASS, and the upgrades to
the display, was an outstanding aspect of Typhoon during Red Flag.”
Poslao: 27 Okt 2013 23:25
- djox

- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102942
Saudi Arabiji isporucena jos dva EF pod oznakama ZK323 i ZK324
Citat:The newly delivered aircraft – carrying the registrations 323 and 324 – should be followed by another two Saudi Typhoons this year, according to a production schedule outlined by BAE in an earnings update earlier this year.
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Poslao: 28 Okt 2013 08:34
- zixo

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Sep 2006
- Poruke: 23384
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Германия признала проблемы с самолетом Eurofighter
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Па ви после купите ЕФ...
Poslao: 28 Okt 2013 13:09
- Georgius
- Moderator foruma
- Pridružio: 06 Jul 2009
- Poruke: 5259
- Gde živiš: Novi Sad
^^ у кратким цртама превод
У Немачкој не могу да користе велику већину својих ЕФ-2000
По подацима техничке службе задужене за одржавање, главни проблем је у техничким проблемима и проблемима са гаранцијом квалитета од стране произвођача ЕАДС
У октобру је у ваздух могло да се подигне свега 73 авиона од стотину и нешто али су и они такође остали на земљи јер је било грешке приликом монтаже катапултирајућег седишта у једном авиону па су и сви остали морали бити проверени.
Цена сата лета износи 80 000 евра што знатно премашује планиране расходе.
Poslao: 28 Okt 2013 16:02
- djox

- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 102942
Eurofighter upgrades move closer to operational release
Citat:A package of upgrades for the Eurofighter Typhoon has moved closer to operational release, following the completion of flight test activities by consortium partner company Cassidian.
Taking place at company sites in Manching, Germany and Getafe, Spain, the "intensive" test effort, using instrumented production aircraft 4 and 7, has validated the Phase 1 Enhancement (P1E) programme, says Cassidian. This, it adds, "delivers a simultaneous multi-/swing-role capability to the nations' air forces", and will be available to customers from end-2013.
Citat:Key elements of the P1E package include the full integration of Rafael's Litening targeting pod and precision-guided bombs, and the full digital integration of the Diehl BGT Defence IRIS-T short-range air-to-air missile.
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Poslao: 28 Okt 2013 16:11
- _Hoplit_

- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 04 Okt 2013
- Poruke: 359
- Gde živiš: Smederevska Palanka
Georgius ::^^ у кратким цртама превод
У Немачкој не могу да користе велику већину својих ЕФ-2000
По подацима техничке службе задужене за одржавање, главни проблем је у техничким проблемима и проблемима са гаранцијом квалитета од стране произвођача ЕАДС
У октобру је у ваздух могло да се подигне свега 73 авиона од стотину и нешто али су и они такође остали на земљи јер је било грешке приликом монтаже катапултирајућег седишта у једном авиону па су и сви остали морали бити проверени.
Цена сата лета износи 80 000 евра што знатно премашује планиране расходе.
Само још једно западно, прескупо ђубре које без те силне електронике ни не може нормално да лети
Poslao: 28 Okt 2013 16:18
- Polemarchoi
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 14 Dec 2010
- Poruke: 1373
_Hoplit_ ::Georgius ::^^ у кратким цртама превод
У Немачкој не могу да користе велику већину својих ЕФ-2000
По подацима техничке службе задужене за одржавање, главни проблем је у техничким проблемима и проблемима са гаранцијом квалитета од стране произвођача ЕАДС
У октобру је у ваздух могло да се подигне свега 73 авиона од стотину и нешто али су и они такође остали на земљи јер је било грешке приликом монтаже катапултирајућег седишта у једном авиону па су и сви остали морали бити проверени.
Цена сата лета износи 80 000 евра што знатно премашује планиране расходе.
Само још једно западно, прескупо ђубре које без те силне електронике ни не може нормално да лети
Ne želim da se mešam u posao moderatorima, ali ne vidim smisao ovakvih komentara.