Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon


Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16142
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

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  • flysky  Male
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Nikola
  • Pridružio: 26 Dec 2012
  • Poruke: 512
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Napisano: 30 Maj 2015 22:53

Za mene je Eurifighter i te kako izuzetno manevarbilan višenamenski avion. Statčna slika -tačnije crtež u segmentima koji prikazuju valjak to sigurno nepokazuju kao što i primena vektorskog potiska na SU-35 ili MIG-29 OVT ...itd omogućuju manevre koji su za avione odlične aerodinamike i odnosa masa/ potisak nezazamislive.
Bez obzira (mada će u dogledno vreme i Eurofighter dobiti TVC u poodmakloj fazi višegodišnjeg ispitivanja ) manevri koje izvodi Eurofighter za mene spadaju u termin izuzezatan. Brzina penjanja , manevarbilnost - agilnost kako u vertikalnoj, tako u horizontalnoj ravni je fenomenalna, uz brz odaziv na komande i promene pravca leta pod visokim napadnim uglovima i ono što pleni kratak period od startnog ubrzanja do smanjenja brzine i potom novog povećanja sa i bez forsaža. I sa priličnim podvešenim bojevim kompletom zadržava odličnu manevarbilnost i upravljivost. Svakako da je vektorski potisak ogroman plus pogotovo kada je u pitanju vrhunska aerodinimička platforma kao što je Suhoj -35.

Po mom mišljenju ovo što pokazuje display pilot Jonny Dowen na Eurofighteru spada u domen izuzetne manevarbilnosti. Kratko ću u off topic. Toliko puta sam gledao i Marjana Jelena i zemlji i inostranstvu ... do Miodraga Ristića-Rice kako besprekorno izvode komandovani valjak ili ti pak valjak sa razdelom, letenja na nož .. ( zaista za uđbenike). Brzina promene pravca letenja u što kraćem periodu mnogo znači. Manevar sa kojim je M. Ristić-Rica na CIAF-u tada postao najbolji akro pilot Evrope ostaće domaći zadatak za mnoge neuporedivo modernije avione . Iz brušućeg leta ( bez FADEC-a, FBW, HOTAS ...) uraditi u par sekundi prevrtanje oko ose sa sihronim izvlačenjem stajnog trapa ... praktično iz kontra pravca u tako kratkom periodu i mirno pristupiti sletanju, mogu samo vrhunski utrenirani piloti i oni koji osećaju kako avion diše.

Fenomenalan nastup display pilota Jony Dowen ( obratite pažnju na 5:30 i koliko dugo isti izdržava negativno optrećenje u levom borbenom okretu ...) ; Na drugom videu od 2:19 iz leđnog leta, opet pod vellikim negativnim optrećenjem kreće i održva penjanje. Rutinski, pod viskim optrećenjima i napadnim uglovima prelazi iz manevar u manevar, gotovo uvek sa viškom snage , izuzetnom promenom brzine i pravca kretanja. Setimo se nastupa italijanskog pilota na Eurofighteru - Batajnica 2012 ( po meni najbolji nastup); Gledao sam Eurofighter više puta uživo i u Nemačkoj, Engleskoj, Francuskoj ... i mislim da ima kraći borbeni okret u odnosu na MIG-29 - uključujući i MIG-29M2(35-cu). ~~~

Pitanje je vremena kada će i Erofighter dobiti TVC - vektorski potisak. Tek tada će i u vertikalnoj i horizontalnoj ravni biti i više nego manevarbilnošću izuzetan.

Dopuna: 03 Jun 2015 21:41


Warton to get £1.7m for weapon research:

Engineers on the Fylde have been given a major boost when it comes to developing the next generation of weapons systems.
Workers at BAE Systems’ Warton plant have been given funding to research a new launcher for the Typhoon.
The Ministry of Defence has provided £1.7m of funding to come up with a common weapon launcher for the aircraft that could be capable of carrying multiple weapons and weapon types on one type of attachment point.
The project will bring together expertise from BAE Systems as the weapons integration lead for Typhoon and the weapons manufacturers MBDA and Raytheon UK.
“Each launcher could be capable of carrying up to three weapons, providing a great deal of flexibility and persistence for the operator.”
The common weapon launcher, if the research is successful and the programme taken forward, could offer a flexible and cost effective solution for customers.
The launcher could potentially carry weapons such as the Dual Mode Brimstone 2 Missile and the Paveway IV Precision Guided Bomb. …
Recent enhancements in capability include the integration of the Paveway IV Precision Guided Bomb and contracts to integrate the Captor E-Scan radar and the Dual Mode Brimstone Missile.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31265

djox ::Kuwait close to Boeing Super Hornet decision


Aman ce da zadrze neprikosnovenost u gubljenju tendera


Citat:In corso la trattativa con il Governo del Kuwait per l’acquisizione di caccia Eurofighter Typhoon

Fonti vicine alle parti confermano che il Governo del Kuwait ha invitato una delegazione di Alenia (gruppo Finmeccanica) nel proprio Paese per mettere a punto le parti finali di una trattativa, che dura ormai da più di un anno, che porterà alla firma dell’accordo per l’acquisizione di un numero non specificato di caccia Eurofighter Typhoon.
Notizie apparse sulla stampa internazionale avevano recentemente dato per abbandonata questa trattativa, ma secondo le fonti, gli incontri sono attualmente in corso, anche con il sostegno del Governo Italiano e a breve sarà formalizzato il contratto. In particolare, secondo quanto affermato oggi dall’ambasciatore britannico in Kuwait, il contratto potrebbe essere firmato prestissimo dalle parti.
In questo contratto l’Italia sarà capofila di una commessa per il Consorzio Eurofighter multinazionale che si occupa proprio della produzione e lo sviluppo del progetto Eurofighter per la realizzazione del caccia avanzato multiruolo.

Citat:Ongoing negotiations with the government of Kuwait to acquire Eurofighter Typhoon

Sources close to the parties confirm that the Government of Kuwait has invited a delegation of Alenia (Finmeccanica group) in their country to develop the final parts of a negotiation, which has lasted more than a year, which will lead to the signing of the agreement for the acquisition of an unspecified number of Eurofighter Typhoon.
Reports in the international press had recently given to abandoned this deal, but according to sources, the meetings are currently underway, with the support of the Italian Government and will soon be formalized contract. In particular, according to a statement today the British Ambassador in Kuwait, the contract could be signed soon by the parties.

  • flysky  Male
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Nikola
  • Pridružio: 26 Dec 2012
  • Poruke: 512
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Sunny Coningsby today < Foto by Steve Mackenzie | 04.06.2015.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101555

Bile su slike i ovde i na temi MIG-29...pogledaj malo pa onda postuj.

  • flysky  Male
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Nikola
  • Pridružio: 26 Dec 2012
  • Poruke: 512
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

New mosaic from Coningsby ( 04.06.2015) >

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101555

Nudili ga i vijetnamcima....a i Gripen-E se spominje....
Exclusive: Vietnam eyes Western warplanes, patrol aircraft to counter China

Citat:Among the aircraft under discussion with Vietnam were Saab's Gripen E fourth-generation fighter jet as well as the Saab 340 or 2000 twin-engine turboprops fitted with maritime patrol and airborne early warning systems, said a source with direct knowledge of those talks.

Vietnam had held talks over the Typhoon warplane made by Eurofighter as well as the F/A-50 light fighter jointly developed by Korea Aerospace Industries 047810.KS and Lockheed, separate sources said.


Kuwait, Italy Discuss Eurofighter Buy

Citat:Kuwait has started discussions to buy up to 28 Eurofighters, a source with knowledge of the talks told Defense News.

Kuwait is discussing the deal with the Italian Defense Ministry, the Italian Air Force and Italian firm Alenia Aermacchi, which is the Eurofighter partner company that has led the Eurofighter marketing campaign in Kuwait.

Talks started May 31 and representatives of the Italian Defense Ministry, Air Force and Alenia Aermacchi are in Kuwait participating, the source said.

The talks cover the possible acquisition of two squadrons — or between 24 and 28 aircraft — plus training and logistics, the source added.


  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31265

Intervju sa predstavnikom Selex u vezi CAPTOR E

Jedan deo

Citat:How many transmitter/receiver modules will it have? Will require more or less maintenance than the Captor-M?

The exact figure is classified but Typhoon has a large radome which does allow for a high TRM count.

This increases both transmitted and received power which provides a significant competitive

advantage in maximum detection range and other radar capabilities over the majority of other

fielded AESAs. Captor-E will have reduced life cycle costs. Mechanically scanned arrays by design place extreme

stresses on their structure and motor to rapidly reposition the antenna between alternate edges of

the field of regard. The majority of this beam repositioning is now completed electronically; the

much-reduced mechanical demands on the repositioner and the robust mechanics of its novel

design should ensure far less maintenance. In addition, the avionics in the rest of the radar benefit

from newer technology and excess processing power.

Will it offer superior detection range to RBE2 AESA and by what margin?

We believe that the large power and aperture available to Typhoon offers superior detection ranges;

indeed, during Flight Evaluation Trials several evaluating nations have already commented that

Captor-M invariably detected targets at significantly greater ranges than RBE-2
. Captor-E should

enhance detection even further and improve that significant tactical advantage. If you combine that

power and aperture with the innovative repositioner providing a Wide Field of Regard of ~200

degrees you have an air combat-decisive advantage.

Our competitors and potential adversaries who field a fixed plate antenna with a field of regard of

only ~ 120 degrees are not only stuck with the legacy tactics associated with a mechanical radar but

additionally will have significantly reduced power and tracking at the edges of that field of view.

Captor-E will revolutionise air combat by offering our pilots the option to ‘jump into the notch’

whilst maintaining tracking on a hostile aircraft; instantaneously reducing an adversary’s missile

range and degrading his radar picture. This will offer a significant operational advantage over typical

fixed plate AESA radars such as RBE2 and the APG series.

  • flysky  Male
  • Zaslužni građanin
  • Nikola
  • Pridružio: 26 Dec 2012
  • Poruke: 512
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

Coningsby 06.06.2015. Foto by by David Bisson

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31265

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