Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon


Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon

  • boksi  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 7836

INDIJCI PONIZILI BRITANCE Eurofajter Tajfun na manevrima izgubio 12-0 protiv indijskog Suhoja

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  • Pridružio: 31 Mar 2015
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boksi ::INDIJCI PONIZILI BRITANCE Eurofajter Tajfun na manevrima izgubio 12-0 protiv indijskog Suhoja

Citao sam ovu vijest iz vise izvora i koliko sam ja shvatio Britanci kazu da su Indijci bili bolji u bliskoj borbi a na velike daljine sto je po meni bitnije Britanci su bili bolji.

  • S-lash 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 09 Apr 2008
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  • Gde živiš: Slovenija

znači, rusi samo da naprave neki pod, koji če blizu 100% ometati BVR rakete in na konju su.

Mislim, postiči nešto, što umanjuje BVR gdje zapad prednjači

  • Aleksandar
  • Pridružio: 30 Okt 2012
  • Poruke: 898
  • Gde živiš: Kraljevo

Ocito indijci bar na slikama nisu imali ovo cudo na krajevima krila Mr. Green

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101873

I dalje se nudi Indoneziji
Four Ambassadors Press Eurofighter Case to Indonesia

Citat:Ambassadors and representatives of the Eurofighter founding countries (Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK) met with the Indonesian Defence Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu earlier this week and delivered a formal Letter of Support for Eurofighter which had been signed by the Defence State Secretaries and Minister of State on behalf of the Ministries of Defence of the four countries.

The Letter of Support further endorsed the information already provided by Eurofighter and underwrote the four countries’ full support of the transfer of technology elements associated with the world’s most versatile and reliable fast-jet fighter.


  • Pridružio: 14 Jan 2012
  • Poruke: 858

Gall ::boksi ::INDIJCI PONIZILI BRITANCE Eurofajter Tajfun na manevrima izgubio 12-0 protiv indijskog Suhoja

Citao sam ovu vijest iz vise izvora i koliko sam ja shvatio Britanci kazu da su Indijci bili bolji u bliskoj borbi a na velike daljine sto je po meni bitnije Britanci su bili bolji.

Нигде не стоји са су Британци били бољи, апсолутно нигде. Британци само невешто покушавају да релативизују и прикрију евидентни пораз који су доживели. Ти британски покушаји су толико јадни и бедни да их је мучно читати. Британски "Independent" је покушавајући да оправда британски пораз и прикрије тешко понижење објавио ову идиотску табелу која нема везе са истином, преузевши је са неког опскурног сајта:
Typhoon FGR4: Britain’s best

Armament rating 8.0/10

Manoeuvrability 9.7/10

Max Rate of Climb 65k ft/min

Service Ceiling 65k ft

Max Speed 2.35 Mach

Fuel Economy 0.68 km/l

Unit Cost $125m

Probability of winning cannon dogfight 66%

Sukhoi su-30Mk1: Russia's best

Armament rating 8.5/10

Manoeuvrability 7.8/10

Max Rate of Climb 60k ft/min

Service Ceiling 56k ft

Max Speed 1.90 Mach

Fuel Economy 0.58 km/l

Unit Cost $47m

Probability of winning cannon dogfight 34%

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31304

I sve ste ovo napisali samo u drugoj temi i ponavljate isto tri dana kasnije.

Ovo nije "vidite sta se desilo kada se sastao ruski avion sa zlim zapadnim" kao po glupim naslovima nego je ovo cetvrti put da se odrzava ista Indradanush vezba, samo jedne godine bude u Indiji a jedne u Britaniji. I na njoj uvek rade razne scenarije BVR i bliske borbe kao i druge( zastite Tornada, Jaguara...), kako zajedno tako i jedni protiv drugih.

Na ovoj vezbi je radjen 1vs1 i 2vs2 dogfight i 4v4 i 8v8 BVR. Ne znam kako samo 8v8 ovaj put jer su dosli sa 4 aviona U Britaniju, mozda mesovita grupa Tajfuna i Su-30 jedni protiv drugih.

4channer ::[

Нигде не стоји са су Британци били бољи, апсолутно нигде.

“Asked about the performance of IAF pilots in these Large Force Engagements, Group Captain Srivastav told NDTV his pilots performed “fairly well” though “quantifying [the results] is difficult”. It was not unexpected for the IAF to “lose” one or two jets (over all the Large Force Engagements put together) given that the movement of each formation was directed by fighter controllers coordinating an overall air battle.”

Niti postoji u izvestaju Indijskog vazduhoplovstva bilo sta o rezultatima ali ce novinar NDTV da dopise jer jebes ovakvu vest...


Having 'touched the sky with glory' in consonance with the motto of the Indian Air Force (IAF) "Nabhah Sparsham Deeptam", the air warriors of IAF are now set to return home after successful completion of the Indo-UK bilateral air exercise, Indradhanush. This was the fourth edition of Ex-Indradhanush which commenced at UK on 21 Jul 15. Different elements of the IAF contingent operated from separate Royal Air Force (RAF) bases - The Sukhois from Corningsby, combat support elements from Brize Norton and the Garud special forces from Hunnington. The exercise comes to a close today. The C-130J flew out of Brize Norton on 30 July as necessary equipment is required for receiving the rest of the contingent at intermediate bases.

The IAF team has flown combat training missions along with RAF, involving contemporary tactics. The two air forces also operate common combat support platforms, namely the Globemaster and the Super Hercules. Mutual exchange of ideas as regards operational philosophy for tactical and strategic missions has provided invaluable learning for both sides. The IAF Garud regiment of Special Forces is operating with the RAF regiment in various aspects of training. The troops practiced various missions in urban warfare which also included combat missions in a near-realistic scenario.

The bonhomie amongst personnel on both sides has been exceptional and in the true spirit of a bilateral exercise. The Air warriors of the IAF have been performing exceptionally well, demonstrating their high standards of training, Operational preparedness, flexibility and adaptability. The RAF had been very forthcoming in meeting all operational, maintenance and administrative requirements of the IAF contingent. Needless to say, the learning value from this interaction has been immense.

Britanci, postavio sam na prethodnoj strani

Citat:Over the course of two weeks the complexity of the training sorties is increasing, starting from 1 v 1 dogfight to sorties involving up to 20 fighters.

Wing Commander Chris Moon is Officer Commanding 3(F) Squadron. He said:

“First impressions of the Flanker are very positive. It is a superb aeroplane and it’s a privilege to operate our Typhoon alongside it.

“The RAF and IAF both pride ourselves on operating some of the leading edge technical equipment in the world. However without the people to support that we are nothing so that’s where our real strength lies.”

His views were echoed by Squadron Leader Avi Arya, a Qualified Weapons Instructor responsible for training pilots on the radar and weapons systems of the Su-30. He said:

“Both are fourth generation aircraft and so are matched evenly, so the learning value comes from the person to person contact, it’s the man behind the machine which matters. All fighter pilots speak the same language, that’s the common thing we have and it’s very comfortable to learn from each other.”

Speaking shortly after his first encounter with the thrust vector equipped Su-30, Typhoon pilot Flight Lieutenant Mike Highmoor had no doubt about the values of the bilateral exercise:

“This is fantastic. It’s the first time I’ve flown against a Flanker this morning and it’s fascinating to see another air force do its thing in a different aeroplane. Flying against an aircraft which is equally comparable to the Typhoon isn’t something we get to fight against on a regular basis in the UK. It’s very exciting.

“It’s an incredibly impressive fighter but the Typhoon is a good match for it.”

Opposing Flt Lt Highmoor on that first sortie was Squadron Leader Amit Gehani who trained with the RAF in the UK. He said:

“It’s going well. We’re flying a lot of missions that are proving our air combat missions. We brief on the ground, we go up there, set up the fights and thereafter it’s a free for all.

“The Typhoon is a good aircraft, a very powerful aircraft. The RAF pilots here are really amazing and flying with the Typhoon we’re learning a lot of new lessons from the RAF which we will take back to India. Of course we’re also giving some good points to the Typhoon pilots.”

Nijednom do sada ni RAF ni IAF nisu baratali nekim "dobili smo ih sa 3 gola razlike" pricama a ko hoce da se pali neka se pali. To se sa razlogom zove vezba.

Sto rekose prica za domacu upotrebu(novine)...

PS: samo primer jednog scenarija na vezbi

RAF Wg. Cmdr. Chris Moon, commanding officer of 3 (Fighter) Sqn which led the exercise said that participants had adopted a “crawl, walk, run approach” with Indian crews familiarizing themselves with U.K. airspace regulations before taking on the Typhoons in 1vs1, 2vs1 and increasingly complex engagements. The last exercise mission saw all four Flankers working with six Typhoons to escort and support two C-130J Hercules on a paradropping mission. They were opposed by 8-10 red-air Typhoons.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101873

Zvanican izvestaj :
Citat:Ministry of Defence10-August, 2015 19:59 IST
Participation of IAF in Indo-UK

Bilateral Air Exercise-Indradhanush IV – July 2015

1. The fourth edition of the Indo-UK bilateral air exercise named Indradhanush was held in the UK from 21-31 July 2015. The 190-strong contingent of the IAF left India on 15 July 2015 for the overseas deployment and returned on 04 August 2015.

2. The air elements that took part in the air exercise this time were the Su-30 MKI, IL-78 tankers, C-17 and C-130J transport aircraft from the IAF and the Eurofighter Typhoon, the Voyager tanker, C-17 and C-130J from the RAF. In addition to the aircraft, the Indian Garud commandos participated alongside their British counterparts, the RAF Regiment of the Special Forces.

3. Such exercises are conducted under controlled conditions with mutually agreed weapons performance parameters, with the basic aim of learning from each other’s best practices. Additional advantages that accrue are greater understanding of each other’s general operational philosophy and exposure to a different operating environment. In combat exercises, definite objectives are laid down for each component participating. After the exercise, during debrief, a detailed analysis is carried out to assess the extent of achievement of laid down objectives. There are no classic wins and losses as no weapons are fired as per their actual capability.

4. Mutual exchange of ideas as regards operational philosophy for tactical and strategic missions has provided invaluable learning for both sides. The exercise provided opportunity for the exchange of ideas relating to concept of operations in a dynamic warfare environment. The bonhomie amongst personnel on both sides has been exceptional and in the true spirit of a bilateral exercise. The aircrew of both the Air Forces have performed exceptionally well, demonstrating their high standards of training, operational preparedness, flexibility and adaptability. The RAF had been very forthcoming in meeting all operational, maintenance and administrative requirements of the IAF contingent. Needless to say, the learning value from this interaction has been immense. The IAF looks forward to continue the engagement with RAF in the future as well.


  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31304

On 5 August, Eurofighter Typhoon prototype IPA6 took off from BAE Warton equipped with the latest Phase 2 Enhancements (P2E) software package. This latest software build opens up integration of Meteor BVRAAM and Storm Shadow cruise missiles - which are set to undergo testing shortly.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 101873

Hoce poljacima da ga ponude
Eurofighter Touts Typhoon to Poland At Air Show

Citat:Eurofighter Typhoon could offer Poland NATO-proven Air Power and the benefits of being an industrial partner in an indigenous European programme.

This is being highlighted at the Radom Air Show 2015 (22 to 23 August) where Eurofighter Typhoon demonstrates a strong presence. With Eurofighter aircraft joining from the Italian and German Air Forces, Eurofighter and its partner companies chose the event to promote this combat aircraft as an ideal candidate for a potential fighter replacement programme in the Polish Air Force.


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