Saudijci..povratak sa misije iznad Jemena
Citat:RSAF Typhoon ZK389/1014 returning back from an Airborne CAS mission over Yemen loaded with 2x GBU-16 & Damocles TP
Britanci kanibalizuju EF zbog rezervnih delova.
RAF Grounds Four Typhoons As Spare Parts Banks Citat:The RAF is butchering state-of-the-art Typhoon fighters for spare parts to keep vital warplanes flying.
Four jets, costing £125 million each, are being cannibalised to cover a desperate shortage of key kit.
The embarrassing revelation comes as six Typhoons were sent to RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus to boost the UK mission against Islamic State in Syria. They are set to pound targets in Iraq and Syria after MPs gave the green light to extending military action.
Eurofighter Typhoon strengthens capability in service
Citat:With the P2E enhancements scheduled to be delivered to the Customer in steps between 2015 and 2017 Smith said that work is now underway on the next batch of enhancements, P3E which will enable the Eurofighter Typhoon to deploy several more capabilities including precision-guided air-to-surface weapons at fast-moving targets with low-collateral damage.
Smith told media in Dubai: “Our Phase 3 Enhancement (P3E) Programme will enable Eurofighter operators to integrate the Brimstone 2 on the aircraft and will also further enhance other existing weapons capabilities – including Storm Shadow, Meteor, Paveway IV and ASRAAM. We aim to deliver P3E to the Customer in 2017.”
He said: “Beyond P3E, our customers are currently agreeing the content and schedule of future weapon system programmes. These will include avionic enhancements, such as MIDS JTRS, and the potential integration of other weapons such as SDB II and the Marte-ER anti-ship missile, which we know are of interest to some of our customer community. It will also see the integration of Eurofighter’s new E-Scan Radar.”