Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon


Eurofighter EF-2000 Typhoon

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31336

Citat:An RAF Spokesman says Typhoon has proved itself at the heart of the international coalition fighting against DAESH.

The aircraft has now flown in excess of 900 missions over Iraq and Syria since December 2015, providing daily support to international coalition forces in the fight against DAESH on Operation SHADER.

Each mission consists of a pair of Typhoons and all told the operational activity equates to over 10,000 flying hours, during which the aircraft has delivered more than 850 Paveway IV weapons.

The RAF Spokesman says:

In terms of its contribution to the fight against DAESH we have seen a demonstrable change in the size of the so-called caliphate in Iraq and Syria. We recently saw the Prime Minister of Iraq in Mosul city – the second largest city – which has just been liberated with support from coalition air power. Typhoon has been a key component of that support to the freedom of Mosul.

Importantly, we have 100% mission support rate throughout this time which is testament to the reliability and utility of the aircraft.

He said that the flexibility of Typhoon with Paveway IV, when combined with the weapon effects, has led to an increased demand from across the Operation SHADER Area of Operations with Coalition Joint Terminal Attack Controllers specifically asking for Typhoon support.

As a multi-role aircraft, Typhoon offers Air to Air operations with precision strike Air to Surface operations using Paveway IV laser-guided weapon and 27mm cannon. The Litening III Advanced Targeting Pod generates a fidelity of coordinates that permits immediate self-strike capability, significantly reducing the time to prosecute time-sensitive targets.

The RAF Spokesman:

Typhoon is very active in Syria, in particular in the ISIS heartland of Raqqa, where its use of the Paveway IV GPS precision-guided munition together with its advanced sensors have enabled Typhoon to be considered almost the platform of choice for operations against the targets around Raqqa.

“There are a number of anecdotal stories from the pilots that back that up. When they have been held in a tanker track or a stack — where there are a different series of aircraft able to provide close air support to the troops on the ground — there’s anecdotal evidence that Coalition special forces on the ground, from the US and indigenous Iraqi forces have been specifically asking for Typhoon as a capability.

“One of the fundamental reasons why is because of the weapons load Typhoon is able to carry. It can fly with four Paveway IVs without any detrimental impact on its Air to Air capability, when other aircraft in the Coalition forces usually carry just two. Therefore it’s able to strike, if required, four targets simultaneously. That really provides greater flexibility and opportunity for the controller on the ground.”

The RAF Spokesman added that Typhoon’s reliability was another important strength.

The evidence speaks for itself. Not one mission missed for technical reasons — of course we have had weather cancellations or cancellations for geo-strategic — but never for technical unserviceability. Every time we plan for our missions we are always absolutely aware that we can’t afford to fail and we haven’t done so yet.

“This would not be possible without the team of engineers and support personnel who maintain the aircraft.

Over the last 20 months all five RAF frontline squadrons have worked in support of the missions and the RAF Spokesman said that Typhoon Force’s success in the international fight against DAESH is thanks to it fully using all its strengths — people and aircraft.

“Our success in Operation SHADER is down to a mixture of everything. I could talk about the quality of the pilots, the quality of the engineers, because we are getting the aircraft airborne and the pilots are delivering on what’s being tasked of them. That sets a good reputational picture for Typhoon.

“But I could also talk about the weapons it carries, the aircraft’s dynamic sensor suite and how all that blends into producing an efficient decision cycle around identifying a target and having approval within the rules of engagement to strike the target. All of that comes together because the Typhoon Force is not just the platform itself.

“It’s worth noting that within 24 hours of the decision to deploy Typhoon, aircraft were striking targets in Syria.”

A recent 1(F) Squadron post-Operational report states that Typhoon has employed Paveway IV effectively in all of its modes, including GPS, Laser, Desired impact angle or azimuth.

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  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102129

Testiranja u Wartonu

Citat: ZK356 Typhoon Tranche3 flew twice today with Storm Shadows, Also ZJ938/IPA6 joined the party with Brimstone.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102129

Eurofighter Touts Typhoon Benefits to Poland

Citat:The Eurofighter consortium declared at MSPO defence exhibition that Poland should consider the Eurofighter Typhoon as it looks at its future combat aircraft requirements.
Air superiority

  • Nebojša Đokić
  • vojni istoričar
  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 4066
  • Gde živiš: Novi Beograd

To bi bio zaista vrhunski avion da nije toliko skup i za nabavku i (još) više za održavanje. Bez obzira što se Britanci hvale treba voditi računa da su oni imali 900 borbenih misija za 20 meseci. Tako da je to vrlo slabo dnevno naprezajnje - u proseku 1,5 misija na dan. To ne može da bude neko merila ako je i tačno.
Nemam informacije iz Britanije ali imam iz Nemačke i Italije. Avion je noćna mora za održavanje. Al da odlično leti - leti.

  • Pridružio: 05 Mar 2006
  • Poruke: 658

navode i ,,hiljade,, zaposlenih sirom Evrope i 4000 novih radnih mesta u Poljskoj....
pozdrav Djordje

  • Nebojša Đokić
  • vojni istoričar
  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 4066
  • Gde živiš: Novi Beograd

U prvom broju novog časopisa Airforces of The World (koga izdaje isti izdavača kao i Air Forces Monthly, Air International, Combat Aircraft itd) postoji vrlo interesantan tekst UK combat air strides ahead, p. 32 - 40. Tu imate i intervju sa komandantom svih jedinica sa Tajfunom. RAF će povećati broj operativnih skvadrona Tajfuna sa 5 na 7 do 2020. godine tako što će zadržati 30 od 57 Tajfuna tranše 1 koji su svi bili predviđeni za povlačenje iz naoružanja do 2020. godine. Ta dva skvadrona sa po 15 Tajfuna tranše 1 bi imala zadatak PVO V. Britanije a služili bi i za preobuku pilota. Na taj način preostala 5 skvadrona (67 tranše 2 i 40 tranše 3) bi bili stalno potpuno operativni i osposobljeni i za dejstva van teritorije V. Britanije. Međutim, meni je vrlo interesantno njegovo obrazloženje zašto Tajfuni tranše 1 neće biti predviđeni za dejstvo van matice. Jedan od glavnih razloga je, po njemu, potpuna zastarelost raketa vazduh - vazduh AIM-120 a Tajfuni ove tranše nisu predviđeni za opremanje novim raketama. Zbog tih istih raketa AIM-120 borbene mogućnosti Tajfuna tranše 1 su pod znakom pitanja i neophodno je da i oni prođu kroz modernizaciju kojom bi bili osposobljeni da nose nove rakete Meteor. E sad ako Air Cdre Duguid laže lažem i ja vas.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31336

Nije to od skora, to su rekli jos pre koju godinu( Ima u UK SDSR 2015) da nema nista od povlacenja T1. Jedino je mozda sad prvi put u tom casopisu.

Dodaju dva eskadrona na postojecih 5, idealno bi bilo ako moze 3-4.

  • Nebojša Đokić
  • vojni istoričar
  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 4066
  • Gde živiš: Novi Beograd

Napisano: 08 Sep 2017 15:14

Nisam postavio zbog broja skvadrona jer je to stara stvar nego zbog obrazloženja oko AIM-120.

Dopuna: 08 Sep 2017 15:16

To jest zašto je borbena sposobnost tranše 1 pod znakom pitanja.

Dopuna: 08 Sep 2017 15:22

Sa sadašnjim budžetskim sredstvima i neznatno povećanim ako bi povećali broj operativnih skvardona na 9 samo bi smanjili broj skvadrona u fulu na 3 do 4. Ne može i jare i pare. Dobili bi 9 skvadrona ali bi samo 3 (maksimalno 4 ali teško) bila sposobna za dejstvo van matice.

Dopuna: 08 Sep 2017 15:26

Skvadroni (eskadrile) osposobljene za dejstvo van zemlje enormno više koštaju od onih predviđenih za dejtsvo u matici. To je luksuz koji mora da plati svako ko hoće da izigrava globalnu silu makar u malom kao Britanija i Francuska.

Dopuna: 08 Sep 2017 15:29

Posebno to važi za Tajfune koji su neosporno odlični avioni ali izuzetno složeni za održavanje.

  • Toni  Male
  • SuperModerator
  • Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
  • Poruke: 31336

Mnogo toga kod T2/T3(mnogo slicniji jedan drugom) je izmenjeno u odnosu na T1 pa je cena modernizacije T1 prevelika, dosta delova uopste nije isto. AESA radar nije ni predvidjen za T1, CFT tankovi( unutrasnji gorivni sistem je drugaciji), itd... Za poredjenje Francuzi su za prve verzije Rafala F1( mornaricke M) potrosili 30 miliona po avionu da modernizuju 10 komada na poslednji 3F standard.

  • Nebojša Đokić
  • vojni istoričar
  • Pridružio: 03 Jun 2010
  • Poruke: 4066
  • Gde živiš: Novi Beograd

Napisano: 08 Sep 2017 16:20

Ono koliko ja imam informacija iz Nemačke i Italije Tajfuni su uživancija za pilote ali noćna mora za zemaljsko osoblje. Po mojim saznanjima piloti ih obožavaju.

Dopuna: 08 Sep 2017 16:28

Rusi smatraju (bar one koje ja lično znam) da će Tajfun kada dobije Meteore biti najbolji zapadni lovac bolji i od F-22. Ostavljam bez komentara.

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