Poslao: 22 Dec 2021 18:32
- ssekir75
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 16 Jun 2010
- Poruke: 3146
- Gde živiš: bela crkva banat
Toni ::Markoni29 ::Никад ми није било јасно зашто су му дали име "тајфун"? Тајфун се није показао баш најбоље. Боље да су га назвали "темпест".
Ima vise izvora, kazu da je bila neka vrsta ankete medju svim dizajnerima, ljudima u fabrici, itd...i da je Tajfun imao najvise glasova.
Takodje da je Tajfun nastavak linije imenovanja nakon vrlo uspesnog Tornada, sto zvuci logicno*
Svojevremeno kada je 1998. usvojeno ime Tajfun bilo je zamisljeno da to bude ime za izvoz a da 4 nacije koje su ga napravile koriste " politicki neutralno" Eurofighter. Posebno jer su se Nemci bunili zbog naziva Tajfun jer im se isti nacestitao mile majke po Normandiji i zapadnoj Evropi.
Posle je RAF usvojio i Tajfun kao naziv pored Eurofighter, isto i Iltalijani i Spanci, Nemci u manjoj meri.
*Ne znam da li je urbana legenda, internet mit ili stvarno ali bila je prica da je od te "linije vetra" razmatran i Ciklon( Cyclone ) samo sto su posle provalili da bi onda jednosed bio Ciklon A a dvosed Ciklon B
а јесу ли се немци и тад бунили?
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 29 Dec 2021 16:10
- djox

- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 103231
INDRA oprema spanske tajfune
Indra to Equip Spanish Air Force’s New Eurofighters with ESCAN and DASS
Citat:Indra, a leading global technology and consulting company, will equip the Halcón Program’s 20 new Eurofighters, set to replace the F18s at the Gando air base in the Canary Islands, with the ESCAN electronic scanning radar and the DASS (Electronic Defence System), some of the most advanced avionics and sensor systems in the world, which will ensure the superiority of the aircraft in the coming decades. The value of these production activities is in excess of 80 million euros. Furthermore, Indra has renewed its maintenance contract for the existing fleet, which represents revenues totaling 100 million euros, at a rate of 20 million per year for five years.
The Halcón program includes equipping the 20 new Spanish Eurofighters with next-generation electronic scanning radar.
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Poslao: 01 Feb 2022 15:31
- djox

- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 103231
Treci za Kuvajt na prvom letu
Citat:The third Eurofighter Typhoon for Kuwait Air Force reg. number: CSX 55269 (twin seater) made its maiden flight two days ago.
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Poslao: 09 Feb 2022 12:44
- djox

- djox
- Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
- Poruke: 103231
Irski politicari kukaju da im trebaju borbeni avioni...kazu da zbog celokupne situacije u svetu ne mogu da se oslanjaju na brite i amere da ih zastite.
Government urged to purchase fighter jets to protect Irish airspace
Citat:The Government has been urged to purchase up to 24 fighter jets as part of a multi-billion euro package to enable the country to counter terrorist hijackings and hostile incursions into our airspace.
Citat:Under this option, the authors of the report believe the naval service fleet should increase to 12 ships, to cover the exclusive economic zone. The navy currently has nine ships, but only five are operational and it is suffering from crippling manpower shortages.
The experts suggest the air corps should get between 12 and 24 jet fighters to protect Irish airspace. Ireland has no jets currently and Britain's royal air force has committed, under a secret deal with our Department of Defence, to police our skies in the event of a terrorist hijacking or incursion by foreign 'hostile' aircraft.
Recent Russian naval activity off our shores, allied to increased cyberattacks allegedly perpetrated by them, plus the growing global threat of the Chinese military, are spelt out in the report as some of the primary reasons we have to up our defence spending, as we can no longer rely on the US and British to protect us.
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