mean_machine ::Motor za F-35 je tek u razvoju sto zahteva znatna sredstva. F136 je bio izabran kao druga opcija samo da bi se pokazala dobra volja prema Britancima jer u njegovom razvoju ucestvuje i R&R. F135 je od starta odabran kao primarni motor. GE i R&R su imali solidnih problema pri razvoju F136 sto je dodatno uticalo na odluku da se isti ukine.
Umesto da placaju razvoj dva motora odlucili su da nastave razvoj samo jednog i to onog koji je od starta bio predvidjen za F-35. Takodje to je motor koji ima manje problema.
Ako kroz dve godine ukinu F-35B sasvim je moguce da ce motor biti jos jednostavniji a mozda i nesto jaci.
Britanci se ne bune jer su odustali od velike nabavke F-35B, a upravo je ta nabavka bila glavni argument za odrzavanje F136 u zivotu.
Back in January 2006 the Pentagon attempted to remove FY 2007 funding from the F-35 Lightning II’s second engine option, the GE/ Rolls Royce F136. Fast forward to the FY 2008 budget. For the second year in a row, the USAF removed funding for the GE/RR F136, arguing that killing the F136 would free up $1.8 billion. Politicians disagreed, and the USA’s GAO auditors backed them up. Funding was reinstated. Again. So far, that process has been repeated every year. Now it’s 2011, and the 2011 budget still is in progress. The Pentagon is trying to kill the F136. Again…
Svake godine isto. Pentagon protiv, ali..
If all goes well, the first production F136s could be available in 2012.
Ide mu u prilog sva ova kašnjenja. Možda jim svane.
In 2009, House Armed Service Air-Land Subcommittee chair Neil Abercrombie [D-HI] added the fleet reliability issue, stating that it simply was not prudent to have 80-90% of the USAF, Navy and Marine Corps’ fighter fleet dependent on one engine type, from one manufacturer, which can ground all of those fleets if mechanical flaws or difficulties surface.
Ameri puni samopouzdanja, kao uvek
Back on Feb 5/07, Senate Armed Services Committee chair Sen. John Warner (R-VA) grilled Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Pentagon Comptroller Tina Jonas over concerned that eliminating the F136 would be the equivalent of handing Pratt & Whitney sole engine development right:
“If we have but a single engine, then we’re in effect giving a sole-source contract to one contractor, which could amount to $100 billion…. I’ve calculated that out. It’s extraordinary.”
Neko će stvarno, da se oprasi.
A neko..
The Lexington Institute believes that GE probably would exit the tactical engine business at that point, in line with its famous ”#1, #2, or gone” approach. While GE would still have the contract for the F414 engine in the Navy’s F/A-18 Super Hornets and Saab’s JAS-39NG, it would have no toehold in the future fighter market.
će da pop....