F-35 Joint Strike Fighter


F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102842

Napisano: 25 Okt 2011 10:56

Dopuna: 25 Okt 2011 14:37

F-35B Completes First Sea Trials on USS Wasp

Citat:The amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) heads back toward homeport Oct. 21 after spending three weeks at sea hosting the initial sea trials of the F-35B Lightning II, Joint Strike Fighter (JSF).

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  • Pridružio: 10 Jun 2008
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mean_machine ::
Tekst u vezi VSI kacige:
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Jako dobar link sa puno koristnih informacija. Da izdvojim par njih:

August 2011

"F-35 fighter pilots will wear a helmet that allows them to peer into the darkness with ease — but only if a new digital sensor proves itself as capable as or better than existing night vision technology."

"The fighter’s main night vision capability originally was to be derived from the network of aircraft-mounted sensors called the distributed aperture system, or DAS. The six mid-wave infrared sensors would capture the exterior world in a 360-degree video that would be processed then piped into the helmet. But recent analysis has determined that the clarity of the resulting footage is less than what fighter pilots are accustomed to seeing with their current night vision goggles, said Brugal."

"Experts attribute the degraded quality to the limited number of DAS sensors employed to cover the large fields of view necessary for a spherical representation of the airspace."

"Because the F-35 night vision risks are still high, program officials are pursuing a dual technology path to solve the acuity challenge. Lockheed Martin this spring requested proposals for a legacy-based helmet system to meet the night vision requirements. Officials had plans to award the contract this summer to a bidder with a solution using existing goggles.“That’s a prudent approach to ensuring that the war fighter will have that capability in the next two years,” said Contini. But Lockheed officials also are pushing hard on the integrated helmet solution."

Izgleda da su previše obečavali.


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"NAVAIR is demanding the helmet mounted display have 20/26 vision comparable to NVGs. That requirement can only be met with a 2000 x 2000 pixel display. Such a display does not exist on the market that fits the helmet size requirements and it will probably be several years before such an array is available."

"A failing of the HMD is the requirement for binocular vision. No two pairs of eyes track targets the same way, because the location of eyes in the human skull are not the same. One eye is higher/lower than the other, one eye is closer/farther wrt the skull's centerline than the other, and one eye is further forward/aft than the other. The HMD has to compensate for eye tracking when it displays imagery or you get double images or images with shadows.

A person's brain has no problem correlating the two independent images in an imperfect eye/skull relationship because it has done so since infancy. But trying to place generated images in precise locations that will not confuse the brain is impossible using the current technology. Even if a proper motion map can be made of an individual pilot's eye tracking, you cannot keep the images coincident with each other. Slight shifts in helmet position from G loading (or even simple things like the pilot's hair length) throws off the ability to project coincident images. Add the complexity of the imagery being displayed, and the processors cannot keep up and you get images with "comet tails".

IMO, they should go to a monocular display. It would have a better chance of success."


  • Pridružio: 02 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 1462

Може ли ми модератор који обрисао мој пост са питањем шта ће "прасе" у ваздушном дуелу са ПАК ФА или са неким другим авионом који има боље маневарске особине,а пртом смањен радрски одраз колико је могуће???

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12609

Napisano: 26 Okt 2011 1:03

su47berkut ::Може ли ми модератор који обрисао мој пост са питањем шта ће "прасе" у ваздушном дуелу са ПАК ФА или са неким другим авионом који има боље маневарске особине,а пртом смањен радрски одраз колико је могуће???

Aman procitaj sta si napisao pre nego sto posaljes jer gutas cele reci pa ti je smisao recenice potpuno neodredjen???

Ajde da su slova pa jos da razumem.

Dopuna: 26 Okt 2011 1:24

Inace javlja mi se da pitas sto ti je poruka sklonjena. Da li sam to bio ja ili neko drugi nije bitno, poruka ti je za virtuelni dogfight a ne za ovu temu.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102842

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
  • Poruke: 13918

Hteo sam još pre neki dan da napišem samo sam zaboravio. Vek zmaja i motora kod većeg dela flote F-35 će se verovatno produžiti tako što većina pilota neće proći intezivnu obuku, sem možda na simulatorima, A-A borbe. Što je u skladu sa trendom smanjenja lovačkih eskadrila još od kraja hladnog rata. Tako da uz veliko oslanjanje na moderne senzore smanjiće stres koji trpi cela konstrukcija. A modernom tehnologijom će verovatno dodatno približiti iskustvo skupljeno na simulatoru pravom letenju. Svakako decenijama pilot ne 'leti' već samo zadaje komande, a onda kompjuter odradi taj posao.

  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 51

Pocetkom godine jedan se srusio u Aljasci, Spasilackom timu trebalo 15 dana da pronadje pilota, koji je srecom nadjen ziv.

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 12425
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

alen ::Pocetkom godine jedan se srusio u Aljasci, Spasilackom timu trebalo 15 dana da pronadje pilota, koji je srecom nadjen ziv.

Kad se srusio F-35 ?

  • Pridružio: 26 Okt 2011
  • Poruke: 51

U prvom mjesecu ove godine, Aljaska

  • Pridružio: 17 Maj 2008
  • Poruke: 12425
  • Gde živiš: Srbija

alen ::U prvom mjesecu ove godine, Aljaska

Da ti ne mislis na F-22 ?

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