F-35 Joint Strike Fighter


F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

  • Pridružio: 23 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 1267

mean_machine ::Citat:ne postoji podela slike vec pilot u celini vidi ono sto vide senzori preko celog vizira

Ovde je ceo problem sa nasom raspravom. Ti imas misljenje da se slika prikazuje preko celog vizira ja mislim da ne vec samo se prikazuje ispred ociju pilota. Mislim da je negde i bio podatak o 40stepeni vidnog polja.

Dok to ne razjasnimo nema potrebe za daljom raspravom.

Ne znam, ja sam stekao utisak da je ovde problem sa nasom raspravom

Citat:Koja bre slika sa instrument table? Imas nesto sto najvise podseca na HUD i nista vise. Mozda pilot moze da zatraziti da mu se prikazu podaci odredjenog instrumenta da ne bi morao da spusta pogled na LCD displej u kabini. Ali standardno on ima virtuelni HUD i to je to

S druge strane gomila izvora tvrdi da ce pilot imati mogucnost da bukvalno gleda kroz pod aviona, a simulacija koju si upravo ti postavio to i potvrdjuje.
Na klipu koji prikazuje kako funkcionise ADAS jasno pise da je to snimak onoga sto bi pilot trebao da vidi, a narator to i potvrdjuje. On naglasava da tom prilikom pilot ima osecaj kao da se nalazi van letelice, sto bi u principu moglo da znaci da se slika projektuje ako ne preko cele povrsine vizira, onda preko njegovog veceg dela, jer u suprotnom pilot ne bi imao taj osecaj Wink

Ali i ja mislim da je rasprava bespotrebna (doduse vrlo informativna) jer ce jos dosta vode proteci Savom dok ta fikcija ne ugleda svetlost dana Ziveli

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 12606



Tu mozes procitati dve cifre:
50stepeni po horizontali i
30x40 stepeni

Prva je za resenja koja koriste ekrane, a druga je za resenja sa projektorima. Tih 30x40 je dosta slicno sa prikazanim na slici:


Dakle kada se to uzme u obzir dobar deo vidnog polja je ipak izvan projekcije. Problem je sto kompanije vole da se hvale pa zbog toga ljudi sticu utisak da je u pitanju nekakav virtuelni sistem ko u igricama. Pa to onda naratori podgrejavaju a prikazuju se snimci kamera a ne kako pilot stvarno nesto vidi Wink

  • Pridružio: 23 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 1267

mean_machine ::
Dakle kada se to uzme u obzir dobar deo vidnog polja je ipak izvan projekcije. Problem je sto kompanije vole da se hvale pa zbog toga ljudi sticu utisak da je u pitanju nekakav virtuelni sistem ko u igricama. Pa to onda naratori podgrejavaju a prikazuju se snimci kamera a ne kako pilot stvarno nesto vidi Wink

Pa ja upravo sve vreme i pricam da je realnost jedno a fikcija drugo.
Cak i da ostvare to sto nameravaju, postoji onaj problem orijentacije u prostoru o kome sam govorio.
Naravno da oni reklamiraju "totalnu virtuelnu realnost".
Tekst koji si poslao je daleko realniji i nigde se ne pominje "pogled kroz pod", a ona projekcija slike do 50° po horizontali ili ona od 30x40 u stvari predstavlja binokularnu zonu ljudskog vidnog polja i to je za sada oblast koju eksploatisu.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102232

Arrow http://defensetech.org/2011/11/28/video-f-35c-launches-from-emals/

  • jazbar 
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
  • Poruke: 16143
  • Gde živiš: Lublana

Amerikanci koriste HMD na mornarićkim F-18.
Gledaj od 31:30 dalje

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102232

Napisano: 01 Dec 2011 16:52

USMC F-35B Training Likely To Begin in Aug. 2012

Citat:S. Marine Corps could start training new students to fly its F-35B short take-off vertical (STOVL) landing version of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) in August 2012, a senior Defense Department official said.

Arrow http://www.defensenews.com/story.php?i=8427352&c=AIR&s=TOP

Dopuna: 01 Dec 2011 17:05

^^Uz ovo,poleteo je i nov F-35B BF-8

  • Pridružio: 08 Sep 2005
  • Poruke: 5743

Iiii.... opet crne vesti za F-35:

Kresanje budžeta će najverovatnije pogoditi F-35.
Pentago kaže da treba da se smanji proizvodnja F-35:

(Reuters) - Production of Lockheed Martin Corp's F-35 joint strike fighter, the costliest arms purchase in history, should be slowed because of the potential number of (zabranjeno)s and "hot spots" turning up in fatigue testing and analysis, the Pentagon F-35 program director said.

"The analyzed hot spots that have arisen in the last 12 months or so in the program have surprised us at the amount of change and at the cost," U.S. Navy Vice Admiral David Zenlet said in an interview with Web-based publication AOL Defense.

The Pentagon program office confirmed the vice admiral's quotes on Friday.

"Most of them are little ones. But when you bundle them all up and package them, and look at where they are in the airplane and how hard they are to get at after you buy the jet, the cost burden of that is what sucks the wind out of your lungs," Zenlet added.

"I believe it's wise to sort of temper production for a while here, until we get some of these heavy years of learning under our belt and get that managed right," he said.

Lockheed did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Pentagon currently plans to buy more than 2,400 F-35 aircraft in three models, at a cost of more than $382 billion.

Lockheed, the Pentagon's No. 1 contractor by sales, has projected the F-35 would account for just over 20 percent of its profits when it hits full production.

The plane is currently in early production.

Usled otkrivenih nedostataka treba usporiti proizvodnju F-35

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102232

Fort Worth, Texas
Nov 2011

  • Pridružio: 02 Jan 2010
  • Poruke: 1462

Khaless ::Iiii.... opet crne vesti za F-35:

Kresanje budžeta će najverovatnije pogoditi F-35.
Pentago kaže da treba da se smanji proizvodnja F-35:

(Reuters) - Production of Lockheed Martin Corp's F-35 joint strike fighter, the costliest arms purchase in history, should be slowed because of the potential number of (zabranjeno)s and "hot spots" turning up in fatigue testing and analysis, the Pentagon F-35 program director said.

"The analyzed hot spots that have arisen in the last 12 months or so in the program have surprised us at the amount of change and at the cost," U.S. Navy Vice Admiral David Zenlet said in an interview with Web-based publication AOL Defense.

The Pentagon program office confirmed the vice admiral's quotes on Friday.

"Most of them are little ones. But when you bundle them all up and package them, and look at where they are in the airplane and how hard they are to get at after you buy the jet, the cost burden of that is what sucks the wind out of your lungs," Zenlet added.

"I believe it's wise to sort of temper production for a while here, until we get some of these heavy years of learning under our belt and get that managed right," he said.

Lockheed did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The Pentagon currently plans to buy more than 2,400 F-35 aircraft in three models, at a cost of more than $382 billion.

Lockheed, the Pentagon's No. 1 contractor by sales, has projected the F-35 would account for just over 20 percent of its profits when it hits full production.

The plane is currently in early production.

Usled otkrivenih nedostataka treba usporiti proizvodnju F-35

Истра прича као са Ф22 на крају ће бити да ће увести 300-500 Ф35 и ако буде толико биће добро.

  • Pridružio: 23 Nov 2010
  • Poruke: 102232

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