Poslao: 13 Feb 2013 18:29
- Erich Hartmann
- Ugledni građanin
- Pridružio: 27 Dec 2010
- Poruke: 358
Pre bih nazvao to evolucijom, nego revolucijom. I to pravom američkom - ima potencijala više nego prethodna generacija, ali se uprasio zbog junk food-a i koka kole, pa nije više nizašta.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 14 Feb 2013 05:02
- jazbar
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
- Poruke: 16142
- Gde živiš: Lublana
Leplenjem i presovanjem kompozitnih ploča dobili su pretežak konstrukcijski material pa im F-35C varianta koja je dodatno ojaćana iznosi 15 tona. Trebali bi ić u sasvim nov tehnološki dizajn i postići lakši avion za najmanje 2,5-3 t. Uz ostalu uštedu na težini pojedinih podpornih sistema, npr. podvozja, hidraulike, avionike, oružanih sistema... npr. koga vraga ti treba na avionu automatsko otvaranje i zatvaranje kanopija? Zašto toga nema Rafale. Zašto 25 mm gatling top umesto 20 mm ili Bk 27 mm...
Poslao: 14 Feb 2013 13:42
- Pridružio: 21 Jan 2012
- Poruke: 531
DocNet ::sremac983 ::сад ме интересује колко ће то крме да изађе на крају...100 милки, 200 милки или ко крептор преко 300 милки долара....
Vec je presao 100 milki po komadu. Pola drzava ce da odustane od projekta, mozda ce i skroz da propadne, mada bi bila ogromna steta, jer je avion revolucija.
Bila bi steta da propadne pa da Amerikanci ne uvedu u naoruzanje ovako los avion. Nadam se da bude sto skuplji i gluplji i da cini sto veci % snaga USAF.
Poslao: 14 Feb 2013 17:41
- Pridružio: 13 Jan 2013
- Poruke: 170
Je l' B verzija ima najvise problema? Kontam da A i ne moze da ima nekih Bog zna koliko problema posto nije VSTOL.
Poslao: 14 Feb 2013 19:11
- Leonardo
- Moderator u penziji
- Pridružio: 17 Maj 2007
- Poruke: 13918
B verzija najviše, a i veličina motora otežava njegov transport na nosač avina.
Neko je na nekoj od ranijih strana postavio LM-ovu procenu pada cena F-35. Ona se najverovatnije odnosi na A verziju kako će se proizvoditi u najviše primeraka. Cena C, a pogotovo B verzije ostaće preko 100 milki.
Poslao: 15 Feb 2013 10:37
- Cigi
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 2880
- Gde živiš: Novo mesto
Official: Italian Cut in JSF Order Would Reduce Workshare
Citat:ROME — As Italian politicians call for a reduction in Italy’s Joint Strike Fighter purchase, a senior Lockheed Martin official has warned that any cut in the order will mean a corresponding cut to Italy’s workshare on the program.
Currently, 27 Italian companies have signed 87 contracts to work on the JSF, said O’Bryan, totaling $459 million, which was projected to rise to $8.6 billion.
The totals, he said, were based on Italy maintaining its order of 90 aircraft.
“If they remain the same, it is those numbers,” he said. “The industrial plan needs to be proportional and concurrent with the buyer profile,” he added. “If Italy reduces its buy we would do a proportional and concurrent decrease.”
Kako to izgleda u praksi u vezi posla sa F-35. LM sam odlućuje kome će da posao. Svi budući kupci imaju ove probleme. Oni koji udustanu neće dobiti ništa.
Poslao: 15 Feb 2013 13:47
- jazbar
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 28 Dec 2009
- Poruke: 16142
- Gde živiš: Lublana
Pravo im bude idiotima što potpisuju takve ugovore na temelju kojih mogu Amerikanci pumpati troškove do neba bez represalija. Mislim da nema više budala koji će sa amerikancima u španoviju osim ako ne bude ugovor posve bezbedan, predvidiv i jasan.
Poslao: 15 Feb 2013 14:45
- Cigi
- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 05 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 2880
- Gde živiš: Novo mesto
Op-Ed: Buying US Weapons: Caveat Emptor Indeed
Citat:Britain’s problem is that it operates the AH-64D Longbow version of Apache, while the US Army is upgrading to the AH-64E Block III version. This means that “essential technical support for the British Apache fleet will be withdrawn from 2017,” as the Daily Telegraph reported Dec. 5, leaving Britain with the choice of either upgrading all or part of its Apaches to the new version, or retiring them after 2017 as they drift into early obsolescence.
Citat:Whether they realize it or not when they buy a US-made weapon, that is how the system works: US forces only support the weapons they operate, so it’s either keep up or drop out, and in this case either scrap your weapons or see them fade away into technical and operational irrelevance.
Citat:This is exactly the choice that buyers of the F-35 will have to make all along the aircraft’s estimated 50-year operating life.
Each time the US military decides a modification or upgrade to its F-35s, foreign customers will have to follow suit, at whatever cost Lockheed and the Pentagon decide, or else see their aircraft become obsolete as US technical support shifts to the newer version.
In fact, the situation will be infinitely more serious in the case of the F-35, as export customers will not have access to the aircraft’s source codes, nor to its more advanced maintenance methods and equipment, because all but the most basic maintenance will be carried out by Lockheed Martin in its own facilities in the United States.
Foreign operators of the F-35 will have to pay to play. But it is probable that European governments do not fully understand this consequence of buying into a major US program.
Tako to oni rade. Zato Turci traže kodove.
Citat:Furthermore, while the four European nations were able to upgrade their F-16s to Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU) standard by themselves, in Europe, they will not even be allowed to fully maintain their F-35s. That is the degree to which national sovereignty will erode with the F-35.
F-35 JSF Jet Does Not Fit In Revised Dutch Defence Strategy
Citat:The best option would be to see the Dutch armed forces as a ‘robust stabilisation force’. This means the Netherlands would not take part in the initial phases of an intervention, with a high level of violence, but would contribute to peace and stability operations.
In this scenario, the JSF and submarines would not be necessary, the institute says.
Mislim da jih neće uzeti.