stringer bell ::Reportaža o F-35 koja govori o njegovoj ranjivosti i problemima uzrokovane sofisticiranošću i preteranim oslanjanjem na kompjutere,tačnije ALIS sistem, koji upravlja celim avionom i predstavlja maltene vid veštačke inteligencije. Priv problem je što ALIS ''misli'' za sebe,pa se prilikom održavanja i korišćenja dešava da ALIS radi po svome,a ne ono što se od njega traži. Drugi problem je što je ceo sistem,sa sve serverima, još uvek ranjiv na hakere, što znači da je moguće onesposobiti ih samo putem kompjutera,s obzirom da ALIS ima mogućnost da ''odbije'' poletanje ako proceni da nešto ne valja.
Citat:Leave it to journalists to get it wrong.
ALIS = Autonomic Logistics Information System = a ground bound computer system used to assist maintenance crews when performing maintenance and by pilots to plan a mission. ALIS does not fly and is not part of the jet - its a piece of ground support equipment!
Citat:Lt. Col. Brent Reinhardt completes a 360-degree roll in F-35A AF-1 with a full weapon load during a test flight from Edwards AFB, California, on 10 January 2014. The photo is a composite of seventeen images taken during the 360-degree roll.
Jos jedna nova...
Citat:Two F-35B test aircraft execute a short takeoff in close formation for the first time on Feb. 12, 2014. The test flight took off from Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Md.
img by Lockheed Martin
i dve sa Singapore Airshow 2014
Dopuna: 21 Feb 2014 17:21
I dalje problemi.....
Citat:On-the-ground stress testing for the U.S. Marine Corps version of Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35 jet may be halted for as long as a year after (zabranjeno)s were found in the aircraft’s bulkheads, Pentagon officials said.
Testing of the fighter’s durability was stopped in late September after inspections turned up (zabranjeno)s in three of six bulkheads on a plane used for ground testing, said Joe DellaVedova, spokesman for the F-35 program office.
The previously undisclosed suspension of the stress testing may increase scrutiny of the Marine Corps’ F-35B, the most complex of the three versions of the plane, during congressional hearings on the Defense Department’s fiscal 2015 budget. The department plans to request funds for 34 F-35s, eight fewer than the 42 originally planned, according to officials. Six of those planes would be for the Marines.
висдом, огромне су паре у питању да се сад одустане од њега...отклања ће се проблеми у ходу колко то буду могли, али ће се он увести у наоружање и вероватно у много, много, мањем борју од најављених 1500...
Šta ti vredi da otklanjaš gomilu problema kada jednostavno osnovni dizajn ne valja, a evo sad "stručnjaci" pokušavaju da umesto titanijuma uguraju aluminijum na mestu koje trpi enormno opterećenje. To ti je isto kao kad bi cev topa napravio od aluminijuma i očekivao da će ostati čitava posle paljbe.
То стоји, али сад више нема назад... Пиере Спреј, дизајнер Ф16 и А10, рекоао пре пар година да је авион поптуни пормашај...изгледа да је човек био у праву..
Citat:On-the-ground stress testing for the U.S. Marine Corps version of Lockheed Martin Corp.’s F-35 jet may be halted for as long as a year after (zabranjeno)s were found in the aircraft’s bulkheads, Pentagon officials said.
Testing of the fighter’s durability was stopped in late September after inspections turned up (zabranjeno)s in three of six bulkheads on a plane used for ground testing, said Joe DellaVedova, spokesman for the F-35 program office.
The previously undisclosed suspension of the stress testing may increase scrutiny of the Marine Corps’ F-35B, the most complex of the three versions of the plane, during congressional hearings on the Defense Department’s fiscal 2015 budget. The department plans to request funds for 34 F-35s, eight fewer than the 42 originally planned, according to officials. Six of those planes would be for the Marines.
Wisdomseeker ::Šta ti vredi da otklanjaš gomilu problema kada jednostavno osnovni dizajn ne valja, a evo sad "stručnjaci" pokušavaju da umesto titanijuma uguraju aluminijum na mestu koje trpi enormno opterećenje. To ti je isto kao kad bi cev topa napravio od aluminijuma i očekivao da će ostati čitava posle paljbe.
To nije od juče, već gpdinama unazad.
То стоји, али сад више нема назад... Пиере Спреј, дизајнер Ф16 и А10, рекоао пре пар година да је авион поптуни пормашај...изгледа да је човек био у праву..