CheefCoach ::j-22orao ::lep po dizajnu,ali ovaj i f22 (familija) nikad nece nadmasiti svedjane.....Zanima me sta se toliko cimaju sa STOVL sistemima,kad na primeru harriera se moze primetiti (ili ja bar tako mislim) da je to bas neefikasna stvar???
Zbog ovoga:
Marinci na jedan taj brod mogu da nakrcaju bataljon pesadinaca i eskadrilu STVOL aviona, i da dejstvuju skoro nezavisno.
A to im je cilj.....
Pametno pametno jako pametno...
F-35 Engine Unit Costs Continue to Grow Even As Production Increases Citat:According to figures released in an April 27 report by the DoD Inspector General, the Pentagon paid an average of $31.8 million for each F-135 engine in Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP) Lot 2.
Four years later, in LRIP 6, the unit price was still $29.9 million, a drop on only 6 percent over four years, although the number of engines per year had more than doubled, from 16 to 38.
Closer examination of the DoDIG figures shows that, contrary to expectations, the LRIP 6 price is actually higher – by about 6% -- than those produced the previous year in LRIP Lot 5.
Malo gore, malo dole, malo gore..
Citat:In testimony before a subcommittee of the House armed Services Committee in March, JPO director Lt Gen Christopher Bogdan repeated that “the goal is to reduce the flyaway cost of the F-35A to between $80 and $85 million dollars by 2019.”
This looks unlikely, however, as average airframe costs currently exceed $200 million and if the engine alone costs $30 million.
Cena neće ići dole, pa ko hoće, neka ga ima.
Dokumentarni film u kojem je F35 opisan kao 'teg za papir od milijardu dolara'.
It's been billed as the smartest jet fighter on the planet, designed to strike enemies in the air and on the ground without being detected by radar. But after a decade of intensive development, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is over budget, a long way behind schedule and described by one expert as "big, fat and draggy".
Citat:The 56th Fighter Wing flagship F-35 Lightning II joint strike fighter arrived at Luke Air Force Base Tuesday. That aircraft is the base's 22nd F-35.
Kenguri trose....
RAAF Spends A$1.5Bn to Upgrade F-35 Base
Citat:Construction of the New Air Combat Capability Facilities at RAAF Base Williamtown has commenced.
The new facilities will support the introduction, operation and deployment of the F-35A Lightning II – Joint Strike Fighter.
Australia has committed to the acquisition of 72 F-35A aircraft, which will provide aircrew with a fifth generation aircraft at the forefront of air combat technology.
Prva zena na F-35
First female F-35 pilot begins training
Citat:The Department of Defense welcomed its first female F-35 Lightning II pilot here May 5.
Lt. Col. Christine Mau, 33rd Fighter Wing Operations Group deputy commander, completed her first training flight in the single-seat fifth-generation fighter following 14 virtual training missions in the full mission simulator at the F-35 Academic Training Center.
Sada sam naišao na ovaj detalj.
Izvinjavam se ako je bilo.
F-35A nema kočioni padobran pa će za norveške i kanadske avione biti dodan u aerodinamički oblikovanom kućištu na gornjoj strani trupa.
Ovo će dodatno poboljšati stelt i aerodinamičke karakteristike aviona